吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 1

十年可以有多少改变? 十年,一棵小苗可以成长为参天大树; 十年,一个少女可以出落成标致美人; 十年,一位艺术家可以从默默无闻走向如日中天 “八彩虹”十年间的改变,成熟,升华,全世界的千万观众见证 1996年的“八彩虹”以“琴舞飞扬”吸引目光 2000年的“八彩虹”用“漂流物语”博得喝彩 2004年的“八彩虹”借“弦琴狂舞”惊艳世界 2009年的“八彩虹”洗尽铅华,涅磐重生 更多元的音乐,更火暴的舞蹈,更亮丽的成员 让“八彩虹”来的更猛烈些吧! “八彩虹”不容错过的精彩! 彩虹风暴,传奇继续

Not strictly a musical act, Barrage consists of a group of musicians who bring their music to life through elaborately choreographed stage shows. It began in 1996 as the brainchild of five musicians from Calgary: John Crozman, Dean Marshall, Anthony Moore, Jana Wyber, and Larry Saloff. Hoping to combine their music with showmanship and desiring to showcase the violin in various cultures, the collective eventually expanded as they put together shows in different parts of the world. By 2002, Barrage had appeared on-stage in major cities from London, New York, Paris, and Las Vegas, as they continued to entertain and expose their audiences to different musical cultures.


Mountain Spring
allentf 1088 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 民谣吉他 古典吉他