beverley craven出生於斯里兰卡, 幼年时回到英国,在严格的古典音乐教育下长大,她7岁学习钢琴,求学时深受Elton John、Kate Bush和Billy Joel的影响,使她对流行音乐产生浓厚兴趣。由于填词谱曲样样皆行,加上天生一副好噪音,终获Epic的亲睐,在1989年加盟该旗下,开始朝歌坛进军。15岁录制单曲发行,歌曲创作方面深受著名女歌手凯特·布什的影响。1990年出版个人首张同名专辑“;beverley craven”;,展现出她独特的歌喉和卓越的创作才能。她的嗓音充满着张力和高贵感,在低吟浅唱中潜藏着内敛的激情,带着一缕飘渺的质感;大部分歌曲曲调平易抒情、轻灵理性,歌词更是简洁优雅,充满着诗意和哲思,配合上灵秀的钢琴和小提琴伴奏,别具特色。
在制作人Paul Samwell-Samwell-Smith的策划下,发行于1990年的同名处女作“;Beverley Craven”;不仅推出了“;Promise ME”;,、“;Holding On”;、“;Woman To Woman”;和“;Memories”;4首畅销单曲外,并一举获得英国Q亲志票选为1991年[最佳杰出艺人]殊荣,由此可知Beverley魅力可见一斑。
by Charles Donovan
Beverley Craven is an English singer/songwriter and pianist, specialising in orchestrated ballads that position her as a kind of easy-listening Kate Bush. Since 1990, she has recorded a handful of albums for Epic, and though each has sold less than its predecessor, she remains a popular live figure, her profile only dented by long lay-offs between recordings.
Craven (b. 28th July 1963, Colombo, Sri Lanka) grew up in Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire, England. Encouraged by her mother, a classical violinist, she took up piano at the age of seven. Upon leaving school, she attended art college, whilst performing with various bands in London pubs, and writing songs. When her compositions came to the attention of Bobby Womack, she was invited to tour Europe with him for several months as a backing vocalist. In the late 1980s she signed a publishing deal with Warner Chappell Music, followed by a recording contract with Epic. Sessions for her debut album were initially supervised by Simply Red producer Stewart Levine, but Craven considered the results too glibly commercial, and started from scratch with veteran Carly Simon producer Paul Samwell-Smith, a choice far more in keeping with her subdued, confessional songwriting. Following the astonishing success of her first single "Promise Me," now widely acclaimed as a contemporary standard, her self-titled debut album exploded throughout Europe. Intriguingly, when the Levine versions of such hits as "Holding On" and "Memories" appeared as b-sides, they were labelled, with obvious derision, as "west coast version". At the 1992 Brit awards, eight months pregnant with her first child, Craven took Best British Newcomer, performing to an enraptured audience. Since then, Craven's career has lost momentum. She has devoted time to her three daughters with songwriter husband Colin Campsie (whose work has appeared on albums by Natalie Imbruglia and Bewitched), and recorded only occasionally. Subsequent albums have not lived up to the commercial standard set by her debut, although she remains an intermittently active presence both on the lower reaches of the UK chart, and with the occasional concert hall gig.