Rivers Cuomo
吉他谱: 3 粉丝: 1

Rivers Cuomo(戴眼镜的那位):Weezer的主唱/主音吉他/作词/作曲,简单的说Rivers Cuomo就等于是Weezer。纽约出生,在康奈迪克嬉皮聚集地长大,Rivers是他的真名(他还有个弟弟叫leaves)。他从小就对重金属非常感兴趣,Kiss是他的最爱。高中的时候, Rivers和朋友组了一个叫Avant Garde的乐队。高中毕业,他借口学吉他,跑到洛山基,之后没多久,Avant Garde就解散了。 Rivers通过在唱片店工作的同事,认识了Pat Wilson(鼓手), Matt Sharp(贝斯,已经离队),和Jason Cropper,四个人在92年情人节那天组成了Weezer,乐队的第一场正式表演是为Keanu Reeves(the Matrix)的乐队Dogstar暖场。 Weezer很快与DGC(Geffen)签了约,在94年推出了第一张同名专辑Weezer。在录制专辑期间,Jason Cropper离开了乐队,原因不详,他的位置(吉他,伴唱)由Brian Bell接替。Rivers在Weezer(1994)的大获成功之后,决定去哈佛深造(文学学士,如果我没记错的话),并且做了右肢矫正手术(他的双腿先天性长短不一)。手术后,寂寞苦闹之余,加上对普契尼(蝴蝶夫人)的热爱,他创作出了 Pinkerton这张专辑。不幸的是,Pinkerton在销量上一败涂地。Rivers于是索性退了学,专心志致地躲在家里,决心要找出一条写出“;完美”; 歌曲的方法。Matt Sharp因为对Rivers独揽创作大权的不满,加上自己的乐队the Rental当时颇有进展,退出了Weezer。在97到99年之间,Weezer解散,Rivers精神有问题,Rivers出车祸,当场毕命之类的谣言接踵不断。00年,Weezer重振其鼓,增加了贝斯手Mikey Welsh,推出Weezer(2001),达到白金销量。从02年起,Rivers开始担任乐队的经理人,但他与乐队成员的关系日渐恶化。01年,Welsh因为毒品的问题,被踢出乐队,Scott Shriner接替了他的位置。04年,Rivers辞去了经理人的职务,专心搞音乐,并且重新回到哈佛,与此同时,他对打坐静思产生了极大的兴趣。
The singer/guitarist/songwriter of Weezer, Rivers Cuomo was born June 13, 1970, and grew up in Connecticut. Intrigued by both the sounds of heavy metal (Kiss, Van Halen) and hook-heavy punk-pop (the Pixies), Cuomo moved to Los Angeles in 1989 alongside his bandmates in the progressive metal outfit Avant Garde. The group disbanded one year later, however, and Cuomo dabbled in several other projects before forming Weezer in 1992. The original lineup consisted of Cuomo, guitarist Jason Cropper, bassist Matt Sharp, and drummer Pat Wilson.

After playing L.A. clubs for over a year, the quartet was signed to Geffen, but Cropper quit abruptly around this time (reappearing later in the '90s with Chopper One). Cropper's replacement was Brian Bell, formerly of Carnival Art, and the revised band recorded their debut at Electric Lady Studios with Ric Ocasek serving as producer. As most Weezer fans know, their 1994 self-titled debut was a smash hit on the strength of the hit singles/videos "Undone (The Sweater Song)," "Buddy Holly," and "Say It Ain't So." The breakup of Nirvana had left a gaping hole in the power pop-punk genre, and Weezer released their debut just at the right time. After the yearlong tour wrapped up, Cuomo retreated from the music world and began studying at Harvard; he also grew a beard to protect his anonymity and had surgery on his leg (when he was born, one leg was shorter than the other), which resulted in Cuomo having to wear a leg brace for some time.

Weezer returned with the darker Pinkerton in 1996, having scrapped their previous plans to record a space-themed rock opera as their sophomore album. Cuomo wrote the album's ten tracks while studying at Harvard, drawing upon such themes as groupies, fan mail, lesbians, and Japanese women. While the album didn't yield any hit singles, fans treasured it as a stronger release than the band's debut. Nevertheless, Weezer once again went on hiatus following Pinkerton's supportive tour, and bassist Sharp permanently left the lineup to devote more time to his other band, the Rentals (Sharp was later replaced by Bostonian Mikey Welsh). With little news coming from the Weezer camp by the dawn of the 21st century, many assumed the band had broken up. Cuomo gave a few surprise solo shows in Boston during 1999, however, and announced the following year that a third Weezer release was forthcoming.

The release did not see the light of day until 2001, as Cuomo was waiting for braces to come off his teeth before recording would commence. Known as The Green Album, the record spawned the hit singles "Hash Pipe" and "Island in the Sun." 2002's Maladroit did not fare as well, but Weezer returned to hitmaking status with 2005's Make Believe, which earned the band a Grammy nomination for the song "Beverly Hills." The album's content was partially inspired by Cuomo's discovery of meditation, which he had practiced intensely during the three previous years. Cuomo had also been recording homemade demos since the band's inception in 1992, and he gathered 18 of them for a 2007 solo compilation, Alone: The Home Recordings of Rivers Cuomo.

Rivers Cuomo的吉他谱

I Was Made For You
3685058040 1907 0 9
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Longtime Sunshine
3685058040 1485 0 5
GTP谱 钢琴 贝司
My Day Is Coming
3685058040 1181 0 4
GTP谱 钢琴