吉他谱: 27 粉丝: 10


Mogwai这支来自苏格兰的的确极年轻的乐队,从前长年生存于地下状态,而其生活中最大的乐趣,便是聆听Sonic Youth,然后在家中以简陋的器材制作出自产磁带,并以最直接的方式参与流通。

Mogwai的音乐态度从其歌名中便可见一斑:Mogwai Fear Satan、RU Still In 2 It等等,充满年轻的搞笑色彩。但是,在这些恶作剧般的标题之下,是足以让人敬畏的音乐才能。在他们的音乐中,你可以听到一段极富氛围色彩的恬静钢琴(有时甚至是长笛),它在慢慢消逝着的背景声中缓缓飘来,于是你的意识开始在安宁中冥想,可突然间,你会撞在一堵刚刚建成的令人诧异的噪音之墙上,一切的安宁和对他们的猜疑全部都轰然倒塌。

Mogwai的Young Team是一张用电话中的咕哝之声导入的世界,那是个布满甘醇丰厚的贝司的世界,是协调而低迷的吉他的世界,是最甜美与最冷峻的敲击合一的世界。这张多数时候是让人沉醉的器乐而非人声的世界,是嘶哑与安宁、舒缓与喧嚣的奇异矛盾统一,也是迷幻和噪音的奇异统一,是Lo-Fi的独特干酷和Post Rock的美妙精致的奇异统一。

在电乐创世的今日,死抱往日技术的大师们显然已不是以在传统摇滚的阵营中与之抗衡,而如果还真有人敢于叫板的话,恐怕也只能是像Mogwai这类既有开阔眼界、又有坚强实力的乐队。像Mogwai这种出奇地年轻而又深得Sonic Youth、Codein、Bedhead等乐队个中三味的乐队,是人们对狭义的摇滚还抱有莫大希望之所在。

Come On Die Young显然是Mogwai真正向Post Rock方向的进军,在来自虚空又向虚空的隐退中,是他们的声音依然丰稠而优美,正是这种丰稠和优美,让他们并无Sonic Youth式的噪音或Mercury Rev式的生猛(后者的Dave Fridman担任了此专辑的制作人),却有着同样的出色架构。你很难相信,他们是在1995年才组队的几个小孩。

Come On Die Young的头一首歌是Punk Rock,但别指望能听到任何朋克音乐之声,那是一段恬静吉他的独奏,只有当你听到那段说话的声音是出自Iggy Pop,才会明白Mogwai的机巧。专辑的最后还会出现这段人声,并最将让Puff Daddy的名字也一同垫底。同样停留于摇滚而非后摇滚时期的还有可以真正称为“歌”的Cody,安逸的蜂鸣般贝司和吉他与半梦半醒的人声交织催人欲眠。另一首摇滚作品则是Ex-Cowboy,他以典型的后摇式分解和弦打头,在渐强地逐级推进后,终于爆发出放大器裂变之声,以后摇之声完成了向摇滚的致敬礼。

自然,他们也不会忘了向Lo-Fi敬礼,但从Year 2000……中就可以听到,他们的声音中旋律化的riff和标准indie式吉他都如同取消了主唱的Pavement,但Lo-Fi,在听觉上依然可以如此精美……

The cosmic post-rock band Mogwai was formed in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1996 by guitarist/vocalist Stuart Braithwaite, guitarist Dominic Aitchison, and drummer Martin Bulloch, longtime friends with the goal of creating serious guitar music. Toward that end they added another guitarist, John Cummings, before debuting in March 1996 with the single Tuner, a rarity in the Mogwai discography for its prominent vocals; the follow-up, a split single with Dweeb titled Angels vs. Aliens, landed in the Top Ten on the British indie charts. Following appearances on a series of compilations, Mogwai returned later in the year with the 7 Summer; after another early 1997 single, New Paths to Helicon, they issued Ten Rapid, a collection of their earliest material.

Around the time of recording the superb 1997 EP 4 Satin, former Teenage Fanclub and Telstar Ponies member Brendan OHare joined the lineup in time to record Mogwais debut studio LP, Mogwai Young Team, exiting a short time later to return to his primary projects, Macrocosmica and Fiend. Again a quartet, Mogwai next issued 1998s Kicking a Dead Pig, a two-disc remix collection; the No Education = No Future (Fuck the Curfew) EP appeared a few months later. In 1999, they released Come On Die Young. Rock Action arrived in early 2001. Late that year, Mogwai released the My Father, My King EP; two years later, they issued the ironically titled Happy Songs for Happy People. Government Commissions: BBC Sessions 1996-2004 arrived early in 2005. Mr. Beast, which was released in 2006, found the band going in a softer, more reflective direction. Late that year, the bands collaboration with Clint Mansell on the soundtrack to The Fountainhead arrived; Mogwai also crafted the score for Douglas Gordons Zidane: A 21st Century Portait, which was released in the U.K. in 2006 and in the U.S. the following spring.


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