Cannibal Corpse
吉他谱: 303 粉丝: 35

CANNIBAL CORPSE是一支非常受欢迎的死亡金属乐队,在国外穿他们T恤衫的极端金属乐迷是最多的。他们的音乐非常粗暴,血腥而变态,具有极强的煽动性。乐队的技术不算突出,内涵也谈不上有什么深度,但他们就是这样的一群家伙,不跟你玩深沉,不需要你去思考,只是要用最猛烈的音乐带给你极端的感官刺激。总体上看,CANNIBALCORPSE是极端金属音乐界少有的偶像派乐队。 专辑介绍 《BUTCHERDE AT BIRTH》 这是一张非常重型的专辑,整体音乐十分快速,低音的力度也很充分,吉他、贝司、鼓的表现都还不错,虽然变化显得少了一些,但强烈血腥的程度是足够的。歌词极为变态,似乎有意考验你的神经的承受能力。总之,这张专辑的水准相当不错,值得一听。 《TOMB OF THE MUTILATED》 这是CANNIBAL CORPSE最著名的一张专辑。虽然我个人收藏的这张唱片是CENSORED版,没有封面和歌词,不过在别处见到这张专辑的封面,感觉实在是既变态又色情,令人作呕,堪称极端金属最佳唱片封面。专辑中的音乐也有了不小的进步,声音非常清晰,作为一支极端粗暴的死亡金属乐队,这一点尤为可贵和重要,另外无论是演奏还是编曲,这张专辑都更富于变化,音乐的表现力有了很大的提高。无论如何,作为血腥派的极端金属乐迷,这张专辑是不容错过的。 《THE BLEEDING》 乐队的风格发生了微小的变化,整体音乐旋律性有所加强,虽然仍然非常低沉、粗暴,歌词依旧变态,但总体上讲,CANNIBAL CORPSE的音乐变得更易为人所接受。更重要的是乐队在驾御音乐的能力上有了很大的提高,整体感增强许多,不过这张专辑的音 乐较之乐队以前的作品显得软了一点,令人略有遗憾。 《VILE》 在这张专辑中乐队的原主唱因组建了自己的SIX FEET UNDER乐队而被开除,新加入的主唱来自超级死亡金属乐队MONSTROSITY,表现也还是相当不错的,整体音乐似乎也回到了乐队早期的风格,粗暴有力、杀气十足,虽然录音比较差,但细听下来发现乐队 的演奏水准还是有所提高的,不过这张专辑有一个致命的缺点,就是没有一首令人难忘的歌曲,因此很难给人留下深刻的印象。 《GALLERY OF SUICIDE》 乐队加入了新吉他手,整体音乐显得比以前的专辑讲究技术,内容很丰富,有强烈的作品,也有比较旋律化的作品,甚至还有一首不错的纯演奏作品,主唱经过上张专辑的磨练,有一定进步,与乐队的配合更加熟练,录音也有了比较大的提高,各种乐器 的声音都十分清晰,使人能更明确的体会出CANNIBAL CORPSE乐队向技术型死亡金属乐队转化的变化。 《BLOODTHIRST》 这是CANNIBAL CORPSE的最新专辑,我只有机会听过其中的几首歌曲,整体感觉非常好,技术化的趋势更加明显,而且乐队也确实表现出了一些以前没见过的高超水准,虽然还比不上DEATH、SUFFOCATION等技术型的经典死亡金属乐队,音乐的感觉也没有象他们的优秀作品《TOMB OF THE MUTILATED》给人印象深刻,但相信他们只要照这样发展下去,一定会创造出一支全新的死亡金属乐队,带给我们更优秀的作品
  CANNIBAL CORPSE (食人尸) 于1989年成立于纽约Buffalo布法罗市。成员:主唱George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher,吉他手Jack Owen,Pat O'Brie n,鼓手Paul,贝司手Alex Webster。(2002.2.13)
  CANNIBAL CORPSE是一支非常受欢迎的死亡金属乐队,在国外穿他们T恤衫的极端金属乐迷是最多的。他们的音乐非常粗暴,血腥而变态,具有极强的煽动性。乐队的技术不算突出,内涵也谈不上有什么深度,但他们就是这样的一群家伙,不跟你玩深沉,不需要你去思考,只是要用最猛烈的音乐带给你极端的感官刺激。总体上看,CANNIBAL CORPSE是极端金属音乐界少有的偶像派乐队。
  更换了吉他手,Jeremy Turner将代替Jack Owen。虽然他现在非常努力的融合到乐队中,但现在还不能确实是否Jeremy Turner将真正的加入CANNIBAL CORPSE乐队. Jeremy是一位纯粹的死亡金属吉他手,就象他以前一样,在不到三个星期的时间里熟练掌握乐队的18首歌曲,这是个非常艰巨的工作.
  2000年Metal Blade(金属刀片)公司推出的食人尸现场演出录像双张vcd《Live cannibalism(食人肉现场)》,包括2000年2月16号乐队在西印度群岛Milwaukee密尔沃基举行的名为“死亡金属大屠杀”的演出。现场演出气氛热烈,台上迷乱疯狂的双吉他相互嘶咬,贝司穿游于最黑暗的深处,急密的鼓点撞击着地狱大门,主唱的低喉是成群的魔兽冲出洞穴时兴奋充血的双眼射出的恶毒蓝光。琴手飘扬的长发从前面看象拖把一样不停摆动。主唱的头更象是电风扇一样大幅度转动。一场演出下来真担心他的脖子会不会断掉。台下比台上还能造,歌迷们互相冲撞肆意取闹.

"If vomit were a movie, this would be the soundtrack," wrote one critic of Cannibal Corpse's music, some of the most extreme, violent death metal sounds and subject matter ever committed to tape. Reveling in splatter-horror imagery in their often indecipherable lyrics, the group's graphic album artwork and song titles like "Meat Hook Sodomy," "Entrails Ripped from a Virgin's Cunt," "Fucked with a Knife," and so on, have — not surprisingly — attracted a fair amount of controversy and sometimes resulted in their albums being banned. However, their over-the-top extremity has won them a rabid cult following and made them one of the most popular death metal bands of the '90s; sticking with what works, the band didn't alter or develop its style much over the decade, although fans didn't seem to mind.

Cannibal Corpse was formed in Buffalo, NY, in 1988, their lineup composed mostly of musically active scenesters: vocalist Chris Barnes, guitarists Bob Rusay and Jack Owen, bassist Alex Webster, and drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz. Musically, they were closest to Slayer, although more extreme metal bands like Death also played a role in their sound. A 1989 demo helped the band secure a contract with Metal Blade Records, which released their debut album, Eaten Back to Life, in 1990. A cult following began to build behind the group with albums like 1991's Butchered at Birth and 1992's Tomb of the Mutilated. Bob Rusay was fired in 1993 and replaced with ex-Malevolent Creation guitarist Rob Barrett, who joined the group in time to appear as a club band in the Jim Carrey film Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

Barrett debuted on record with 1994's (relatively) more accessible The Bleeding, which proved to be Barnes' final album; 1996's Vile featured ex-Monstrosity vocalist George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher. Cannibal Corpse soldiered on through the decade, returning in 1998 with Gallery of Suicide. Bloodthirst followed a year later, and in 2000 the band issued both a video and CD titled Live Cannibalism (their second concert video but first official live album). Gore Obsessed arrived in 2002, followed by the obsessively packaged box set/DVD 15 Year Killing Spree. Their ninth album of all new material, Wretched Spawn, was released in 2004, followed by Kill in 2006.

Cannibal Corpse的吉他谱

Compelled To Lacerate
winight 1044 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
Compelled To Lacerate
winight 1492 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Carnivorous Swarm
winight 1302 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Butchered At Birth
winight 1117 0
Butchered At Birth
winight 1693 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Buried In The Backyard
winight 1306 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Brain Removal Device
winight 1197 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他
Born In A Casket
winight 1281 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Blunt Force Castration
winight 1713 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
Blowtorch Slaughter
winight 1298 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Blowtorch Slaughter
winight 1419 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 鼓 电吉他 贝司
Beyond The Cemetery
winight 1388 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Bent Backwards And Broken
winight 1839 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他
Addicted To Vaginal Skin
winight 1454 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Addicted To Vaginal Skin
winight 1581 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Addicted To Vaginal Skin
winight 1095 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
A Skull Full Of Magots
winight 1082 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他
A Skull Full Of Magots
winight 1403 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他
A Cauldron Of Hate
winight 1341 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
A Cauldron Of Hate
winight 1899 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓