The Human League
吉他谱: 4 粉丝: 2
The Human League的艺人档案

The Human League是一个在1977年成立于英国谢菲尔德的流行乐队。在80年代初乐队阵容发生重大变化后,受欢迎程度迅速提升。从整个80年代至今,他们一直在录音、表演,并取得巨大成功。

最初成立时,The Human League的成员全是男性。后来,成员发生巨大变动,唯一不变的乐队成员,是自1977年以来一直担当歌手和作曲人的Philip Oakey 。自1987年以来,Oakey、Joanne Catherall 和 Susan Ann Sulley(1980年加入)开始作为主要歌手 ,乐队还附有各种临时半临时的作曲人。The Human League影响了electro-pop、synthpop 以及其他主流风格的歌手的表演,其中包括麦当娜,Moby 和 Little Boots 。他们的风格取自各个歌手,包括YMO ,Ministry of Sound,Craig David,George Michael和 Robbie Williams。
自1978年以来,The Human League已经出了9张专辑,26首单曲(其中8首进入英国排行榜前10,2首名列英美排行第一),开了350多场演唱会。至今,The Human League在全球已售出约20万张唱片。


60年代初期,由披头所掀起的「英国入侵」狂潮,是很多资深乐迷们津津乐道的。不过,美国人仍然很「爱国」,到了70年代以后,英国艺人的作品就很难再打进美国市场了。这个情形,在80年代初期又有了变化,来自英国的「新浪潮」(New Wave),随着「人类联盟」(Human League)乐团的电子流行乐曲「Don't You Want Me」夺下美国排行冠军,再度出现了另外一次比较迷你的「英国入侵」热潮。但是,令人难以置信的是,「人类联盟」的三位创始团员,竟然没有一个接受过任何音乐方面的训练,而且还完全由自己作曲、编曲、演出,实在不可不谓「大胆」。

1977年六月,英国中部约克郡雪菲德市的两位计算机操作员伊安克雷格马许(Ian Craig Marsh)和马丁魏尔(Martin Ware),决定和他们的朋友,在整型医院担任门房的菲利普欧奇(Philip Oakey),共组一支流行乐团,由欧奇担任主唱。尽管他们三个人都从未接受过任何音乐训练,但是却都雄心勃勃、信心十足,因为他们非常了解现代科技的威力。当时,新型态的电子键盘乐器刚刚开始登场,任何人都可以只用一根指头,就成为作曲家、音乐家,而「人类联盟」就使用这种摩登的玩具,展开了他们的音乐生涯,把音符一个一个的输入,在摸索与试验中,制造出他们想要的音乐,录制成伴奏带,再登台演唱。为了舞台的效果,不久之后他们又邀请另外一位朋友艾德里安莱特(Adrian Wright)加入,担任视觉指导,负责运用他平日收藏的幻灯片,配合音乐与歌词的意境,使现场气氛更突出。

在当时的英国,有不少乐团是采用同一模式的,但他们不但是其中的佼佼者,也是最早登台公演的。1978年夏天,在推出第一张命名为「Electronically Yours」的单曲后,他们正式开始在伦敦公开表演,很快的引起不少注意。1979年底,他们的首张专辑「Reproduction」推出,封套设计大胆的采用了大脚践踏婴儿的画面,显示出他们的特立独行,不把舆论放在眼里的决心。结果并不意外:销售成绩奇差无比。

早期的「人类联盟」,作风十分怪异,例如他们一直拒绝拍照,理由是「因为我们已经有人负责视觉工作」。在接受访问的时候,大部分时间只听见团员们彼此争吵不休,还宣称自己比较喜欢的是电影,而非音乐。一般刚刚出道的乐团,总是想尽方法增加公开露面、打知名度的机会,但他们却正好相反。宣传人员安排她们替「Talking Heads」唱暖场,他们却一致计划根本不在现场出现,吓得人家从此退避三舍,不敢问津。不过,他们演出的时候,表现倒还算是相当精致的。马许和魏尔忙着在黑暗中操作他们的电子合成乐器,播出他们预先设定好的音乐,舞台上只看到欧奇一个人在主唱,而莱特则专心的在舞台后方的布幕上放映不停变换的幻灯片,来吸引观众的注意力。使用那些零散而不具任何关连性的幻灯片之目的,据说是为了替观众保留想象的空间。这种方式似乎颇受欢迎,因此他们后来有好几次应邀替人暖场,舞台上只出现闪烁不断的灯片、配上他们的录音带,而他们则坐在观众群中自我欣赏,甚至根本就躲在家里、没有露面。

1980年四月,「人类联盟」推出了他们的第二张专辑「Travelogue」,同样的销售凄惨。他们本来期望自己能够像是ABBA那样的轰动,像是平克弗罗伊德(Pink Floyd)那样「不朽」的,问题出在哪里呢?四位团员为此争论不休。半年之后,他们终于一分为二。魏尔跟马许另起炉灶,组织制作公司,退居幕后,后来又组成了同样走电子流行路线的「Heaven 17」三人组。欧奇和莱特取得了继续使用「人类联盟」团名的权利。这支乐团的第一个阶段也正式结束。

只有欧奇和两个女孩,在音乐上毕竟还是不够的,因此他们又吸收了两位新的战友,擅长电子合成音乐的裘卡里斯(Jo Callis)和伊安波顿(Ian Burden),让他们负责作曲,并且一起登台演出。基本上,「人类联盟」有着相当好的创作概念,也擅长于词曲,但是他们仍然需要好的节奏感。他们找到了一位杰出的制作人马丁路申(Martin Rushent),不仅美化了他们的旋律,也使用计算机操作的电子鼓,为他们配上了十分突出的节奏。就这样,「人类联盟」的演出,从业余迈进了专业的水平。在他们通力合作之下,「Dare」专辑一炮而红,其中的第三首单曲「Don't You Want Me」也在英国拿到了冠军。观念向来比较开放的A&M唱片,取得了他们的代理权,把他们的作品引进美国市场。起先,他们并没有受到太多的注意,但是在1982年三月,「Don't You Want Me」还是打进了排行。经过长达将近四个月的缓慢上升之后,终于在七月三日夺下了「告示牌」的冠军,并且蝉联三周,也使得后来跟进的「文化俱乐部」(Culture Club)等英国团体沾光,受到美国歌迷们的注意,揭开了另外一次「英国入侵」的热潮。所以,或许「人类联盟」不能算是特别红的团体,但是他们却扮演了电子流行音乐先锋的角色,也可以算是非常有贡献的。

by Jason Ankeny
Synth pops first international superstars, the Human League were among the earliest and most innovative bands to break into the pop mainstream on a wave of synthesizers and electronic rhythms, their marriage of infectious melodies and state-of-the-art technology proving enormously influential on countless acts following in their wake. The group was formed in Sheffield, England, in 1977 by synth players Martyn Ware and Ian Marsh, whod previously teamed as the duo Dead Daughters; following a brief tenure as the Future, they rechristened themselves the Human League after enlisting vocalist Philip Oakey. The trio soon recorded a demo, and played their first live dates; they soon tapped Adrian Wright as their Director of Visuals, and his slide shows quickly became a key component of their performances.

Signing with the indie label Fast, in 1978 the Human League issued their first single, Being Boiled; a minor underground hit, it was followed by a tour in support of Siouxsie & the Banshees. After a 1979 EP, The Dignity of Labour, the group released its first full-length effort, Reproduction, a dark, dense work influenced largely by Kraftwerk. Travelogue followed the next year and reached the U.K. Top 20; still, internal tensions forced Ware and Marsh to quit the group in late 1980, at which time they formed the British Electronic Foundation. Their departure forced Wright to begin learning to play the synthesizer; at the same time, Oakey recruited bassist Ian Burden as well as a pair of schoolgirls, Susanne Sulley and Joanne Catherall, to handle additional vocal duties.

The first single from the revamped Human League, 1981s Boys and Girls, reached the British Top 50; recorded with producer Martin Rushent, the follow-up Sound of the Crowd fell just shy of the Top Ten. Their next single, Love Action, reached number three, and after adding ex-Rezillo Jo Callis the League issued Open Your Heart, another hit. Still, their true breakthrough was the classic single Dont You Want Me, from the album Dare!; both topped their respective charts in England, and went on to become major hits in the U.S. as well. A tour of the States followed, but new music was extremely slow in forthcoming; after a remix disc, Love and Dancing, the Human League finally issued 1983s Fascination! EP, scoring a pair of hits with Mirror Man and (Keep Feeling) Fascination.

The much-anticipated full-length Hysteria finally surfaced in mid-1984, heralding a more forceful sound than earlier Human League releases; the record failed to match the massive success of Dare!, however, with the single The Lebanon earning insignificant airplay. The group soon went on indefinite hiatus, and Oakey recorded a 1985 solo LP with famed producer Giorgio Moroder titled simply Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder. To the surprise of many, the Human League resurfaced in 1986 with Crash, produced by the duo of Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis; the plaintive lead single Human soon topped the U.S. charts, but the group failed to capitalize on its comeback success, disappearing from the charts for the remainder of the decade.

When the Human League finally returned in 1990 with Romantic?, their chart momentum had again dissipated, and the single Heart Like a Wheel barely managed to rise into the Top 40. The record was the bands last with longtime label Virgin; now a trio consisting of Oakey, Sulley, and Catherall, they ultimately signed with the EastWest label, teaming with producer Ian Stanley for 1995s Octopus. The album went largely unnoticed both at home and overseas, with the single Stay With Me Tonight issued solely in the U.K. A resurgent interest in synth pop and post-punk during the early 2000s enabled the groups 2001 album Secrets considerable press coverage, which saw the group update its early sound. Four years later, they released Live at the Dome.

The Human League的吉他谱

Dont You Want Me
谢莉婷 1919 0 1
GTP谱 贝司
炉心融解 1698 0 10
GTP谱 贝司 鼓 钢琴
炉心融解 1723 0 10
GTP谱 鼓 贝司 钢琴
Together In Electric Dreams
炉心融解 1379 0 15
GTP谱 贝司 钢琴 电吉他 鼓