芬兰并非传统厄运金属滋生的土壤,但却在十多年前诞生了Reverend Bizarre,传统厄运的精灵,十多年间从未让人失望过,无论何种作品都受到一面倒的赞誉!
Reverend Bizarre于1994年成立于芬兰南部的工业小城Lohja。在当时很少有乐队做此类风格,他们可以说是第一个完全传统派的厄运的金属乐队,用自己对传统厄运的热情一直坚持做音乐倒今天,并赢得了无数掌声。2002年,乐队发行了第一张正式专集《In the Rectory of the Bizarre Reverend》,被人们称为“;抓住sabbath精髓的继承人”;。他们的出现推动了整个芬兰,乃至北欧的传统厄运金属风潮。
by Ed Rivadavia
Inspired by the likes of Saint Vitus and Cathedral, Finnish doom metal band Reverend Bizzare was founded in 1994, in the southern industrial town of Lohja by vocalist and bassist Albert Witchfinder. Peter Vicar soon joined on guitar and the splendidly named Earl of Void had taken over on drums by the time of 1999's aptly named Slice of Doom demo. After taking part in the Doom Shall Rise tour in the winter of 2002, the band cut its celebrated first album, In the Rectory of the Bizzare Reverend. Subsequently signed to Finnish powerhouse Spikefarm, Reverend Bizzare unleashed the sophomore Harbinger of Metal in early 2004.