Béla Fleck & the Flecktones
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Béla Fleck可谓是世界班卓琴王,别人称赞他说:他通过许多很有特色和风格的演出、录音重新塑造了班卓琴的音色和形象。如果你熟悉他的音乐,你会知道他是一个酷爱班卓琴,并致力于把它放在独特的音乐环境中的人。他前后获得20次“格莱美奖”提名,并九次获得该项大奖,而且获得奖项涉及到现代爵士、流行乐器曲、世界音乐、新约、现代古典、乡村乐器曲、现代民谣、蓝草、作曲等多个不同领域。这在“格莱美奖”历史上是绝无仅有的。在近30年的音乐生涯中,他能演奏包括蓝草、爵士、流行、摇滚、世界音乐等不同的音乐形式。虽然他的名字是来自三位古典音乐作曲大师的名字:巴托克(Bartok)、德沃夏克(Dvorak)和杨纳切赫(Janacek),但他最近才开始涉及古典音乐。在第44届“格莱美奖”年度颁奖中,他第一次创作的古典音乐:2001年的《永动》荣获了2项格莱美奖。

最初他学习音乐是从吉他开始的,一次偶然在电视上看到的传统歌曲使他充满了兴趣,自此他转而开始弹奏班卓琴。由于生活在纽约,Béla Fleck能接触到风格各异的音乐,包括爵士乐。于是后来他开始用班卓琴演奏爵士乐 —— 一种前所未闻的音乐的融合。上个世纪八十年代,大部分时间Béla Fleck是在一个充满创新的蓝草乐队New Grass Revival中演奏,他们的音乐结合了蓝草,摇滚和乡村音乐。同时New Grass Revival的器乐专辑将班卓琴提升到了一个更加广泛的领域中。

1990年,New Grass Revival解散后,我们的班卓琴巫师组建了由爵士钢琴家Howard Levy, funk贝斯演奏家Victor Wooten和鼓手Roy Wooten组成的the Flecktones乐队。在当时,看起来他们只是田纳西州众多new-acoustic组合中不起眼的一员,或许很快就会昙花一现的被潮流淹没。然后,让人们吃惊的是,这个四重奏表现出了与众不同的活力,接二连三的出了好几张专辑。

1991年,The Flecktones乐队发表了他们的第二张专辑《Flight of the Cosmic Hippo》。看专辑封面和名字,你多半就能猜到,这张《宇宙河马的战斗》所具有的天马行空的风格。所以有人打趣说,封面和专辑名字跟音乐这么搭配的,真是很少见。也就是在这张专辑中,Fleck和他的乐队成员们确定了独特的、被称作“blu-bop”的音乐风格。我个人的感觉是,偏Bebop甚于 bluegrass更多(或者是Funk?)。所以这张专辑被归类于爵士乐,而不是蓝草。而它包含的音乐元素远远超过其它同行们。


The Flecktones owe more to bebop than bluegrass, and here the group finally names their style "blu-bop." That's why Flight of the Cosmic Hippo topped the jazz, not the country, chart. The Flecktones continue to make it look easy, adding banjo power chords to "Turtle Rock" and reworking Lennon/McCartney's "Michelle."

Sometimes, just sometimes, an artist manages to come up with a title and album cover so perfectly suited to the music that it seems like destiny is at work. Flight of the Cosmic Hippo is one of those discs; it's a wacky, unnervingly addictive stew of musical playfulness like nothing else out there, and all the fun humor is only a bonus on top of the mind-bending virtuosity and stellar composition on offer. Just take four minutes to listen to the head-spinning "Blu-Bop" and you'll know what I mean; it flows as smoothly as the simplest three-chord rock ballad, yet the interweaving melodies make a kaleidoscopic spectrum of tones complex enough to induce a migraine if you try picking them apart. Bela had already established a reputation as an extraordinary banjoist before forming the group, and outside the bluegrass framework most of his solo work had occupied, his all-encompassing musical sensibility here just runs completely hog-wild. (Take cover!)
The cover tunes here seem to run between the high and low ends of the spectrum, which is why I notch down a star. "Star of the County Down," propelled by Howard Levy's masterful harmonica, is beautifully reworked into a slow, bluesy country waltz. "The Star-Spangled Banner" is hardly recognizable at first, being embellished with furious banjo picking and a shuffling synth-drum beat more suited to a lively jazz performance. The track bears numerous repeat listenings and ends up surprisingly resistant to becoming a one-time novelty, but their reworking of the Beatles' "Michelle" never gets off the ground to me. I keep wishing they'd used that album space for another of Bela's own tunes instead. Every one of those is a dynamic, fascinating exercise in modern composition, from the oddly funky groove of "Flying Saucer Dudes" to the driving "Turtle Rock" to the strange odd time signatures of "Jekyll and Hyde (and Ted and Alice)." If you're a musician you'll be blown away by the sheer superhuman skill of everyone in the group.. if not, you'll still have to admit that it just sounds really awesome.

Bela and his Tones embody the true spirit of fusion more than possibly anyone else - they take great delight in bending, ignoring or destroying any notions of style or genre we might have, making everything sound fresh, inventive and full of promise. Cosmic Hippo can't quite compare with the monumental Live Art as their most perfect album, but there's enough incredible stuff to make it well worth picking up. Just be prepared to spend more money on the others once you get hooked.

Béla Fleck & the Flecktones的吉他谱
