Shape of Despair
吉他谱: 6 粉丝: 1
芬兰从来不缺少牛X乐队,芬兰大牌葬礼厄运金属乐队Shape Of Despair,成立于95年,也算是一支老牌乐队了。从04年到现在都没有发过新专辑。

大家如果去MA上查查乐队资料就可以发现,这张的一支乐队是被“;Finntroll、Amorphis、Thy serpent、Rapture”;这样的乐队缴合而成的,特别是Rapture,基本上就像是被挖过来了一样。最早给我留下印象的就是男主唱那低沉的附有粘性的嗓音,就是那葬礼上哀鸣,就是那地狱里来的嘶吼,如果不是那粘稠的RIFF和缓慢的旋律,让真的让人觉得是死金一样。就在这种想法在脑中升起之时,那如圣母般的天籁女声的传出,与困兽的嘶吼交相呼应,不过这显然没有《Beauty And The Beast》那般美好,即使背后悠扬的笛声让人有了些许舒缓。RIFF的音色慢慢升高,如果你从这时听起,像极了缓速的哥特,可是当那不断重复重负再重复的旋律响起,心情开始烦闷,便有种撕裂一切的冲动,眼前仿佛出现了带着毒液的绿色蔓藤,缠绕着,扭曲着,越来越紧,呼吸困难。这首歌的名字叫《Shadowed Dreams》来自2000年专辑《Shades Of》。

时间跳转到2001年,专辑《Angels Of Distress》,那种粘稠的RIFF竟然几乎消失了?首曲《Fallen》中还带点,不过着实弱了很多从第二首开始就几乎消失了,但是旋律更加好听了,不单单是那种粗糙低沉了,高音慢慢多了起来,第三曲《Quiet These Paintings Are》的开头用的钢琴点缀实在是唯美,豁然开朗,这就是大雪覆盖了悲伤的感觉!。不过这乐队毕竟不是哥特,厄运缓缓而来,还是那种拖沓般的旋律,反复中却让人觉得音色棒了不少。听下去发现这张专辑里钢琴的比例有不少,个人一直认为金属太纯了不好听,所以个人觉得这张专辑比上一张好听许多,甚至是三张里面最好的一张!也许是听不下去那冗长粘性的RIFF吧。

时隔三年,第三张专辑《Illusion's Play》(对于这张专辑的名字,让我们发挥充分的想象力吧!!!)出炉,开场《Sleep Mirrored》还是大气,不过没有人声的6分钟Intro着实让人烦躁。终于听完了不错旋律的开场白,第二首《Still Motion》中,那低沉RIFF加天籁女声的搭配冲耳而来,这张不能让人挣脱的厚感再次袭来,诗性般的歌词让人有灵魂出壳的危险,正当沉溺其中之时,音乐却突然跳出来了,后面长达7分钟的唯美诗篇,只有美妙的音乐不断地回响,悠扬轻灵仿佛不似厄运一般…;…;这张专辑男声的低吼的比重着实减少了,乐队更突出的是一种氛围般的厄运,压得让人喘不过气来的不只有人的声音而已,而且仿佛有意“;调戏”;听者一样,低吼的感觉刚入味,却让人强行跳出来,给你一段旋律过渡,你又入味,低吼再次袭来,反反复复如无尽的轮回。总的来说,这张旋律性比上一张稍差,主题也不是那么鲜明,不过仍是一张不错的厄运专辑。


by Ed Rivadavia
Originally conceived by guitarists T.U. (rhythm) and J.S. (lead) in 1995, Finland's Shape of Despair combined the doom/death sound of early-'90s pioneers like Paradise Lost and Anathema with the synthesizer-laced, panoramic goth metal popularized in the late '90s by Tiamat and Moonspell. Initially calling themselves Raven, the group remained a sporadic project at best, slowly composing material over the next few years, which they would eventually assemble into a long-form demo by 1998. In order to avoid being confused with New Wave of British Heavy Metal stars Raven, they also adopted the Shape of Despair name at this time. Featuring "clean" female vocals from N.S. and growling courtesy of Azhemin (on loan from Thy Serpent), the tape attracted Spinefarm Records, which promptly signed the band and returned them to Helsinki's Hellhole studios, where they re-recorded the material with sometime drummer, now vocalist T.M. and new skinsman S.R. Released with the title Shades of..., it confirmed the group's standing as one of their country's more promising new acts and led to a deal with America's Relapse Records. Boasting guest vocals from none other than Amorphis legend Pasi Koskinen and additional sonic coloring from violinist Toni Raehalme; the resulting Angels of Distress was released in 2001.

Shape of Despair的吉他谱

Descending Inner Night
htaoooo 1010 0 10
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 鼓
Angels Of Distress
mpz220 2424 0 8
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
吕向东 2424 0 8
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
zhuto99 1525 0 9
GTP谱 钢琴 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Angels Of Distress
winight 1792 0 4
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Nights Dew
winight 1692 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他 钢琴 鼓