吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1

Australis----最新升起的国际新世纪音乐界集传播人、制作人于一身的新星。他是美籍西班牙裔人,几年不断的努力,他汲众之长,利用传播、交流世界NEW AGE资讯的便利,终于在今年8月份不孚众望地推出了自己的杰作。 现在,在世界著名的Amazon.com音乐网站,他的首张专辑《Lifegiving 》各国乐评人士好评如潮,俨然排在包括滚石乐队等众多名家新碟之前,跃居8月Amazon.com人气榜首。关于他本人的身世,我力图去“看懂”他网站西班牙文的介绍,知道他从12岁起开始接触并热爱音乐,青年时代曾在安第斯山脉探索古老的民间音乐,70年代中期丧父以后,他陡然转变了对音乐的随和,转而投向还很朦胧的新世纪冥想乐流派,从此奠定了他一生追求的方向。Australis说:“音乐就是灵魂的表白、是心脏的语言”,“我们总想去说明什么,但是,显然,人类的语言远远不够”,“音乐里那种神圣的模糊意境,可以为我们提供一切共悟的奥秘。。”于是,他从一个曾经广泛热衷于摇滚、流行、古典的多种爱好者,转变为了新世纪的集合者和创造者,成立了以他为核心为灵魂的Australis创作组。 在获得了几项北美“独立音乐人奖”以后,他的名气开始上升,他最大的成功并非是推出了自己的作品,而是,他默默无闻的把世界范围内能够收集到的NEW AGE资讯,全部归纳起来,为着无数爱好它的人们作着几年无名的奉献。

Australis was officially created as a musical project in the U.S. on August 2004. In January 2005, he won the "2004 Morpheus Music's Best Independent Artist" award with material released only to selected online radio stations.
His debut album "Lifegiving" was independently released on May 2005.
By early 2006 "Lifegiving" was re-released in Southern Asia by the Orange Music record label. In August 2006 two tracks from Australis' debut album "Lifegiving" were included in the New Vibes Music's compilation Echoes of Tuvalu.
Work for Australis' second album, "The Gates of Reality", was announced on August 2005, and almost two years later on February 2007 two of its tracks were included in the audio compact disc accompanying the last issue (#16) of the now defunct Netherlandic publication "E-dition Magazine", despite the fact that the album was not yet released at the time.
"The Gates of Reality" was released on November 2008 under the label Essential Noises.
On June 13th, 2009 Australis' official website announced work for a third release has started. Although no official name has been revealed for this new work, Australis' Facebook page has mentioned "Human Genus" as its temporary name. No release data has been announced yet.

[edit] Musical Style
Under the wider New Age genre, Australis' music styles include Ambient music, World music, Electronic music, Ethnic music, Symphonic music and Soundtrack. Among other adjectives, his musical signature has been described as melodic, intense, contagious, emotional and meaningful.
Australis' style is characterized by very rich instrumentation present even in his most simplistic pieces: very melodic and clearly defined leads built over solid tonal bases (consisting of deep evolving pads or full orchestral arrangements), along with engaging rhythms, often ethnically influenced.
Instrumentally, Australis' music uses the expected electronic synthesizers and samplers, bringing unusual and interesting sound effects to blend with the main musical body. However, much of his material also exhibits classical instruments which include piano, strings (solos and ensembles) and winds (clarinets, oboes, etc). Additionally, he also includes exotic instruments for his more ethnic material: native winds and strings (zampona, charango) from the Andes regions of South America, and also from the Middle East (zurna, darbouka, etc).
Another interesting characteristic of Australis' music is the dissimilar styles he explores and compiles in his discs. For example, the album "Lifegiving" starts with a very soft, relaxing, nature-driven title track; but the second track carries a completely different more electronic flavor. Then the third track comes and it has yet another color that falls into the category of dramatic soundtrack. Later on the disc other styles are also represented, including quasi-techno-dance "Fire Tamer", classic orchestra "The Enchantment", and the ethnic "Sacred Earth".
According to an interview he did for Lost Frontier late 2005, this gathering of styles is a consequence of the messages he is trying to convey through his music: "I don't pay as much attention to styles as to the messages I am trying to communicate."
The release of Australis' second album, "The Gates of Reality", strengthens this feature through the fourteen tracks it compiles. They comprise a wide range of styles that go from the purely electronic, to the ethnic, to the epic.

