Nino Rota
吉他谱: 56 粉丝: 2


Nino Rota:1911年12月3日出生在意大利米兰的一个音乐世家里,他的父亲是Nino Rinaldi。Nino Rota在很小的时候便显现出极大音乐天赋,早期他就读于罗马哥斯达尼加音乐学院,他做的第一首较专业的曲子"L'infanzia di San Giovanni Battista"便在米兰和巴黎得到演奏,而那时他仅有12岁。

后来他又在费城柯蒂斯音乐学院,米兰大学,意大利国立巴力音乐院进行进一步深造。并在20世纪40到50年代为一些歌剧,芭蕾舞剧作曲,其中包括:"Ariodante", "Torquemada", "I Due Timidi", "La notte di un Neurastenico" , "Aladino e la Lampada Magica"。

Rota1933年受雇于意大利的一些电影公司,开始为电影作配乐,并与Franco Zeffirelli, Luchino Visconti Renato Castellani, Mario Monicelli这些导演进行广泛的合作.而他与传奇导演Federico Fellini的合作则最为成功。从1952年的电影"The White Sheik"起,Rota在25年间为Fellini的16部名作谱写了配乐,其中包括:"La Strada" (1954)中文翻译“大路”, "Le Notti di Cabiria"卡比里亚之夜 (1957), "La Dolce Vita" 甜蜜生活(1960), "81/2" (1963), "Satyricon" 爱情神话(1970), "Roma"罗马 (1972), "Amarcord"阿玛柯德,我的回忆,我回忆 (1973) ,"Casanova"卡萨诺瓦 (1976)

在Rota音乐历程之中值得一提的作品还有"Il Gattopardo"豹 (1963), "Romeo & Juliet" 罗密欧与朱丽叶(1968),当然还有那部本应为其夺得奥斯卡金像奖的"The Godfather" 教父(1972)(这部作品没有获奖主要是因为主题音乐出自他以前为"Fortunella" (1957)制作的配乐)而1975年他与配乐大师Carmine合作,为其老搭档Fellini的电影"The Godfather Part II"谱写的配乐最终为他获得了奥斯卡最佳配乐奖的名誉。但可惜的是Rota于1979年4月10日在罗马的家中因病去世,享年68岁


费里尼与尼诺罗塔的相识趣闻 在意大利电影城,每逢下班时刻,公车站牌总是大排长龙。但是公车司机却总是将车停在尼诺罗塔面前,让他先上车。每天一起等车的费里尼看不过去,就上前理论。于是,一代导演和音乐家就这样相识了。 在意大利导演费里尼一生所拍的24部影片中,尼诺罗塔负责配乐19部。费里尼曾说:尼诺好像是上天派来帮我完成电影的人! 尼诺罗塔的音乐在时光里,却像不会凋零的记忆,重复着百年电影历史的青春时刻。



 1. Set It Off (1996) 辣姊妹 2. Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980, The (1992) (V) 教父三部曲:1901-1980 3. Scenes from a Mall (1991) 爱情外一章 4. Laberinto de pasiones (1982) 激情迷宫 5. Hurricane (1979) 捍卫正义 6. Prova d'orchestra (1978) 管弦乐队的彩排 7. Death on the Nile (1978) 尼罗河上谋杀案 8. Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il (1976) 卡萨诺瓦 9. Caro Michele (1976) 亲爱的米歇尔 10. Abdication, The (1974) 逊位 11. Godfather: Part II, The (1974) 教父续集 12. Film d'amore e d'anarchia, ovvero 'stamattina alle 10 in via dei Fiori nella nota casa di tolleranza...' (1973) 爱与天政府 13. Amarcord (1973) 当年事 14. Godfather, The (1972) 教父 15. Roma (1972) 罗马风情画 16. Clowns, I (1970) (TV) 小丑 17. Satyricon (1969) 爱情神话 18. Tre passi nel delirio (1968) 面对死亡 勾魂慑魄/ 19. Romeo and Juliet (1968/I) 殉情记 20. Bisbetica domata, La (1967) 驯悍记 【意大利/美国】 21. Giulietta degli spiriti (1965) 朱丽叶与魔鬼 22. Gattopardo, Il (1963) 浩气盖山河 23. 8 1/2 (1963) 八部半 24. Boccaccio '70 (1962) 三艳嬉春 25. Best of Enemies, The (1961) 最佳敌人 26. Dolce vita, La (1960) 甜蜜的生活 27. Rocco e i suoi fratelli (1960) 洛可兄弟 28. Plein soleil (1960) 怒海沉尸 29. Sotto dieci bandiere (1960) 四面楚歌 30. Grande guerra, La (1959) 31. Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) 卡比利亚之夜 32. Notti bianche, Le (1957) 白夜 33. War and Peace (1956) 战争与和平 34. Bidone, Il (1955) 骗子 35. Strada, La (1954) 大路 36. Mambo (1954) 曼波 37. Vitelloni, I (1953) 流浪汉 38. Sceicco bianco, Lo (1952) 白酋长 39. Venetian Bird (1952) 夜夜行凶 40. Anna (1951) 欲海慈航 41. Glass Mountain, The (1949) 惆怅雪山空遗恨 42. Vivere in pace (1947) 和平生活 43. Sotto il sole di Roma (1946) 在罗马的阳光下 获奖情况: 1975 奥斯卡 - 获奖, 最佳原声音乐奖 - The Godfather Part II 1973 金球奖 - 获奖, 最佳原声音乐奖 - The Godfather 1975 金球奖 - 提名, 最佳原声音乐奖 - The Godfather Part II 1969 金球奖 - 提名, 最佳原声音乐奖 - Romeo & Juliet Dreams, circus and cinema——The fascinating Fellini 因为无知而错过…… 因为相遇而震撼……

Nino Rota (December 3, 1911 – April 10, 1979) was an Italian composer best known for his work on film scores, notably the films of Federico Fellini, of Franco Zeffirelli and for The Godfather series.

Rota also composed ten operas, five ballets and many other orchestral and choral works, the most famous being his string concerto.

Contents [hide]
1 Biography
1.1 Operas
2 Listen to
3 Selected filmography
4 External links

[edit] Biography
Born into a musical family in Milan, Rota studied at the conservatory there under Ildebrando Pizzetti. His first oratorio, L'infanzia di San Giovanni Battista, was performed in Milan and Paris as early as 1923 and his lyrical comedy, Il Principe Porcaro, was composed in 1926. Encouraged by Arturo Toscanini, Rota moved to the United States where he lived from 1930 to 1932. He won a scholarship to the Curtis Institute of Philadelphia, where he took classes in orchestra with Fritz Reiner and had Rosario Scalero as an instructor in composition. Returning to Milan, he wrote a thesis on the renaissance composer Gioseffo Zarlino. Rota earned a degree in literature from the University of Milan. In 1937, he began a teaching career that led to the directorship of the Bari Conservatory, a title he held from 1950 until his death in 1979.

During the 1940s, Rota composed scores for more than 32 films, including Renato Castellani's Zazà (1944). His association with Fellini began with Lo sceicco bianco (1952), followed by I vitelloni (1953) and La strada (1954). They continued to work together for decades, and Fellini recalled:

The most precious collaborator I have ever had, I say it straightaway and don't even have to hesitate, was Nino Rota — between us, immediately, a complete, total, harmony... He had a geometric imagination, a musical approach worthy of celestial spheres. He thus had no need to see images from my movies. When I asked him about the melodies he had in mind to comment one sequence or another, I clearly realized he was not concerned with images at all. His world was inner, inside himself, and reality had no way to enter it. [1]
Love Theme From The Godfather

The famous theme, composed by Larry Kusic and Nino Rota.
Problems listening to the file? See media help.Rota's score for Fellini's 8½ (1963) is often cited as one of the factors which makes the film cohesive. His score for Fellini's Juliet of the Spirits (1965) included a collaboration with Eugene Walter on the song, "Go Milk the Moon" (cut from the final version of the film), and they teamed again for the song "What Is a Youth?", part of Rota's score for Franco Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet. In all, Rota wrote scores to more than 150 films.

Rota wrote several concerti and other orchestral works as well as piano, chamber and choral music. After his death Rota's music was the subject of the 1981 tribute album Amarcord Nino Rota. Gus Van Sant used some of Rota's music in his 2007 film Paranoid Park.

[edit] Operas
His 1977 opera The Italian Straw Hat, an adaptation of the play by Eugène Labiche was presented by the Santa Fe Opera. In 2005 his opera Aladino e la lampada magica (Aladdin and the Magical Lamp), with Cosmin Ifrim in the title role, was performed in German translation at the Vienna State Opera and released on DVD.

Written for a radio production by RAI in 1950, his short opera, I due timidi (The Two Timid Ones), will be presented by the Santa Fe Opera as part of their pre-season "One-Hour Opera" program in May/June 2008.

[edit] Listen to
Nino Rota's score for Romeo and Juliet (1968)

[edit] Selected filmography
Zazà (1944)
Vivere in pace (1947)
Sotto il sole di Roma (1948)
The Glass Mountain (1949)
Anna (1951)
I vitelloni (1953)
Star of India (1954)
La strada (1954)
Il bidone (1955)
Amici per la pelle (1955)
Le notti bianche (1957)
Le Notti di Cabiria (1957)
Fortunella (1958)
El Alamein (1958)
La grande guerra (1959)
Plein soleil (1960)
La dolce vita (1960)
Rocco e i suoi fratelli (1960)
Mafioso (1962)
The Reluctant Saint (1962)
Il Gattopardo (1963)
8½ (1963)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1964)
Giulietta degli spiriti (1965)
The Taming of the Shrew (1967)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Satyricon (1969)
Waterloo (1970)
I clowns (1971)
Roma (1972)
The Godfather (1972)
Amarcord (1973)
Love and Anarchy (1973)
The Godfather Part II (1974)
Fellini's Casanova (1976)
Prova d'orchestra (1978)
Death on the Nile (1978)
Hurricane (1979)

Nino Rota的吉他谱

The Godfather(教父) - The Godfather Theme
manymanywing 4314 2 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The Godfather(教父) - The Godfather Waltz
manymanywing 6701 2 5
GTP谱 古典吉他 贝司 鼓
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)(开场衔接用)
winight 23445 2 4
GTP谱 总谱 乐队版 民谣吉他 钢琴 贝司 鼓
A Time For Us
winight 3288 2 2
GTP谱 民谣吉他 古典吉他
A Time For Us
winight 2896 1 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
A Time for Us
winight 3087 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Brucia La Terra
winight 3300 0 1
GTP谱 Acoustic 电吉他
Nino Rota
winight 1944 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Romeo Juliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶)
winight 4288 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Father
winight 3469 2 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 4464 3 2
GTP谱 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 3898 3 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 4092 11 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 7444 3 1
GTP谱 独奏 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 10600 3 1
GTP谱 独奏 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 5889 3 2
GTP谱 双吉他 古典吉他 民谣吉他
The Godfather(教父) - Speak Softly Love(温柔的倾诉)
winight 5819 3 1
GTP谱 指弹 古典吉他
The Godfather(教父) - The Godfather Waltz
winight 3776 2 1
GTP谱 民谣吉他
The Godfather(教父) - The Godfather Waltz
winight 13212 1 2
GTP谱 古典吉他 民谣吉他
The Godfather(教父) - The Godfather Waltz
winight 4932 2 1
GTP谱 古典吉他