当M.Craft开始反复唱一句"Babe,u are the music",把车载音响的音量调高,让旋律贝司对着我狂轰滥炸,想像着灼热的阳光撞在车窗上噼噼啪啪爆裂,沿途散落一地。他故意慢下车速,好像高速路上唯一慢慢蠕动着的巨型蜗牛,向着天尽头镜面反射造成的疑似水面艰难迈进。初夏还没变燥热的小风,和看着让人特别想捏的云。黄历上大概写着今天"宜:出行,远游"。
M.craft并不在意你的耳朵被他的节奏掠走了百分之多少的集中力,他无心作泉眼,他只是雾水--致使你的炎热无比渺小。如果在他的音乐中一定有什么让你被打动的,那一定是自由--让那些焦虑都蒸发掉吧。在《Teardrop Tattoo》最后渐隐的女声之中,M.craft终于有如雾水一般在眼前蒸发,任何事没有发生,却用最微小而广阔的形式弥散,并永存下来。从未存在一口泉是旋即可以在解人暑渴之后消逝的,它的根源,以及责任,无法从现实中脱身,便永无休止地流淌下去。而雾水则是泉的神化体,恰如其分地出现,无踪无影地消失,保持着精灵的秉性--是的,正是这张《Silver&Fire》,纵然你重复聆听,它依然保持着精灵般的可逝性。
Martin Craft (stage name M. Craft) is an Australian singer-songwriter now living and working in Dalston, London. Martin was a former founding member of the psychedelic Canberra band Sidewinder, along with his brother Nick Craft, now known as The Zillions.
Martin first came to prominence as a solo artist with 2004’s EP, I Can See It All Tonight, which garnered much critical acclaim. The EP is characterised by its unique fusing of bossanova beats, acoustic guitar, dream-pop and Martin’s soft, smooth vocals.
After being electrocuted by a faulty amp after the release of I Can See It All Tonight, Martin returned with his debut album Silver & Fire in 2006, a highly captivating and beautiful release containing several songs from his debut EP and new material. The second single from the album, radio-friendly You Are The Music, was remixed by labelmate King Creosote and Ali Love.
Martin was backed by his band The Dark Circles, with Tree Carr on backing vocals, keyboards and glockenspiel, Maya Lubinsky on backing vocals and tamborine and Paul Cook on drums. Tree Carr and Maya Lubinsky provided the sultry and sometimes melancholic vocals on the album Silver and Fire. Tree Carr can be seen in a duet with Martin in the video for You Are The Music.
Martin is signed to 679 Recordings.