吉他谱: 8 粉丝: 3
德国美声金属乐团Xandria成立于2000年,音乐风格充满了古典的哥德民谣风味,主要团员为主唱Lisa Schaphaus、吉他手/键盘手Marco Heubaum、吉他手Philip Restemeier、鼓手Gerit Lamm – Schlagzeug,2003年4月发表自行制作的首张迷你专辑”;Kill The Sun”;,受到乐坛好评及瞩目,之后加盟德国金属名厂Drakkar,于2004年5月发表以探讨情欲为主的第二张专辑"Ravenheart"。自由吉他手/鼓手 Marco 创立至今两年多一点的时间,Xandria 正以他们的首张大碟"kill thesun",行进于对公众目光的征服之路。这张由dirk riegrer创制的大碟,值得你付出的绝不仅是匆匆一瞥。若想在其中搜寻或绚丽或夸张的音效,完全是徒劳的。毕竟xandria并不是在拼命地急于给自己的音乐定性,而是在简练紧凑的制作同时,将计划表做了巧妙多样的安排,以便给予主唱最多的表意的空间。乐队的歌者,lisa,通过这张专集表明了,对于那些针对在歌特金属表演中的女性的另人迷惑的标准,她不试图去遵守,她的每一个声音都发自于乐音与自己感情的共鸣中。她那多变而完美的吟唱,即便称不上幽雅,但她与我们分享的是她内心真实的倾诉。时而是精灵般的轻灵美丽,时而又充斥暴躁与尖锐。但始终是注满激情的。
乐队的创立者,marco认为,"teearing down of the hard fa?ade"正恰如其分的表达了他从八十年代末期的死亡金属向如今更加复杂的黑色金属的进步,后者为如今乐队制作的核心。因此,除了在舞台表演要求下进行激情的表演,这支五人乐队从不热衷将体力浪费在其他任何形式的音乐活动中。处于最核心地位的是旋律,而有时歌声会比金属音效更使人成沉溺正是这一理论的明证。一旦你承认了流行与商业化间并没有紧密不可分的必要,你将发现跨越这广阔领域的赢家只能有一个:一首好歌。他也许会不自觉的将Xandria与 Germany's answer to Lacuna Coil,Nightwish,After forever和Within Temptation相提并论,但这种比较对于完全不同的音乐质地来说,是不公平的。Xandria懂得如何同后现代主义带来得影响和平相处。精确的讲,乐队定义的尺度成为与因为他们复杂音乐产生的特定氛围与感情意义相同。引用成为音乐家们正当的媒体,拒绝在同时期歌特形式的文体目录中停步不前,而是有意识的使自己适应音乐的范围。Aandria没有丝毫压抑的轻松引用,同时又参考于其他艺术家对他们自己音乐的创作过程,在抽象的器乐的鉴赏方面加以利用,正如他们已经做过的一样。在这种最初等级上推定“;Kill the sun”;的价值恐怕很不准确,毕竟乐队正处于他们音乐前进史的开端,无论如何,还有一件事仍然可以肯定,这张专辑是同期最令人愉快的一张处女碟之一!因为他抓住了现代歌特金属的本质精髓:优雅,富有感情,令人感动。

   现任主唱是 Manuela Kraller
Female-fronted symphonic/goth metal band Xandria broke into the German music mainstream in 2004 with their second album, Ravenheart. Though many argue that the band isn't genuinely metal, Xandria garnered a sizable following in Germany and a growing following internationally; in particular, the band's flair for exotic themes and Middle Eastern motifs contributed to its appeal, as did its English-language lyrics. Founded in Bielefeld, Germany, in 1997, Xandria are comprised of Lisa Middelhauve (vocals, piano), Marco Heubaum (guitar), Philip Restemeier (guitar), Nils Middelhauve (bass), and Gerit Lamm (drums). The band's recording history began with a self-titled demo in 1997, followed by a second demo, Kill the Sun, in 2000. Subsequently signed to Drakkar Records, a German metal label affiliated with Sony BMG, Xandria made their album debut with Kill the Sun in 2003. Produced by Dirk Riegner and recorded during winter 2002-2003, the album cracked the German Top 100 album chart, reaching number 98. Xandria's second album, Ravenheart (2004), proved their mainstream breakthrough. Produced by José Alvarez-Brill and recorded during winter 2003-2004, the album spawned a Top 100 hit single, "Eversleeping," and sold well enough to reach number 36 on the German album chart. Xandria's third album, India (2005), was also produced by José Alvarez-Brill and charted slightly better than its predecessor, peaking at number 30. Salomé — The Seventh Veil (2006), Xandria's fourth album, marked a change in direction for the band. Produced by bandmember Marco Heubaum, the album was thematically based loosely upon Salomé, the seductive daughter of Herodias who is mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible in connection with the death of John the Baptist. Salomé was less successful than its two predecessors — just barely breaking into the Top 50, at number 49, and spawning no charting hits, though a video was filmed for the single "Save My Life" — and somewhat polarizing because of the band's change in direction.


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