来自瑞典的旋律速度金属乐团Nocturnal Rites原名为Necronomic,音乐风格深受前辈Iron Maiden和Judas Priest的影响,他们从90年代初期成军至今已有十多个年头,处女作”;In A Time Of Blood And Fire”;发表于95年,第二作”;Tales Of Mystery and Imagination”;发表于97年第三作”;The Sacred Talisman”;于99年推出,第四作”;Afterlife”;于00年发行、第五作”;Shadowland”;于02年发行,04年发行第六作”;New World Messiah”;,之后Nocturnal Rites与德意志热血金属乐团Edguy联合搭档在欧洲地区展开为期六周的巡回演出,风靡无数乐迷。 2005 年他们将最早的两张专辑合而为一再次发行取名为 ”;Lost In Time”;。 2005年他们将最早的两张专辑合而为一再次发行取名为”;Lost In Time”;。 06年初最新大碟 ”;Grand Illusion”;发行。 06年初最新大碟”;Grand Illusion”;发行。
Fools Never Die 以中版进行,愚人坚定的信念获得永生,就像愚公移山的精神,有志者事竟成。 Fools Never Die以中版进行,愚人坚定的信念获得永生,就像愚公移山的精神,有志者事竟成。 Never Trust 以高分贝进行,描写人世之间的猜疑和妒忌。 Never Trust以高分贝进行,描写人世之间的猜疑和妒忌。 Still Alive 全曲充满旋律感,高亢有力的歌声叙述老兵不死、精神长存,精湛的吉他独奏四处游走。 Still Alive全曲充满旋律感,高亢有力的歌声叙述老兵不死、精神长存,精湛的吉他独奏四处游走。 Something Undefined 是首相当激昂的歌曲,简洁有力生动带劲。 Something Undefined是首相当激昂的歌曲,简洁有力生动带劲。 Our Wasted Days 急速进行,逝去的时光仅能回忆难以挽回。 Our Wasted Days急速进行,逝去的时光仅能回忆难以挽回。 Cuts Like A Knife 邀请到键盘手Jens Johansson (Stratovarius)、吉他手Henrik Danhage (Evergrey)、黑腔主唱 Kristoffer W. Olivius (Naglfar) 等多位金属乐界名人客串演出,可说是精彩至极。 Cuts Like A Knife邀请到键盘手Jens Johansson (Stratovarius)、吉他手Henrik Danhage (Evergrey)、黑腔主唱Kristoffer W. Olivius (Naglfar)等多位金属乐界名人客串演出,可说是精彩至极。 End Of Our Rope 幽扬的魔音琴声响起,描写人生就像走钢索,必须处处谨慎。 End Of Our Rope幽扬的魔音琴声响起,描写人生就像走钢索,必须处处谨慎。 Never Ending 强劲有力,永恒的故事就像长江的水一般源源不断,取之不尽。 Never Ending强劲有力,永恒的故事就像长江的水一般源源不断,取之不尽。 One By One 以双吉他、双大鼓、华丽键盘衬托出磅礡的音乐气势。 One By One以双吉他、双大鼓、华丽键盘衬托出磅礡的音乐气势。 Deliverance 充满了旋律性的乐音,释放解救无数的灵魂。 Deliverance充满了旋律性的乐音,释放解救无数的灵魂。 Fade Away 和 Under The Ice 这两首特别收录曲也相当的热血奔腾。 Fade Away和Under The Ice这两首特别收录曲也相当的热血奔腾。
Nocturnal Rites 这几年曾经和Nevermore 、Overkill、Angel Dust、 Hammerfall 、Iron Savior 一起在欧洲和日本巡演,并参加 Dynamo、Wacken Open Air、Sweden Rock、Gates Of Metal 等欧洲重大金属音乐节的演出,他们跟随著 Stratovarius、 Labyrinth 、 Vision Divine 、 Sonata Arctica的步伐,已经逐渐迈向成奶孛禲A挤身於一线金属乐团名流之中。 Nocturnal Rites这几年曾经和Nevermore 、Overkill、Angel Dust、 Hammerfall 、Iron Savior一起在欧洲和日本巡演,并参加Dynamo、Wacken Open Air、Sweden Rock、Gates Of Metal等欧洲重大金属音乐节的演出,他们跟随着Stratovarius、 Labyrinth 、 Vision Divine 、 Sonata Arctica的步伐,已经逐渐迈向挤身于一线金属乐团名流之中
Nocturnal Rites began life as the Swedish death metal outfit Necronomic, which released a demo tape entitled The Obscure in 1991. Gradually, as the band members realized they would prefer to play more melodic strains of metal they had enjoyed growing up — British and Gothic metal bands like Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Helloween — their own style shifted towards that retro direction, and Nocturnal Rites was born. The original lineup included vocalist/guitarist Fredrik Mannberg, rhythm guitarist Mikael Söderstrom, bassist Nils Eriksson, and drummer Tommy Eriksson; Tommy Eriksson left quickly and was replaced by Ulf Andersson, and in 1993, after a demo tape in their new style attracted some interest, Mannberg abdicated vocal duties to concentrate on lead guitar and make way for singer Anders Zackrisson. This lineup recorded In a Time of Blood and Fire in 1995 for the Megarocks label; poor distribution, however, led the band to seek greener pastures. Söderstrom left the band at that point and was replaced in 1996 by Nils Norberg, a good enough guitarist to share lead duties with Mannberg. Andersson was forced to leave the band in the summer of 1998 due to a leg injury, and was replaced by Ove Lingvall. The groups sophomore album, Tales of Mystery and Imagination, was issued in 1998 by Century Media; The Sacred Talisman followed a year later, featuring keyboardist Mattias Bernhardsson. 2000 found the band with a new lead vocalist, Jonny Lindkvist, who debuted that year on the Riot/Rainbow-influenced Afterlife.