团名的 Sweet John 源自于专与情人、伴侣道别的「Dear John Letter」,甜约翰擅长以轻快小品式的旋律,内敛且温柔的呢喃出首首独白。揉和多种器乐声响以及风格元素,延续五人编制以及对于律动的完美掌握,编织出属于甜约翰式的小品慵懒,献给每位听者心中,如此美好却只能挥手告别的 Sweet John。 团名的 Sweet John 源自于专与情人、伴侣道别的 甜约翰以数字摇滚、爵士等元素为基底,融合取样手法和丰富的声响设计,开创了独树一格也能被大众接受的流行曲风。于 2017 年 12 月发行首张专辑「Dear」,旋即入围第 29 届金曲奖『最佳乐团』以及第9 届金音奖『最佳摇滚单曲』,并于 2018 年 3 月举办了专场“Nice to meet you again”,吸引千余名乐迷到场支持,创下完售佳绩,随之举办的六城巡演 “First Sight”总观众人数也超过 2000 人次。甜约翰首张专辑甫发布,即以温柔细致之形象在乐坛刮起一阵甜风,其作品多以独特编曲手法搭配朗朗上口的旋律,不仅在乐迷间口耳相传,更成为各大专院校音乐性比赛表演之热门指定曲。 Sweet John, an indie band from Taipei, creates an unique but easy listening POP style based on Math-rock, Jazz,sampling and vivid sound design. Their first album ”Dear” was published at the end of 2017. In the next year, they are nominated for not only the Best Band Award in Golden Melody Awards (GMA), the best-known music award in Chinese area, but also the Best Rock Single Award in Golden Indie Music Awards (GIMA). Sweet John is good at utilizing special math-rock-style catchy hooks in the melody to make an impression on the audience. Their music abstracts more than 3000 fans in the formal concert “Nice to Meet You Again” and 2018 Tour “First Sight” through six cities. They are intended to bring more sweet songs in the near future.