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2000年,当Alison Goldfrapp和Will Gregory合作的首张大碟《Felt Mountain》捕获了那些有些品位又感觉被Portishead遗弃了的那批歌迷的心,从而让50万普通人心甘情愿的掏腰包的时候,所有人都认为Alison Goldfrapp是一个黑百合圣女,那时候的Alison Goldfrapp,矜持中充满了冷艳,冷漠中透出一种性感,她的声音让冷冰冰的电子节奏变得更加地轻灵自在,扑朔迷离。听她的音乐,就像活在怪异而又无比真实的幻境之中。而在此之前,她已经和和Tricky及Orbital合作过多次。2003年的专辑《Black Cherry》,人们突然发现,那个冷美人变得富于攻击性和挑逗性,80年代Robo-disco风格加上Alison Goldfrap妖娆暧昧的唱腔让人觉得这是在仓库里进行一场热舞派对,但细心的人就可以发现,这张硬朗的唱片其实颇为保守,对Electroclash风格的借鉴和使用非常小心翼翼,生怕一不小心挂错了方向。在放弃了Portishead式的迷离和死亡气味之后,乐队转向一条更加流行化的道路。这张专辑似乎更受年轻人的欢迎,但她付出的代价则是要Alison Goldfrapp挽起长裙上阵,在这张专辑里Alison Goldfrapp的优雅经常和整体音乐走向尴尬的共处着,这种别扭让那些把他们划作Trip Hop的乐评人领受了一记重拳。

2005年,几乎所有的争议都聚集在Goldfrapp身上。有人说,Goldfrapp就如同一只海妖,独自坚守了太久的寂寞,最终在那一年的某一天,踏出了那片荒郊或是那座孤岛,并开始彻底宣称将用曼妙音符来征服整个尘世。有人说,Goldfrapp在骚首弄姿、东施效颦,她的声音不是很独特,音乐做的既不诡异,也不奇特,总之是很平庸。在熙熙攘攘的口水战里,很多人忘记了这样的一个事实:Goldfrapp只是一支乐队,她是Alison Goldfrapp和Will Gregory组成的乐队。
五年的时间,Alison Goldfrap走了一条从圣女到欲女快速蜕变的道路,她的音乐有种说不出的畸异感的图案组合和蹩脚地挑逗的裸体总像一个阴谋。在一阵阵黑声旋风里,她竟然让七十年代Disco跟工业噪音混战一堂,强又强的邪气后是隐约的性暗示。也许她不是最好最性感最迷人的,但她绝对足够好足够性感足够迷人,就在你寂寞的每一夜,这支夜莺在你窗外的树梢上轻声歌唱着。

Bath, England's singer/composer/keyboardist Allison Goldfrapp began exploring music as a part of her studies as a Fine Art Painting major at Middlesex University, mixing sound, visuals, and performances in her installation pieces. While she was still in college, she appeared on her friend Tricky's 1995 debut Maxinquaye, which led to appearances on albums from other cutting-edge electronic artists, including Orbital's Snivilisation and Add N to X's Avant Hard. By the late '90s, Goldfrapp began honing her own compositions; one of her friends passed some of her demos on to composer Will Gregory. Finding much in common in their musical tastes and approaches, the duo took Allison's surname as the name for their collaboration. After signing to Mute in 1999, Goldfrapp delivered their debut album, Felt Mountain, in fall 2000. Felt Mountain went on to nearly universal acclaim and spawned several singles, including the Utopia Genetically Enriched EP, which arrived in early 2001. After spending most of that year touring, Goldfrapp spent most of 2002 recording and returned with Black Cherry in spring 2003. 2005 saw the release of the "Ooh La La" single and the full-length Supernature, both of which continued the disco and glam rock influences of the duo's previous album. 2008's The Seventh Tree moved in a calmer, more acoustic-based, but just as sonically lush direction.


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