来自英国的Mystery Jets,组团之始由Henry Harrison(父亲担任贝斯手)、Blaine Harrison(儿子担任鼓手,然而在Blaine出生时,患有先天性疾病,造成下半身没知觉。三岁开始,Blaine动了五次大手术,尽管如此,却始终存有乐观生活态度),以及William Rees(吉他手)三人结合而成,数年把玩音乐岁月,Henry换为吉他手,陆续招募Kai Fish入替贝斯手一职与键盘手Tamara两位新任团员,Blaine则先顶替主唱工作。
着手开始录制EP同时,团员也出现小幅调动,Tamara离开乐团,Blaine从鼓手调任键盘手,找来好友Will顶入鼓手,但是这家伙却没太多实力可以玩乐团,时常要以电子鼓取代实鼓打击,最后从网络征招下,邀来Kapil Trivedi 成为Mystery Jets固定鼓手班底。2005年接连发行EP及单曲强力攻势下,创下三首进入英国金榜Top50之林中纪录。
The Syd Barrett-worshiping indie outfit Mystery Jets formed in the early '90s when the group's shock-headed frontman, Blaine Harrison, was only 12. The band was initially called the Misery Jets, in honor of the Heathrow-bound jets that habitually roared over their native Eel Pie Island, but they changed their name when Blaine (who, again, was very young at the time) misspelled "misery." The Mystery Jets were essentially a family project, with Blaine on drums, Blaine's dad, Henry Harrison, on bass, and Blaine's friend William Rees on guitar. Henry eventually switched from bass to guitar, Kai Fish joined up as the group's bassist, and Blaine switched from drums to keyboards. The group tried out a drum machine and a local kid named Max before finally latching onto drummer Kapil Trevedi. The Five Tracks EP, recorded soon after Trevedi joined the group, was released on 679 Records in 2005, and their first full-length album, Making Dens, was released the following year. Zoo Time, a collection of Making Dens tracks plus remixes and songs from 2006 EPs such as You Can't Fool Me Dennis and Diamonds in the Dark, was released by Dim Mak in spring 2007.