吉他谱: 25 粉丝: 3
Children Of Bodom乐队键盘手珍妮瓦曼(Janne Warman)为芬兰首席金属键盘手,素有琴邪之称,在其俊俏的外表之下,亦弹得一手好琴,黑白琴键在其灵巧的双手舞弄之下变化万千,深厚的古典造诣融合巧妙的融入金属乐中,可说是唯妙唯俏。2000年第一张个人专辑”;Unknown Soldier”;获得好评,2002年乘胜追击推出第二张个人专辑”;Beyond Abilities”;,两张个人作品摇滚乐界均给予高度肯定。 Instruction诡异的曲式进行,宛如大战前的肃杀之气。The Evil That Warmen Do行云流水般的键盘琴声慷慨激昂,与吉他对位形成一首精采的演奏曲。Devil's Mistress请到Sinergy的女主唱Kimberly Goss担纲,美妙的歌声完美的诠释出撒旦的角色。Hopeless Optimism曲式诡异,飘渺虚幻的旋律传神的演奏出无情的绝望。Unknown Soldier以巴洛克风味进行,新古典的风味贯穿全曲,吉他和键盘相互搭映,无名英雄化为激昂的音符,可说是精采万分。Fire Within高吭的嗓音释放心中的怒火,撩人的歌声解放全身的欲火,Kimberly名不虚传。Warcry Of Salieri让我们彷佛回到巴洛克时期,骑士驾}御著白马,伴随著教皇奔腾在原野之上。Into The Oblivion全曲以速弹的方式进行,我们惊讶Janne Warman有如此深厚的键盘造诣。Piano Intro To是首古典钢琴演奏曲,充满著浪漫时期的风味,萧邦如果地下有知,也会拍案叫绝。Treasure Within以中板进行,魔音琴传神的描写出传说之中的珍宝。Soldiers Of Fortune十指游走在黑白琴键上,搭配著交响化的管弦乐伴奏,谱出生命斗士的乐章。
  Janne Warman堪称为当今重金属乐坛上一大奇葩,他被票选为芬兰最佳键盘手,绝对当之无愧。

Born in the town of Espoo, Finland, Janne Wirman began playing the piano at the age of five. For most of his early life he focused his style on jazz, switching his main interest to heavy metal music once he joined the metal band Children of Bodom in 1997.

He graduated from the Helsinki Pop & Jazz Conservatory at the age of sixteen and was subsequently invited by Jaska Raatikainen to join Children of Bodom, due to their previous keyboardist - Jani Pirisjoki - being fired from the band. Janne was the deciding factor for them to truly begin their professional career. Not only did he bring his talent to the band, but after some practice he also became able to play in perfect synchrony with lead guitarist Alexi Laiho. This synchrony can be better observed on their live performances, or on the Tokyo Warhearts album, on the tracks War of Razors and Downfall.

His primary influence is keyboardist Jens Johansson from Stratovarius (also played with guitar virtuoso Yngwie Malmsteen and Dio). He has adopted the habit of tilting his keyboard slightly on-stage from his idol.

In the year of 2000 Janne assembled progressive metal band Warmen as his main side-project. The band's second album - Beyond Abilities - counted with the presence of Janne's brother Antti Wirman.

On the same year, Jens Johansson was asked by heavy metal band Masterplan to play on their debut album, but since he was already busy with other projects, he recommended them to ask Janne instead. Thus, in early 2002, Janne took part in the recording of Masterplan's self-titled debut album. The band proceeded to invite him to join them permanently, but Wirman opted to continue playing with his friends from Children of Bodom. Masterplan released their album and gave credit to Janne's work on the CD's booklet. The band's keyboard player Axel Mackenrott - hired after Janne's refusal to enter the band - appeared on all of the promotional pictures, and was officially credited as Masterplan's keyboardist.

To record with Warmen, Janne built the Warmen Productions Studio (now named Beyond Abilities). This studio has also served for the recording of Kotipelto's keyboard tracks, part of Ensiferum's Iron album and Sinergy's fourth album.

Janne has a bad experience with sponsor deals. He had deals with both Roland Scandinavia and Korg in the past and was promised new equipment, but he never received anything. On the back of Warmen's second album it reads: "No Roland or Korg products were used".

Janne was originally just supposed to play a few shows with Children of Bodom, but they got to like Janne. On the Chaos Ridden Years documentary, Alexi says, "But it was the first time I saw the guy drunk, and thats when I knew he was the f***ing man." Although Janne stayed with the guys, he said he only felt like a real member of the band around the time of the recording of his second album with them.


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