吉他谱: 2 粉丝: 1


1957年8月18日谭盾出生于湖南长沙郊区思茅冲,自幼深受中华楚文化的影响,高中时下放到农村插队,后在县京剧团开始其职业音乐家的生涯。1978年,谭盾带着一把只有三根弦的小提琴考入中央音乐学院作曲系,师从赵行道、黎音海直至获得作曲硕士学位。1986年,谭盾获美国哥伦比亚大学奖学金,随大卫.多夫斯基及周文中学习并获得博士学位。至今谭盾旅居于美国纽约。 早在大学时期,谭盾即为当时中央音乐学院着名的"四大才子"之一,1979年,22岁的谭盾创作了第一部交响乐作品《离骚》,就因使用了鼓、萧等当时被认为是前卫的音响和技术而引起争议。被同学郭文景称"绝对是个天才"的他在1983年以交响曲《风雅颂》赢得国际作曲大奖(Weber prize in Dresden),1984年举行的"谭盾中国器乐作品专场音乐会"发表了《天影》及《双阙》等多首曲目,引起不少批评,却也震撼了当时的民乐界。由于坚持在声音、技术上的不断探索,他被认为是中国先锋音乐的重要代表人物。到美国后的谭盾也曾有过在街头拉琴谋生的经历,1989年,一首以自制乐器演奏的作品《九歌》问世后,谭盾终于在国际乐坛获得成功,并不断以令人惊奇的创作成为越来越被国际乐坛瞩目的重要作曲家


获得大奖Weber prize in Dresden (1983年)

Marco Polo (Sony Classcial SK 62912)
夺得日本《Record Geijutsu》“当代最佳唱片奖”(1997年)
获得格威文美尔作曲大奖Grawemeyer Award(1999年)


by Craig Harris
Tan Dun is one of the most influential classical composers to emerge out of China. Combining the musical traditions of his homeland with contemporary western influences, Dun has created a rich legacy of unique compositions. Known for his use of vivid drama, expressive harmonies and imaginative tonal coloring, Dun has been characterized by his spatial arrangements and use of silence. A partial list of ensembles that have performed and/or recorded his work includes the Kronos Quartet, Yo Yo Ma, London Sinfonetta, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, Toronto Symphony, BBC Scottish Symphony, London Philharmonic, Helsinki Symphony, Tokyo Symphony and Ensemble Modern. Dun's music was heard on the soundtrack of the film Fallen. In 1993, Dun became the youngest composer to win the prestigious Suntory Prize Commission. The following year, his album, On Taoism, was named one of the year's best CDs by BBC Magazine. Dun had little hope for his future during China's cultural revolution when he was required to plant rice. Freed after two years of compulsory labor, Dun played erhu, a two-stringed fiddle, served as arranger for a Peking opera troupe and began eight years of study at the Central Music Conservatory in Beijing. By 1983, his compositions had earned the first of numerous awards. In 1986, Dun received a fellowship from Columbia University and moved to New York City. He remained a resident of the city after receiving a doctorate in musical composition. In 1996, the Kronos Quartet performed his "Ghost Opera" around the globe. Dun's operatic composition, "Marco Polo," with libretto by Paul Griffiths, was commissioned by the Edinburgh Festival and premiered at the Munich Biennale in May 1996. The success of the piece resulted in Dun being named composer of the year by Germany's Opera Magazine. In October 1996, Dun's guitar concerto was performed by Sharon Isbin at the Donaueschingen Music Festival. A month later, his extended piece "Red Forecast (Orchestra Theater II)" was performed by soprano vocalist Susan Botti at the Huddersfield Music Festival and broadcast by the BBC. Commissioned by the Association for the celebration of the Reunification of Hong Kong with China, "Symphony 1997 (Heaven Earth Mankind)" was performed by Yo Yo Ma, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Imperial Bells Ensemble and Yips Children's Choir, with Dun conducting, on July 4, 1997. The piece was subsequently given its American debut at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall during a performance by Yo Yo Ma and the Orchestra of St. Luke's. In May 1998, Dun's composition "Peony Pavilion," based on an ancient Chinese opera, was performed at the Vienna Festival; a recording followed a year later. Dun additionally served as resident composer and conductor for the BBC Scottish Symphony.


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