Tom Shinness
吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1
The late Tom Shinness was born into a musical family December 1, 1960. His father and older siblings would often play Dixieland music around the house. Tom’s father’s multi-instrumental talents proved to be a primary influence. Tom received his first 6-string guitar, and formed his first band, in the third grade. He took up the cello in fifth grade, played drums and bass in school bands by 7th grade, received a school award as outstanding vocalist in 9th grade, and developed an original piano style in high school. Tom continued to add new instruments to his arsenal to satisfy what seems an insatiable desire for new sounds. He has demonstrated virtuoso skill with tapping techniques on the guitar and creative innovation on numerous other stringed instruments. If an instrument had strings, he was sure to be able to play it, and do so with with skill and natural ease.  He had shown a particular fondness for, and skill with, the 1913 Gibson harp guitar featured on his CD “Translucent Harp”. His recordings showcase all original instrumental music with jazz, folk, and pop elements.  Music was his greatest passion in life.  His mission was to touch peoples’ lives in a positive way with his gift.

Tom Shinness 的主页

Tom Shinness的吉他谱

Don't Give into Sorrow about Tomorrow
DarthKrayt 2617 0 2
GTP谱 竖琴吉他 指弹 独奏 古典吉他 贝司 视频