吉他谱: 14 粉丝: 1


音乐风格 Blues-Rock, Hard Rock, Album Rock, England

Paul Rodgers             主唱兼吉他手
Andy Fraser              第一任贝司手(是非最多的家伙)
Paul Kossoff             吉他手(瘾君子)
John "Rabbit" Bundrick   键盘手
Simon Kirke              鼓手
Tetsu Yamauchi(日本籍) 第二任贝司手

      1968年,吉他手Kossoff在朋友的引见下认识了伦敦Brown Sugar乐队的主唱Paul Rodgers,于是他俩决定自己组建一支乐队并开始招募乐手。之后,他们结识了鼓手Simon Kirke和年仅16岁的杰出贝司手Andy Fraser(当时Andy Fraser还在John Mayall的乐队Bluesbreakers里担纲贝司手)。他们的一个支持者Alexis Korner建议乐队取名“Free”。这支初出茅庐的乐队同年签约Island唱片公司,并发行了他们的首张Bluesy唱片《Tons of Sobs 》。
      1969年乐队同名专辑《Free》发行。虽然这两张专辑的销量不佳,但1970年发行的专辑《Fire and Water》由于歌曲《All Right Now》的出现,给当时的乐坛造成巨大轰动。Rodgers那沙哑的带有穿透性的嗓音使单曲《All Right Now》荣登BillBoard年度最佳单曲排行榜第4位,该专辑也因此取得了位居BillBoard第17名的好成绩。
      在1970年的“怀特岛音乐节”之后,乐队开始走向超级明星的道路。然而好景不长,乐队于1971年发行的LP《Highway》并没有取得预期的效果,伴随着同年“Free Live”巡演的失败,乐队内部开始产生矛盾,相互的指责和争执使乐队暂时解散了。

      当主唱Rodgers继续创作专辑《Peace》的时候,Fraser找到主唱Toby、Kossoff和Kirke组队并和日本级贝司手Tetsu Yamauchi和键盘手John "Rabbit" Bundrick共同录制了专辑《Kossoff,Kirke,Tetsu& Rabbit》。当这张专辑被证实丝毫没有成功之处时,Free的原班人马又重新聚在一起于1972年出版了《Free at Last》,与此同时,毒品问题开始困扰乐队。Kossoff长期和毒品斗争直至情况恶化,不久Fraser又节外生枝地组建了乐队“Sharks”并录制了1973年的专辑《Heartbreaker》。深受毒品困扰的吉他手Kossoff被迫退出了乐队,至此,多灾多难的Free乐队再次解散了。
      Paul Rodgers和鼓手Simon Kirke组建了后来的“Bad Company”(倒霉公司)乐队。

by  Jason Ankeny
Famed for their perennial All Right Now, Free helped lay the foundations for the rise of hard rock, stripping the earthy sound of British blues down to its raw, minimalist core to pioneer a brand of proto-metal later popularized by 1970s superstars like Foreigner, Foghat and Bad Company. Free formed in London in 1968 when guitarist Paul Kossoff, then a member of the blues unit Black Cat Bones, was taken to see vocalist Paul Rodgers group Brown Sugar by a friend, drummer Tom Mautner. After deciding to form their own band, Kossoff and Rodgers recruited drummer Simon Kirke (since Mautner was at university) and 16-year-old bass phenom Andy Fraser from the ranks of John Mayalls Bluesbreakers; with the aid of Alexis Korner, who also suggested the name Free, the fledgling band signed to the Island label, issuing their bluesy debut Tons of Sobs in 1968.

Frees eponymous 1969 follow-up expanded on their roots-based sound, incorporating rockers like Albert Kings The Hunter as well as muscular ballads like Lying in the Sunshine into the mix. Although both of the first two albums fared poorly on the charts, 1970s Fire and Water became a tremendous hit on the strength of the primal All Right Now, a Top Five smash powered by Rodgers gritty, visceral vocals. After headlining 1970s Isle of Wight festival, the group appeared destined for superstardom, but the LP Highway did not fare nearly as well as anticipated, and after a grueling tour which yielded 1971s Free Live, the band dissolved amidst ego clashes and recriminations.

While Rodgers went on to form Peace and Fraser founded Toby, Kossoff and Kirke teamed with bassist Tetsu Yamauchi and keyboardist John Rabbit Bundrick to record the album Kossoff, Kirke, Tetsu and Rabbit. When none of these new projects proved successful, the original lineup of Free re-formed to record 1972s Free at Last, which launched the hit Little Bit of Love. However, drug problems nagged the group, as Kossoffs longtime battle with heroin continued to worsen; soon Fraser exited to form Sharks with Chris Spedding, leaving Rodgers and Kirke to record the majority of 1973s Heartbreaker while a drug-addled Kossoff watched from the sidelines. Soon, the group disbanded again, this time for good: while Rodgers and Kirke went on to found Bad Company, Kossoff formed Back Street Crawler before dying of a drug-induced heart attack on March 19, 1976.


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