吉他谱: 4 粉丝: 2
扎根于加拿大蒙特利尔的BEAST SOUND乐队是以一种实验的方式开始的。   鼓手/作曲人Jean-Phi Goncalves 原本有着他自己的很前卫的电子风格乐队并且还是一位名望在外的制作人, 他邀请了多为知名艺人一起实验性的录制了一些音乐, 就这样, BEAST SOUND乐队诞生了。   在录制那些音乐的过程中, Jean-Phi Goncalves 回忆到, 那就像是一位科学家在寻找一种不知名的物质, 但是他只能不断的寻找直到找到为止, 就像是人们在寻找一只不存在的BEAST SOUND。   整个的录制过程用了两年时间, 那是一个充满了兴奋和灵感的一段时间。 2008年, BEAST SOUND乐队首次在蒙特利尔登台表演, 他们立即征服了观众, 并迅速成为了加拿大乐坛最为让人争相谈论的一支乐队。

by Jason Lymangrover
Montreal-based aggressive trip-hop group Beast formed in 2004 as a collaboration between vocalist Béatrice Bonifassi and DJ/composer/drummer Jean-Phi Goncalves. Before joining forces, both parties had performed for nearly two decades individually within the music industry: highlights of their sprawling résumés include Bonifassi's performance on The Triplettes de Belleville soundtrack and Goncalves' collaboration with Lauryn Hill while drumming with the band Plaster. The two first worked together on a project for the video game company Ubisoft in 2006. Realizing that they had a special chemistry and a shared fondness for the cinematic melancholy of bands like Portishead, they started work on a full-length album. Nearly two full years went into perfecting the record, and after signing to Pheramone, their self-titled album Beast was released in early 2009.


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