Raúl Di Blasio
吉他谱: 4 粉丝: 2

拉丁钢琴家Raul Di Blasio从小就是一个音乐神童,他在个人乐章上的极富古典韵味的表达和技巧使其从阿根廷的农场生活中脱颖而出,最终登上了洛山机国际剧院的舞台,并参加了全球巡演。但是享誉全球的成功并不是招之即来。在孩童时代,Di Bl-asio不仅被贝多芬、 拉赫马尼诺夫、李斯特、肖邦和德彪西的音乐深深吸引,同时也对其本土的拉丁音乐,如探戈和桑巴爵士乐产生了浓厚的兴趣。他少年时期对甲壳虫乐队的着迷使他真正开始崇尚于音乐领域。他组建了自己的乐队 LosDiabolicos,当乐队的演奏在全国的广播电台上播放之后,他才尝到了这小小的成功滋味。 1973 年,他解散了乐队,而专心于对童年时感兴趣的古典乐的研究。在接下来的五年间,他游历了南美的大部分地区。最后,在智利的休养胜地Vina del Mar的一家旅馆里开始了演奏生涯。在旅馆中五年的钢琴表演之后,Di Blasio 已掌握了娴熟的演奏技巧,准备开始艺术生涯上的另一个转折。 1983 年,Di Blasio在EMI百代公司旗下发行了首张独奏专集。接下来的四年里,他几乎销声匿迹,之后便移居到拉丁音乐之都迈阿密。在当地演出的熏陶下, Di Blasio产生了将拉丁音乐元素加入流行主调中的想法。但作为一名拉丁钢琴家,要想得到大众的认可,就必须把自己所有的音乐资源都用来实现这个想法。在不断的努力之后,1991年他的事业开始走向颠峰,并于1993年成为公认的全球乐界的明星。 他的几张最受关注的专集包括有:1993年发行的El Piano de America、1997年发行的Solo以及2000年发行的Salt Peanuts。2002年,Di Blasio发行了专集Tango, 之后又推出另一张二重奏专集Amigos。作为其作品的影响跨越所有文化和宗教领域的极少数音乐家之一,Raul Di Blasio的成功及其广受赞誉的作品已经超过了他最初的期望。

by Jason Ankeny
Pianist Raúl Di Blasio was born in Zapala, Argentina in 1949, beginning his musical training at age six; initially studying Latin musical traditions like the tango and bossa nova, he was influenced by classical European composers including Beethoven and Rachmaninoff. As a teen, however, Di Blasio discovered the Beatles, and he immediately formed his own rock band, Los Diabólicos, which gained some success nationally and continued on until 1973. He then returned to classical performance, touring South America throughout the middle of the decade; in 1978, Di Blasio began a five-year musical residency at a hotel in the Chilean resort city of Viña del Mar — at the end of his stay, he decided to refocus all of his creative energies into mounting a career as a serious performer, and in 1983 issued his debut LP on EMI-Chile. Subsequent efforts on CBS-Chile were even more successful, and the media dubbed Di Blasio El Pianista de Todos (The Peoples Pianist); he moved to Miami in 1987, and three years later issued his BMG debut El Piano de América. Its 1994 sequel sold over a million copies, and to support 1997s Solo, Di Blasio toured the Far East; Desde Mexico followed a year later, and in 1999 he issued Christmas. The Brazilian-styled Di Blasio and Salt Peanuts appeared in 2000.

Raúl Di Blasio的吉他谱

Aguas De Invierno
細蚊 1275 0 4
GTP谱 钢琴
Corazon De Nio
細蚊 1142 0 1
GTP谱 钢琴
Corazon De Nio
細蚊 1136 0 3
GTP谱 古典吉他 贝司
細蚊 1245 0 8
GTP谱 钢琴 贝司 民谣吉他