John 5
吉他谱: 141 粉丝: 93

John 5是一个被低估的吉他巨人。 他熔化各式各样的音乐风格,混合和烙记成所他的个人特色。 John 5原名John Lowery,于1971年7月31日出生于美国Michigan州Grosse Point郡,七岁的时后在圣诞节得到一把吉他,从此就爱上摇滚乐,John的父母支持他的音乐志向,Van Halen的音乐给他相当大的启示,精湛的弹奏技巧让John 5成为 金属怪客 Marilyn Manson第五任御用吉它手。并曾经担任日本吉他大厂Ibanez和美国一流吉他品牌Fender的形象代言人。 2004年4月, John 5离开Marilyn Manson的乐团,展开个人事业,精湛的技巧和个人特色赢得美国知名摇滚唱片公司Shrapnel掌门人Mike Varney的青睐,签约于期下,2004年处女作Vertigo发表,震撼了摇滚乐界,Guitar World、Guitar Player、Young Guitar….等全球知名吉他杂志纷纷报导,喻为味来的吉他之星。

2005年第二张专辑 Songs Of Sanity发表,大师地位已告确定。 John 5的两张个人吉他演奏专辑就风格而言是多元性的,他的确将很多音乐桥段运用了乡村音乐的元素,而且有几支是非常乡村的演奏曲,Chicken Pickin的奏法处处可见,可是毕竟直接从听觉效果来说,专辑还是带有相当浓厚的重金属摇滚风味(Metal & Hard Rock),并且融入些凶悍的工业之声(Industrial),有时还能够穿插点爵士(Jazz)和蓝调(Blue),甚至由于John 5有意识的加入了不少灰暗元素进去,因此专辑又有些Grunge和 Hardcode的感觉,可以说是加百家之精华于一,John 5将点弦、扫弦、勾打、扭推、速弹、摇杆等各种高超精湛的技巧运用自如,大量的半音音阶混合着琶音游走全曲,John 5的作品简直就是一个技术宝库,有待我们去慢慢发掘,而且难得的就是John 5本身的一些独创的技术也运用在里面,更是让人深深着迷惊艳万分。John 5的手指就像是魔术师般,爆发出难以想象的魅力,不费吹灰之力就征服所有乐迷的耳朵,彻底掳获每个人的心。John 5,他将成为年轻一代吉他手们的偶像!

Born in Grosse Pointe, MI, and picking up a guitar at the tender age of seven, John Lowery was given the nickname John 5 the day he joined Marilyn Manson's band. A versatile session guitarist known for his speed as well as his keen goth fashion sense (imagine Brandon Lee in The Crow), after moving to L.A. at 18 years old he scored high-profile gigs touring with Lita Ford and k.d. lang from his work scoring soundtracks and commercials with producer Bob Marlette. Studio work continued, as he contributed to ex-Judas Priest frontman Rob Halford's industrial metal group Two and ex-Van Halen singer/showboat David Lee Roth's The DLR Band album.

Initially rejected in his first audition to play guitar with Manson, John was asked to join Manson on the Rock Is Dead tour, following guitarist Zim Zum's departure. Two albums were completed with Manson, Holy Wood (In the Shadow of a Valley of Death) and The Golden Age of Grotesque, before John 5 left to pursue a solo career. His debut record, Vertigo, was released in 2004, and that year he founded Loser, a more radio-friendly band, with vocalist Joe Grah of Jibe. His second solo album, Songs for Sanity, followed in 2005, just as he paired up with White Zombie's Rob Zombie for Ozzfest. John contributed to the majority of songs on Zombie's 2006 release, Educated Horses, and decided to disband Loser to tour with Zombie for the next year. His third solo outing, Devil Knows My Name, gained recognition from a reader's poll, awarding him with Best Shred Album of the Year. With albums by Rob Zombie, Lynyrd Skynyrd, and Filter in the works, June of 2008 marked the release of his fourth solo album, Requiem, which was promoted with a West Coast tour of the Guitar Center retail music chain.

John 5的吉他谱

Strung Out
炉心融解 303 0 2
GTP谱 独奏 solo 电吉他 电吉他
SugarFoot Rag (cover by Stas Uzlov)
我是天才毛 2828 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Now Fear This solo
千山渡 2828 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
El Cucuy
南湘雨玉 3269 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Beat it (John 5)
a913494122 27159 5 6
GTP谱 乐队版 电吉他 双吉他 总谱 改编版 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Now Fear This
我同意迩爱她 3721 0 6
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
This Is My Rifle
我同意迩爱她 2871 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Chicken Picking Banjo Lick
笨战士 2468 0 3
GTP谱 民谣吉他 贝司
Heres To The Crazy Ones
笨战士 2751 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Heres To The Crazy Ones
笨战士 2886 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Making Monsters
笨战士 3777 2 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Behind The Nut Love
1981728 1852 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
2 Die 4
jamesxsw 1933 0 6
GTP谱 民谣吉他 贝司 鼓
Blues Balls
jamesxsw 1620 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 钢琴
Can I Live Again
jamesxsw 3581 0 6
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
jamesxsw 1682 0 8
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Dead Mans Dream
jamesxsw 1589 0 5
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Feisty Cadavers
jamesxsw 2816 0 9
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Fractured Mirror
jamesxsw 1987 0 8
GTP谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 鼓
Gods And Monsters
jamesxsw 2211 0 8
GTP谱 钢琴 电吉他 贝司 鼓