Camille Saint-Saëns
吉他谱: 10 粉丝: 1

Camille Saint-Sa?ns的艺人档案

圣-桑  Charles Camille Saint-Saëns (1835.10.9—1921)
  这一年圣桑还认识了李斯特,两人结为好友,李斯特的音乐对圣-桑日后的创作影响很大。1853年从音乐院毕业,第一份工作是到圣梅丽教堂担任风琴师。1853 年发表第一号交响曲,1856 年完成第二首交响曲,不过后来他却舍弃了这首曲子。
  1857年获聘为玛德林大教堂风琴师,1861 年出任尼德麦尔音乐学校钢琴老师,这是圣桑一生中唯一从事的正式教职,佛瑞当时便曾受教于圣-桑门下。
  1864年第二度角逐罗马大奖再次失败。1865 年完成第一部歌剧,之后又陆续写了《黄衣公主》等几部歌剧,不过初演时成绩都不理想。1868 年获颁法国政府荣誉勋章,表彰他对法国乐坛的贡献。
  1877年辞去教堂的职务,埋头作曲。他是法国民族音乐协会的创始人之一,积极从事音乐活动,又以钢琴家和指挥家身份到各国演出。其创作技巧纯熟,作品数量超过一百七十部,几乎涉及每个音乐领域,旋律流畅,和声典雅,结构工整,配器华丽,色彩丰富, 通俗易懂,但某些作品过于追求表面的华彩效果,质量不匀。
  圣桑也是一位音乐神童,而且堪称空前绝后:他刚刚两岁半,就开始学习钢琴;三岁生日刚过,他就写出了第一首钢琴小品; 七岁时,他已经正式从师学习作曲了;十岁的圣-桑,已经开了个正式演奏会,这时的他竟然能够不看谱就背奏贝多芬的三十二首钢琴奏鸣曲中的任意一首。他还是一个能够“一心二用”的人,例如他经常一边搞配器,一边同别人闲聊,两不耽误。奇怪的是,圣-桑曾去争取罗马奖两次,但两次都失败了。他竟然输给了今天已几乎被人们全部忘记的一些音乐家们。
  然而有趣的是,晚年的圣-桑变得十分守旧,他对印象主义音乐大加贬斥。有一次,圣-桑听了德彪西的音诗《牧神午后》之后说:“听是好听的,但它不是真正意义上的音乐。如果它也可以算作音乐, 那么调色板也可以算作一幅画了。”圣-桑不仅无法容忍德彪西,对二十世纪先锋派音乐亦心存偏见。 斯特拉文斯基的舞剧《春之祭》初演之时,特意到场的圣-桑竟立刻勃然而起,拂袖而去。

Camille Saint-Saëns was something of an anomaly among French composers of the nineteenth century in that he wrote in virtually all genres, including opera, symphonies, concertos, songs, sacred and secular choral music, solo piano, and chamber music. He was generally not a pioneer, though he did help to revive some earlier and largely forgotten dance forms, like the bourée and gavotte. He was a conservative who wrote many popular scores scattered throughout the various genres: the Piano Concerto No. 2, Symphony No. 3 ("Organ"), the symphonic poem Danse macabre, the opera Samson et Dalila, and probably his most widely performed work, The Carnival of The Animals. While he remained a composer closely tied to tradition and traditional forms in his later years, he did develop a more arid style, less colorful and, in the end, less appealing. He was also a poet and playwright of some distinction.

Saint-Saëns was born in Paris on October 9, 1835. He was one of the most precocious musicians ever, beginning piano lessons with his aunt at two-and-a-half and composing his first work at three. At age seven he studied composition with Pierre Maledin. When he was ten, he gave a concert that included Beethoven's Third Piano Concerto, Mozart's B flat Concerto, K. 460, along with works by Bach, Handel, and Hummel. In his academic studies, he displayed the same genius, learning languages and advanced mathematics with ease and celerity. He would also develop keen, lifelong interests in geology and astronomy.

In 1848, he entered the Paris Conservatory and studied organ and composition, the latter with Halévy. By his early twenties, following the composition of two symphonies, he had won the admiration and support of Berlioz, Liszt, Gounod, Rossini, and other notable figures. From 1853 to 1876, he held church organist posts; he also taught at the École Niedermeyer (1861-1865). He composed much throughout his early years, turning out the 1853 Symphony in F ("Urbs Roma"), a Mass (1855) and several concertos, including the popular second, for piano (1868).

In 1875, Saint-Saëns married the 19-year-old Marie Truffot, bringing on perhaps the saddest chapter in his life. The union produced two children who died within six weeks of each other, one from a four-story fall. The marriage ended in 1881. Oddly, this dark period in his life produced some of his most popular works, including Danse macabre (1875) and Samson et Dalila (1878). After the tragic events of his marriage, Saint-Saëns developed a fondness for Fauré and his family, acting as a second father to Fauré's children.

But he also remained very close to his mother, who had opposed his marriage. When she died in 1888, the composer fell into a deep depression, even contemplating suicide for a time. He did much travel in the years that followed and developed an interest in Algeria and Egypt, which eventually inspired him to write Africa (1891) and his Piano Concerto No. 5, the "Egyptian". He also turned out works unrelated to exotic places, such as his popular and most enduring serious composition, the Symphony No. 3.

Curiously, after 1890, Saint-Saëns' music was regarded with some condescension in his homeland, while in England and the United States he was hailed as France's greatest living composer well into the twentieth century. Saint-Saëns experienced an especially triumphant concert tour when he visited the U.S. in 1915. In the last two decades of his life, he remained attached to his dogs and was largely a loner. He died in Algeria on December 16, 1921.

Camille Saint-Saëns的吉他谱

The Swan
雲雀恭御 1515 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
gqz2011 4961 2 1
GTP谱 狂欢节 动物 天鹅 民谣吉他
圣桑天鹅(Le Cygne)
梧栗 13892 2 2015-8-29
Danse Macabre
mrbig727 2784 0 16
GTP谱 总谱
Introduction Et Rondo Capriccioso
mrbig727 1873 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 钢琴
mrbig727 1997 0 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
The Swan
mrbig727 2461 0 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The Swan
mrbig727 2567 0 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
迩德爱汰假 3861 0 2
GTP谱 双吉他 古典吉他
迩德爱汰假 4312 1 1
GTP谱 电吉他