Dead Can Dance
吉他谱: 11 粉丝: 2


Dead Can Dance是英国独立唱片公司4AD旗下最具影响力的乐队之一,其核心成员是Brendan Perry(男主音,吉他手,多样器乐演奏家)和Lisa Gerrard(女主音,扬琴手,多样器乐演奏家)。

风  格:Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚) Dream Pop(梦幻流行) Ethnic Fusion(Ethnic Fusion) (Shoegazing)

组建时间: 1981年

国  籍:澳大利亚

Dead Can Dance的两位成员Brendan Perry和Lisa Gerrard都是爱尔兰後裔,1980年他们在澳洲墨尔本相遇後,共同开发并分享著彼此对音乐、文学和视觉艺术的热爱,第一首作品"Fast Forward"被澳洲的一家小公司收录在一张圣诞节合辑里,算是D.C.D.初试啼声的佳作。1982年,D.C.D.前往伦敦,寻求澳洲市场外的成功机会,经过一年的摸索,终于被4AD相中签约,在隔年3月为他们出版首张同名专辑,纪录D.C.D.成军4年间的心血创作。


1984年底4AD计画发行This Mortal Coil第一张合辑,D.C.D.有两首作品入选,分别是"Dream Made Flesh"和"Waves Become Wings",紧接著他们以个人名义推出的另两首新曲"It'll End In Tears"和"Garden Of The Delights"也迅速的问市,其中在单曲内页里发表了Brendan Perry的绘画作品,是D.C.D.多面向才华的一次成功表现。

1985年D.C.D.第二张大碟"Spleen And Ideal"出版,在英国独立排行榜上一路攀升到第2名,86年年初,因为广大乐迷的催促,D.C.D.排出量少质精的演唱会场次,与听众直接沟通,同年并藉 4AD合辑"Lonely Is An Eyesore"发表两首新作"Frontier"和"TheProtagonist"。

在1987年发表第3张专辑"The Realm Of A Dying"後,D.C.D.搬入英国政府配给的国宅中,过著近乎是城市隐士的生活,为下一张专辑"The Steppents Egg" 撰写词曲,并运用自己的录音器材录制完成整张专辑,期间几乎没有和外界有任何往来,使乐迷对他们的神秘更为敬畏。就当全世界都以为D.C.D.已经决心脱离尘世时,他们却又走出来和大众媒体见面,不但为西班牙名导Augustin Villaronga的坎城开幕片"Moon Child"做配乐,女主唱Lisa Gerrard还在电影中称职的出饰一角,使很多人留下深刻的印象。


1992年,美国唱片界纷纷向D.C.D.招手,於是4AD整理出所有录音作品中的精华,加入两支口味清淡的新曲"Bird"和"Spirit",在新大陆发行了题名为"A Passage InTime"的精选辑,向美国对D.C.D.乐风不熟悉的听者投石问路,吸引了大批包容力较强的消费者,其中包括许多学术、文化界的人士,也为D.C.D.带来很多意想不到的合作关系,例如美国制片Mark Magidson和导演Ron Frilke在开拍新片"Baraka"时就选上D.C.D.的旧作"The Steppents Egg"做主题曲,另外法国音 乐家Hector Zazou制作纪念魔鬼诗人韩波逝世一百周年的概念专辑时,也慕名邀请D.C.D.撰写两首作品,在这张经典专辑里跨刀的艺人还有John Cale,David Sylvian,Bill Laswell和坂本龙一等人。

1993年,D.C.D.最畅销的专辑"Into The Labyrith"出世,这是他们在4AD旗下发行的第6张专辑,录音和制作的过程全都是在Brendan隐居的爱尔兰修道院里完成。Lisa则在工作告一段落後,回到澳洲维多莉亚山中的老家和父母团圆,这张大碟就在两位主角缺席,几乎完全不做宣传的情形下,神奇的卖出了50万张。同年9月至11月间D.C.D.展开第一次世界性的巡回演唱,和许多优秀乐手一起在舞台上不断探索自己作品的可能性。

1994年,D.C.D.在加州一间历史悠久的剧院举行多场演出,同时在现场收音,拍摄影片和专辑"Toward The Within",导演工作由旧识 Mark Magidson 担任,影片还没拍完就已受邀到加拿大蒙特娄影展做首映,同名专辑中发表的新作,仍然保留了一贯的乐风,塞尔特民歌,中世纪音乐,文艺复兴的诗歌吟唱和来自中东、北非的音乐素材,让"Toward The Within"非常的「世界音乐」,至於专辑中收录的旧作现场演绎版本,呈现了不俗的新鲜感。隔年Lisa Gerrard推出他的第一张个人专辑"Mirror Pool",与澳洲维多利亚交响乐团共同合作将中古世纪的诗歌与古乐融入现代的编曲中,是一张音乐史上少有的发烧钜作,不过在此同时,D.C.D.解散的传说顿时也成为乐坛注目的焦点。
1995年,Lisa Gerrard发表其个人专辑“The Mirror Pool”,引起外界猜测乐队是否要解散。1996年夏,乐队推出最后一张作品,“Spiritchaser”,这张专辑有明显的部落音乐色彩。乐队在随后举办了一次全球巡回演出,然后于1998年宣布解散。
2005年,4AD公开宣布Dead Can Dance重组,。然而,这一消息并没有引来太多的关注。毕竟,二十多年过去后,“DCD风格”已经为欧美众多darkwave、gothic追随者发展到一个无可超越的顶峰阶段,特别是欧洲一众neo-classical、medieval、apocalyptic、neo-folk的出现,宣告了Dead Can Dance已经成为一个过去。

其实D.C.D.的新片发行计画一直都列於4AD的发行时间表中,只是从专辑"Into The Labyrith"开始,Lisa和Brendan两人在创作和演出上已经形成个自的风格,加上"Mirror Pool"的发行,自然造成外界对于两人关系的疑忌,不过在96 年的新作"Spiritchaser"发行後,谣言不攻自破,两人以近乎心灵相通的方式,将概念集中於南美洲的古音乐文化,诠释出D.C.D.另一种不为人熟悉的音乐领域,从古印地安诗歌的吟唱到秘鲁、智利、阿根廷的原始打击乐,从古乐器的使用到电脑sampling,全在爱尔兰的修道院里完成,内涵上它可视为"Into The Labyrith" 的延伸,变的是两人相互吟唱对方的创作,不管是或合或离,呈现出听觉的最高美感。


专  辑:

Dead Can Dance (1984)
Spleen and Ideal (1985)
Within the Realm of a Dying Sun (1987)
The Serpent's Egg (1988)
Aion (1990)
Into the Labyrinth (1993)
Spiritchaser (1996)


Garden of the Arcane Delights (1984)

by Stephen Thomas Erlewine & Vladimir Bogdanov
Dead Can Dance combine elements of European folk music — particularly music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance — with ambient pop and worldbeat flourishes. Their songs are of lost beauty, regret and sorrow, inspiration and nobility, and of the everlasting human goal of attaining a meaningful existence.

Over the course of their career, Dead Can Dance has featured a multitude of members, but two musicians have remained at the core of the band — guitarist Brendan Perry and vocalist Lisa Gerrard. Perry had previously been the lead vocalist and bassist for the Australian-based punk band the Scavengers, a group who were never able to land a recording contract. In 1979, the band changed their name to the Marching Girls, but they still werent able to sign a contract. The following year, Perry left the group and began experimenting with electronic music, particularly tape loops and rhythms. In 1981, Perry formed Dead Can Dance with Lisa Gerrard, Paul Erikson, and Simon Monroe. By 1982, Perry and Gerrard decided to relocate to London; Erikson and Monroe decided to stay in Australia.

Within a year, Dead Can Dance had signed a record deal with 4AD. In the spring of 1984, they released their eponymous debut album, comprised of songs the pair had written in the previous four years. By the end of the year, the group had contributed two tracks to Itll End in Tears, the first album by This Mortal Coil, and had released an EP called Garden of the Arcane Delights. In 1985, Dead Can Dance released their second album, Spleen and Ideal. The album helped build their European cult following, peaking at number two on the U.K. indie charts.

For the next two years, Dead Can Dance were relatively quiet, releasing only two new songs in 1986, both which appeared on the 4AD compilation Lonely Is an Eyesore. Within the Realm of a Dying Sun, the groups third album, appeared in 1986. In 1988, the band released their fourth album, The Serpents Egg, and wrote the score for the Agustin Villarongas film El Nino de la Luna, which also featured Lisa Gerrard in her acting debut.

Aion, Dead Can Dances fifth album, was released in 1990. Also in 1990, the group toured America for the first time, earning rave reviews. The following year, the group was involved in various festivals and theatrical productions. In 1991, the compilation A Passage in Time was released on Rykodisc, making it the first American release of Dead Can Dance music. Early in 1993, the group provided the score to Baraka and contributed songs to Sahara Blue. In the fall of 1993, the group released Into the Labyrinth, which became their first proper studio album to receive an American release. Into the Labyrinth was a cult success throughout the U.S. and Europe. It was followed by another American and European tour, which was documented on the 1994 album and film, Toward the Within. In 1995, Lisa Gerrard released her debut solo album, The Mirror Pool. In the summer of 1996, Dead Can Dance released Spiritchaser and embarked on an international tour. The duo officially disbanded in 1999; Gerrard continued working as a solo artist and composed music for films such as Heat, The Insider, and Gladiator. Perry also established a solo career, issuing Eye of the Hunter in 2000. In 2001, Rhino released the bands first comprehensive box set, Dead Can Dance 1981-1998. Rumours of their reunion also began to swirl around this time, however Gerrards solo career remained steadfast. Her work with composer Patrick Cassidy, Immortal Memory, followed in 2004. Several months later, Gerrard and Perry made it official and reunited for a world tour. Dates in North America and Europe followed in 2005 while Rhino once more recognized the duo with a greatest hits collection. Momento: The Very Best of Dead Can Dance appeared in October 2005.

Dead Can Dance的吉他谱

Enigma Of The Absolute
转角誰的泪水 1111 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 民谣吉他 钢琴
The Carnival Is Over
缅怀的x 1786 0 7
GTP谱 总谱
Anabasis (Soymartino Figerstyle Cover)
我喜那样的收梢 2191 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Song Of Dispossessed
我喜那样的收梢 1652 0 2
GTP谱 民谣吉他
我喜那样的收梢 2781 0 6
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓 钢琴
oYuki 5027 0 12
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
A Passage In Time Live
笼中鸟儿 1456 0 4
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 民谣吉他 鼓
A Passage In Time
笼中鸟儿 1873 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
笼中鸟儿 1998 0 7
GTP谱 古典吉他 民谣吉他 鼓
笼中鸟儿 3220 0 3
笼中鸟儿 2588 0 6
GTP谱 民谣吉他 贝司 鼓 电吉他 钢琴