In a metal scene overrun by copycats and flavors-of-the-month, very few bands ever manage (or even try) to stray from their influences as they make short careers out of referencing the ones that came before them. Bloodstained Memory, formed in 2006 isn't one of these bands. With songs cemented in melodic metal, colored in with dabs of hardcore and progressive music, the band blends melody and brutality in a never-before-heard union that is both complex and beautiful.
"Bloodstained Memory's debut LP, "Meet Your Maker" is a lethal combination of hooks and intensity that overtakes the band's collective influences and hits the listener with an auditory tidal wave of melody and brutality. Technical flourishes, soaring vocal melodies, and biting, spectacular guitar solos are but a few of Bloodstained Memory's ways of carrying an intense and positive message across in this Jeff Fortin produced (Neuraxis, The Last Felony) must-have of a metal album."