吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1
乐队主唱Ambrosia Parsley,她的声音很沙哑,很性感,矫揉的得不做作很有Gwen的感觉!
想必您看过《杀死比尔2》,从女主角乌玛·瑟曼的复仇宣言开始,昆汀为我们引荐了Shivaree慵懒的另类流行曲。当然昆汀的“;引荐”;只是一个楔子,你要是找来Shivaree的专辑,会发现一些更好听的曲子,只是这首Goodnight Moon更适合影片而已。

第三张专辑《Who’s Got Trouble?》和主打单曲的灵感来自1942年迈克尔·柯蒂兹导演、英格丽·褒曼和亨弗莱·鲍嘉主演的经典名作《卡萨布兰卡》,点题歌《NewCasablanca》的音乐录影带是泛黄的黑白电影的调子,Ambrosia Parsley的眼神放肆而忧郁,听她懒懒地唱出“;Who’s gottrouble?/We’vegottrouble/Goaheadmakemineadouble”;时,你会决定,既然一生早晚会惹上麻烦,就先拿下值得的一个。专辑描述谎言、逃脱、痛苦和欢宴。颗粒粗大沙尘滚滚的吉他带出《I Close My Eyes》,让现实在眼前遁形,她的声音柔软而倔强,多年前我超爱的Chris Isaak的《Wicked Game》,竟在这里听到回声;雾霭弥漫的《Losti n a Dream》让那些刻意的爵士显得无比矫情,不单纯是在梦里的迷失,过度的专注也是把你牢牢钉在原地的危险,这首歌听着孤单极了;短暂简约的钢琴被吉他毫无商量地插手,《LittleBlackMess》滑开了优美却又郁涩的舞步;《It Got All Black》这首淡化的乡谣,提示日子不可或缺的普通细节;《I Will Go Quietly》放在专辑的最后也是很有心思,Ambrosia Parsley的演唱和熟悉的琴声似乎都是回到母土的幼时,然而平静里满是创痛,却又分明不见来时路。

专辑的制作人Victor VanVugt制作过Nick Cave和Beth Orton的专辑,倒是后者的新电子民谣在这张作品里完全没有踪迹。Shivaree的第三张录音室专辑和上张完全不同路,怀旧而不清淡,保持的是来自音乐的刺激和智慧。这次Ambrosia Parsley似乎是个怀揣古老心结的都会女子,下次又是从什么方向引动欲望,从一数到十,没有答案。

by Tom Demalon
Taking their name from a word meaning a drunken serenade, the trio Shivaree is led fronted by Ambrosia Parsley. Born in the San Fernando Valley and inspired by her grandmother, who would play ukulele around town, Parsleys first gig was singing with a 99-piece senior citizen banjo band at a local pizza place. At the age of 13, she left home, traveling the country and pursuing her love of music. She met guitarist Duke McVinnie, who had worked with Exene Cervenka, Johnny Otis, and J.J. Cale at a recording studio where Parsley was tracking, and he began to work with her after making some suggestions. When keyboardist Danny McGough, who had toured with Tom Waits, heard Parsleys music at a party, he introduced himself, completing the trio, which was initially known as Junebug. With their name changed to Shivaree (Parsley came across the word in a Jesse James bio), they recorded a debut which was promptly discarded. Enlisting singer/songwriter Joe Henry as a producer, they recorded I Oughtta Give You a Shot in the Head for Making Me Live in This Dump in Henrys backyard. Released in 1999, the album was well received, with Parsleys striking looks and their quirky take on Americana and alt-country drawing comparisons ranging from Tom Waits to Cowboy Junkies to Billie Holiday. The band spent a lengthy stint on the road where Parsley, overcoming stage fright, captivated crowds, particularly in Europe, where they were drawing enthusiastic praise. Shivaree returned with Rough Dreams, which bowed on Capitol in September 2002. 2004 saw the release of an EP, Breach, featuring two originals as well as covers of songs by Brian Eno, the Waterboys, and John Cale. Later that same year, the group put out the full-length Whos Got Trouble? 2007 saw the release of Tainted Love: Mating Calls & Fight Songs, an all-covers album featuring Shivarees take on R. Kelly, Mötley Crüe, and even Michael Jackson.


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