Karl Zero
吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1

生于1961年的Karl Zero,是法国媒体宠儿,不仅是电视、广播的主持人,亦曾导过戏,而在音乐方面他也颇有造诣。

Karl Zéro is the stage name of Marc Telenne (born August 6, 1961 in Aix-les-Bains, Savoie). Zéro is a political talk show host/personality (Le Vrai Journal) who has recorded albums of pop standards of the 1940s and 1950s. His curious pseudonym is all that rests of his punk period (he was 16 years old in 1977), other than a few scars from run-ins with 'rockers'. His music was used in the X-Files episode "Improbable".

Karl Zero的吉他谱
