Linkin Park
吉他谱: 561 粉丝: 271

“Linkin Park”新世代的音乐顽童,无门无派,嬉笑怒骂游走于各门各派之间,博采众家之长,尽情炫出E时代音乐风情,不经意间,首张大碟《Hybird Theory混合理论》狂卖1500万张,销量惊人。终成大器的Linkin'Park在世界范围内狂掀阵阵Linkin热浪,引发一场场"时尚风暴"。也因为乐队成员的亚裔血统而使亚洲不甘人后的新一代青年发现自身力量,冲锋陷阵于世界时尚的最前沿。Linkin'Park带给我们的不仅仅是混合的音乐、前卫的时尚,在他的身后是新世代年轻人自由、博大、包容的精神世界。

    Brad (结他手) 和 Mike (Rapper-美日混血儿)一起就读同一间 HighSchool 所以认识,而且在大约1996年组成一队Band叫做"Xero".这队 Band 的阵容同现在的相差很大.但亦系 Linkin Park 的基础.开始时他们二人只用Mike的睡房作为录音室而录出第一只歌.在学校中亦认识了 Rob (鼓手). Mike 在 Pasadena 的艺术学校(设计科)认识了Joe(Dj韩美混血儿)~ 而Phoenix(现在的低音结他手)是在UCLA读紧书时同屋朋友.经过多次变动后,成员大约是 : Milke, Brad, Joe, Rob, Phoenix , Mark .因为队Band进展唔好, Mark 决定离开,但系他仍然是他们的好友.而 Mark 则是现在 Taproot 的 manager .而队 Band 就改名为"HybridTheory"因为主音Mark Wakefield的离队而要找人填补他的位置.他们便寄出一些样本带给他们的朋友和朋友既朋友一传十...十传百.只要有兴趣的人将自己把声录入去然后寄回给他们.Chester Bennington(现时主音)16岁开始组 Band ,在之前他的 Band "Grey Daze"从律师楼认识了 "Xero". 此公司告诉他们 Chester 可能帮到佢地 , 所以就也寄给他 .同时Chester 和老婆刚刚买下一间在 Phoenix , Arizona 的屋,其中一个朋友给了Chester,他就在三日后给电话队Band说他十分有兴趣.他们很兴奋三日便收到回复而且叫 Chester 在电话中播带听听.当时 Chester 正在生日 party 中."Xero"听后发觉十分正,而 Chester 亦都起程到 S.California 会合.而 Chester 在加入 Linkin Park 前一个月放弃了组 Band.十六岁便开始录唱片玩音乐的 Chester 笑着说 : "我才两岁大我就爱唱 Foreigner 的歌,我还有录制成带子.从我开始学说话,我就老是诉大家,我长大一定要当歌手.

乐团的奋斗经历坎坷。他们在20世纪90年代就已经开始尝试的说唱金属风格,在很长一段时间中,得不到主流音乐行业的赏识。在签约出片的过程中,三年来不知道有少主流唱片公司不屑他们,他们举办42场试唱会来赢取合约,失败了42次,连签下他们的华纳也曾多次回绝,而如今他们成为“华纳之宝”,以漂亮的销售数字狠狠地让看不起林肯公园的人跌破眼镜。而在他们苦苦等待唱片公司签约的同时,他们的单曲《ONE STEP CLOSER》却在网路上大红特红,在雅虎的歌迷讨论区短短一个月就涌入千篇的讨论,在BBS上更是当红话题。也正是网络的力量使得华纳提前意识到了乐团的宝贵价值,毅然与之签约。

但乐团在网络上的走红也为乐团的最后定型添加了小小插曲,那就是他们最终发现,即便是在强大的网络基础支持下,他们也是不可能注册到"LINCOLN PARK.COM"这个域名,但乐团又不能缺乏网络的后盾。所以,乐团的最终名称就成为了今天的"LINKIN' PARK"(令肯公园),而"LINKINPARK.COM"也就顺理成章地成为了乐团的官方网站。

乐队在20世纪中,曾陆续推出过一些单曲和EP。千禧年的10月24日,乐队推出了他们的首张大碟《混合理论》(HYBRID THEORY)。自从这个日子以后,"令肯公园"的音乐,以及这支乐团所代表的一切,就一发不可收拾的如日中天起来。专辑中共收录了乐团的12首歌曲,每一首都是说唱金属的经典之作。2001年,这张专辑取得了美国本土的最高销量,连续75周占据专辑销售排行榜前5名位置,并仍在不停地刷新着自身的销售记录,直到今天。目前,这张专辑的全球销量保守估计在一千六百多万张左右。

良好的销售状态使得华纳唱片迅速在2001年底推出了《混合理论》的双张全球庆功版,其中添加了乐队的演出现场录音,以及两首全新歌曲《MY DECEMBER》和《HIGH VOLTAGE》,并打算继续推出该专辑的混音版和"公园鼓舞翻唱版"。


(Chester Bennington)
生日: March 20th 1976.
出生地: Phoenix, Arizona.

LP并不是CHESTER的第一个乐队,在此之前,曾在Grey Daze当主唱

(Mike Shinoda)
生日: February 11th 1977.
出生地: Agoura, California

1996年和Brad成立了XERO,也就是LP的前身。当时的成员还有Joe, Rob, Phoenix和Mark。

(Joseph Hahn)
生日: March 15th 1977.
出生地: Glendale, California

(Rob Bourdon)
生日: January 20th 1979.
出生地: Calabasas, California

(Brad Delson)
生日: December 1st 1977.
出生地: Agoura, California
他曾经待过的乐队有 “The Pricks”, “Relative Degree” (和Rob一起) 还有 “Xero” (现在的 Linkin Park)。

生日: February 8th 1977.
出生地: Plymouth, Massachusettes
曾经在乐队“The Snax”里演奏过。

Although rooted in alternative metal, Linkin Park became one of the most successful acts of the early 2000s by welcoming elements of hip-hop, modern rock, and atmospheric electronica into their music. The band's rise was indebted to the aggressive rap-rock movement made popular by the likes of Korn and Limp Bizkit, a movement that paired grunge's alienation with a bold, buzzing soundtrack. Linkin Park added a unique spin to that formula, however, focusing as much on the vocal interplay between singer Chester Bennington and rapper Mike Shinoda as the band's muscled instrumentation, which layered DJ effects atop heavy, processed guitars. While the group's sales never eclipsed those of its tremendously successful debut, Hybrid Theory, few alt-metal bands rivaled Linkin Park during the band's heyday.

Drummer Rob Bourdon, guitarist Brad Delson, and MC/vocalist Mike Shinoda attended high school in Southern California, where they formed the rap-rock band Xero in 1996. Bassist Dave "Phoenix" Farrell, singer Mark Wakefield, and DJ/art student Joseph Hahn joined soon after, and the band courted various labels while playing hometown shows in Los Angeles. Few companies expressed interest in Xero's self-titled demo tape, however, prompting Wakefield to leave the lineup (he would later resurface as the manager for Taproot). Hybrid Theory became the band's temporary moniker in 1998 as replacement singer Chester Bennington climbed aboard, and the revised band soon settled on a final name: Linkin Park, a misspelled reference to Lincoln Park in Santa Monica. With Bennington and Shinoda sharing vocal duties, the musicians now wielded enough power to distinguish themselves from the wave of nu-metal outfits that had appeared during the decade's latter half. Warner Bros. vice president Jeff Blue took note and signed Linkin Park in 1999, sending the band into the studio with Don Gilmore shortly thereafter.

Linkin Park titled their debut album Hybrid Theory, a tribute to the band's past, and released the record during the fall of 2000. "Crawling" and "In the End" were massive radio hits; the latter song even topped the U.S. Modern Rock chart while peaking at number two on the Billboard Hot 100, an example of the band's crossover appeal. Linkin Park joined the Family Values Tour and also played shows with Cypress Hill, leading the group to log over 320 shows in 2001 alone. Come January 2002, Hybrid Theory had received three Grammy nominations and sold over seven million copies. (Sales later topped ten million, earning the album "diamond status" and making Hybrid Theory one of the most successful debuts ever.) Despite their meteoric rise, however, Linkin Park spent the remainder of the year holed up in the recording studio, again working with producer Don Gilmore on a follow-up album. Meanwhile, the timely summer release of Reanimation helped appease the band's eager audience, offering remixed versions of Hybrid Theory's tracks.

A proper sophomore effort, Meteora, arrived in March 2003, featuring a heavier sound and stronger elements of rap-rock. Although the record spawned several modern rock hits, songs such as "Numb," "Somewhere I Belong," and "Breaking the Habit" furthered the band's crossover appeal by simultaneously charting on the Hot 100. Linkin Park once again supported the album with ample touring, including performances with the second annual Projekt Revolution Tour (the band's own traveling festival, which originally launched in 2002) and additional shows with the likes of Metallica and Limp Bizkit. Live in Texas was released to document the band's strength as a touring act, and the bandmates tackled various personal projects before beginning work on a second remix project.

Released in 2004, Collision Course found the band collaborating with king-of-the-mountain rapper Jay-Z, resulting in a number of mashups that sampled from both artists' catalogs. Collision Course topped the charts upon its release, the first EP to do so since Alice in Chains' Jar of Flies, and Jay-Z furthered his association with the band by asking co-founder Mike Shinoda to explore the possibility of a solo hip-hop project. He did, dubbing the project Fort Minor and releasing The Rising Tied in 2005 with Jay-Z as executive producer. Linkin Park then reconvened in 2006 to begin work on a third studio album, which saw Shinoda sharing production credits with Rick Rubin. The resulting Minutes to Midnight arrived in 2007, debuting at number one in several countries and spawning the Top Ten single "What I've Done."

Linkin Park的吉他谱

戒爱.戒你 9537 2 10
GTP谱 现场版 电吉他 鼓 钢琴 贝司
戒爱.戒你 8077 0 2
GTP谱 指弹 双吉他 民谣吉他 古典吉他
Given Up
huamanlou 6535 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Given Up
huamanlou 2841 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Given Up
huamanlou 3252 0 4
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Given Up
huamanlou 3779 0 7
Given Up
huamanlou 2376 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Given Up
huamanlou 11059 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Hands Held High
huamanlou 2487 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 钢琴 贝司
Hands Held High
huamanlou 1830 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
High Voltage Remix
huamanlou 1983 0 9
GTP谱 电吉他 钢琴 贝司 鼓
High Voltage
huamanlou 2327 0 10
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司 钢琴
Hip-hop Medley
huamanlou 2909 0 11
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 钢琴 贝司
Hit The Floor
huamanlou 1947 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Hit The Floor
huamanlou 1807 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Hit The Floor
huamanlou 2144 0 6
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司
Hit The Floor
huamanlou 2161 0 9
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
In Between
huamanlou 1752 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
In Between
huamanlou 2131 0 6
GTP谱 鼓 电吉他 贝司
In Pieces
huamanlou 2342 0 7
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓