瑞典黑金属乐队Naglfar(原名“;Uninterred”;)于1992年由主唱Jens Rydén和贝斯手Kristoffer Olivius,在那个错综复杂的post-thrash时代打下根基。
吉他手Morgan Hansson和Andreas Nilsson的加入让他们迅速成军。Nocturnal Rites乐队的鼓手Ulf Andersson也曾帮过他们一段时间。但是1994年的demo《Stellae Trajectio》仍然全部采用估计录制。不过1995年他们首张专辑《Vittra》面市时,他们有了一位真正的鼓手——Mattias Holmgren。这张由Wrong Again Records公司发行的首张专辑获得大量好评。
1998年第二张专辑《Diabolical》(包括新鼓手Mattias Grahn)发行后,为了在当时的激烈竞争中脱颖而出,Naglfar开始着手自己的巡演,所以那一年晚些时候,他们借为美国死金劲旅Deicide乐队助演之机踏上了欧洲巡演旅程。接下来的五年,他们大部分时间花费在了参加各大音乐节和致敬合辑上。
由于长时间的停滞,2000年的时候Hansson被吉他手Marcus "Vargher" Norman (前Bewitched乐队)所取代。尽管经历了这些长期的挫折,他们还是在2002年的时候赢得了金属厂牌Century Media的一份新协议。随着一张EP《Ex-Inferis》打破了他们漫长的沉默之后,他们又相继推出了2003年的第三张专辑《Sheol》,2005年的《Pariah》,还有2007年的《Harvest》。
(翻译by安葬 原文在下)
by Ed Rivadavia
Originally named "Uninterred," Swedish black metal band Naglfar was started in 1992 by vocalist Jens Rydén and bassist Kristoffer Olivius, and has its roots in the era's convoluted post-thrash scene. They were soon joined by guitarists Morgan Hansson and Andreas Nilsson, and, for a time, Nocturnal Rites drummer Ulf Andersson also lent a hand, but 1994's Stellae Trajectio demo was eventually recorded with a drum machine. A human drummer, Mattias Holmgren, was in place by the time of 1995's Vittra debut album, which was released by Wrong Again Records to mostly positive reviews. Still, neither it, nor its belated follow-up, 1998's Diabolical (featuring new drummer Mattias Grahn), managed to stand out amid the stiff competition of the day, so Naglfar busied themselves with touring, embarking on a European tour supporting American deathsters Deicide later that year. The next half-decade was spent in flux: occasional major festival and tribute album appearances, punctuated by lengthy periods of inactivity. Hansson was replaced by guitarist Marcus "Vargher" Norman (ex-Bewitched) in the year 2000. Despite these chronic setbacks, Naglfar eventually struck a new deal with metal powerhouse Century Media in 2002, and after revving their long-silenced engines with that year's Ex Inferis EP, they finally delivered their third album, Sheol, in 2003. Pariah arrived in 2005, followed by Harvest in 2007.