Shania Twain
吉他谱: 15 粉丝: 4
从 1995 年让她一炮而红的《The Woman in Me》开始,Shania Twain 只在 1997年推出过另一张专辑《Come On Over》,在热门专辑榜上停留了将近两年之久,而且仍然在前 20 名内。光是在美国,《Come On Over》的销售数字早已超过了 9百万张。

    才貌双全的 Twain,曾经有着相当坎坷的年轻岁月。 1965 年 8 月 28日,她出生于加拿大的安大略省,有着爱尔兰和法裔加拿大人的血统, 她的生父在她两岁时就拋弃了家人,后来母亲改嫁,她才跟着继父改姓 Twain。 母亲发觉了她的音乐才华后,开始积极的行动,为她争取任何可以公开演唱的机会。

    1987 年,她的母亲和继父双双在车祸中丧生,使得她不得不一肩扛起照顾三个未成年弟妹的责任。 她在一家大型的度假旅馆找到了一份表演的工作, 除了得到足以养家的薪水外,更让她接触到了各种各样的音乐。

    1991 年,一位在纳许维尔娱乐界工作的律师,应她一位好友的邀请, 前往旅馆观赏她的演出,留下了深刻的印象,于是为她争取到 Mercury唱片公司的合约。

    不久, 她接到一个仰慕者的电话,那是一位摇滚乐的制作人,曾经为 AC / DC、Def Leppard、Foreigners 和 Bryan Adams 等担任过制作的 Lange。在电话中,Lange表示了自己对她歌喉和创作才华的激赏和信心, 也给了她很大的鼓励。两人相约见面,可说是一见钟情,并且开始合作谱曲, 同年年底,他们就结为夫妻。接着,他们云游四方, 足迹遍及美国、加拿大、英国、西班牙、意大利和加勒比海地区,共同写下了许多歌曲。

    1995 年元月,专辑《The Woman in Me》推出,首支单曲“;Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?”; 立刻打进乡村排行榜,专辑也跟着在 2 月上榜,很快的就成了金唱片。

    Twain 在《The Woman in Me》大获成功之后,并没有立即趁热推出新作, 反而花了将近整整三年的时间,才在 1997 年 10 月,发表了专辑《Come On Over》, 同时非常“;慷慨”;的一口气收录了全长将近整整 60 分钟的 16 首歌曲, 让望眼欲穿的歌迷们大为兴奋,果然再度造成轰动。 这张专辑让她在 1998 年和 1999 两年的葛莱美奖连续拿下“;年度最佳乡村女歌手”;的荣衔, 而告示牌音乐奖也选她为“;年度最佳女歌手”;、“;年度最佳 HOT 100单曲女歌手”;, 另外她的单曲“;You are Still The One”;更成为1998 年最畅销的乡村单曲。

    尽管已经成了超级巨星, 她仍然维持着平易近人的谦和态度,从来不掩饰自己寒微的出身, 对于成长过程中的历练,她始终抱持着感恩的心, 更庆幸自己在那些岁月里面的遭遇与感受,让她得以真正的成长, 也提供了丰富的创作素材。从小就进入演艺圈,使得她经常觉得很累, 但是她很懂得珍惜今天的一切,面对着无数喜爱她的歌迷,她不敢轻言休息, 继续兢兢业业的前进,而她的丈夫更不断的鼓励她。 他总是告诉她,“;不要轻言放慢脚步,因为你还年轻,如果你不继续努力工作, 你会无聊到死的”;。事实上,虽然她已经在演艺圈有了 20 多年的工作经验,真正成名也只不过短短的 5 年,她还有漫长的路要走。 而以她的才华和生活的态度,我们可以预期,至少在未来的 5年内,Shania Twain 将会持续成为注意的焦点,也将继续带给世人更多动人的新作。

Emerging in the mid-'90s, Shania Twain became the most popular country music artist since Garth Brooks. Skillfully fusing mainstream, AOR rock production with country-pop, Twain and her producer/husband, Robert John "Mutt" Lange, created a commercial juggernaut with her second album, The Woman in Me. The record became a multi-platinum phenomenon, peaking at number five on the pop charts and eventually selling over nine million copies in America alone. Twain might have sold a lot of records, but like other mega-selling acts before her, she earned few good reviews — most critics accused her of diluting country with bland, anthemic hard rock techniques and shamelessly selling her records with sexy videos. Fans ignored such complaints, mainly because her audience was comprised of many listeners who had grown accustomed to such marketing strategies by constant exposure to MTV. And Twain, in many ways, was the first country artist to fully exploit MTV's style. She created a sexy, video-oriented image — she didn't even tour during the year when The Woman in Me was on the top of the country charts — that appealed not only to the country audience, but also to pop fans. In turn, she became a country music phenomenon.

Twain was born in Windsor, Ontario, and raised in the small, rural town of Timmins, Ontario. As a child, she learned to play guitar at an early age and would spend much of her time singing, writing, and playing. Early on in her musical development, her parents pushed her on-stage, making her perform frequently around their little town; often, she would be pulled out of bed around one in the morning to sing at local bars, since as a child she could only appear in the clubs after they had stopped serving alcohol. In addition to bars, she sang on local radio and television stations and community events. When she was 21 years old, both of her parents died in a car crash, forcing her to take responsibility for her four siblings. In order to pay the bills and keep food on the table, she took a job singing at a resort in Deerhurst. With the money she earned at the resort, she bought a house and had the family settle down.

At the resort, she sang show tunes, from George Gershwin to Andrew Lloyd Webber, as well as a little country. Twain stayed there for three years, at the end of which all of her siblings had begun lives of their own. When she was finally independent again, she assembled a demo tape of her songs, and her manager set up a showcase concert in Canada. Twain caught the attention of a few insiders with the concert, and within a few months Mercury Nashville had signed her to their roster. Her eponymous debut album was released in 1993, and although it wasn't a major hit, it performed respectably in the United States, launching two minor hit singles, "What Made You Say That" and "Dance with the One That Brought You"; in Europe, the album was more successful and Country Music Television Europe named her Rising Video Star of the Year.

Shortly after the release of Shania Twain, the singer met and fell in love with Robert John "Mutt" Lange, a hard rock producer known for his work with AC/DC, Def Leppard, Foreigner, and the Cars. Lange had been wanting to move into country music for a while, and after hearing Twain's debut album, he decided to get in contact with her with the intention of working on an album. By the end of the year, the pair had married and begun working on her second record. The two either wrote or co-wrote the material that eventually formed The Woman in Me.

The Woman in Me was released in the spring of 1995. Its first single, "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?," went to number 11 early in the year, quickly followed by "Any Man of Mine," which became her first number one single in the spring. The album's title track went to number 14 in the fall, while the fourth single, "(If You're Not in It for Love) I'm Outta Here!," rocketed to number one toward the end of the year; early in 1996 "No One Needs to Know" became her third number one hit. By the beginning of 1996, The Woman in Me had sold over six million copies and broken the record for the most weeks spent at number one on the country charts. During the course of 1996, it would rack another three million in sales. Come on Over followed in 1997. She spent the next two years touring the globe in support of the album; by the end of 1999, Come on Over had sold 36 million copies.

Twain took a sabbatical and returned to her Swiss home for some down time with her husband. The next summer, she and Lange welcomed their first child. A son, whom they named Eja, arrived August 21, 2001. During this time, Twain brainstormed for a fourth album. While balancing a domestic life and a career, the end result was Up!, which appeared in November 2002.

Up! was released to considerable fanfare - not only was it accompanied by a huge publicity blitz but it appeared in three different mixes, designed to appeal to country, pop and international audiences - and it initially was a big success, selling over 870,000 copies in the US upon its first week and debuting at number one in the Billboard charts, but despite such hits as “;I'm Gonna Getcha Good!”; and “;Forever and For Always,”; it failed to have the same kind of staying power as The Woman In Me or Come On Over. Those two albums sold over 10 million copies a piece in the US, whereas Up! sold 5.5 million — an impressive number that only pales when compared to her track record. As Up! worked its way down the charts, Shania released a Greatest Hits album in the holiday season of 2004; the compilation was a great success, going triple platinum in the US, where it peaked at number two on the Billboard charts. In the wake of Greatest Hits, Twain spent the next few years quietly, working on several non-music related projects and appearing only on soundtracks. As of 2007, she was still working on her follow-up to Up!.

Shania Twain的吉他谱

You're Still The One(精编乡村版)【欧美金曲】
生产队 910 0 2023-2-27
From This Moment
奔放的雨天 1212 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
That Dont Impress Me Much
奔放的雨天 1111 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 民谣吉他 鼓 贝司
Youre Still The One
茗簰娚 2463 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Dont Be Stupid
武士K 2145 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
From This Moment
武士K 2869 0 9
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 钢琴 鼓
Im Gonna Getcha Good
武士K 4063 0 16
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司
Im Gonna Getcha Good
武士K 8237 0 16
GTP谱 贝司 电吉他 鼓 民谣吉他
Man I Feel Like A Woman
武士K 2133 0 10
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓 古典吉他
Man I Feel Like A Woman
武士K 1943 0 6
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司 民谣吉他
Rock This Country
武士K 2151 0 4
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
That Dont Impress Me Much
武士K 2112 0 6
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
That Dont Impress Me Much
武士K 1537 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 民谣吉他 贝司 鼓
武士K 2375 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Youre Still The One
武士K 1885 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他