吉他谱: 4 粉丝: 3

Múm将流行音乐探索至美妙的境地,他们的作品中充满了沁人心脾的旋律、嘎吱嘎吱的易碎节拍和顽皮的哔哔声响。Múm就像是一个BELLE AND SEBASTIAN, ISAN, RAYMOND SCOTT, PLONE and BOARDS OF CANADA的混合体。或许乐队成员不愿承认,但他们的作品确实是机灵聪颖清澈见底。聆听者会感受到飘荡在空气中的那份真挚,就像歌曲《I am 9 today》中所表达的,这种令人欢欣的东西在时下的音乐中真是难寻啊。
Múm于1999年末在TMT ENTERTAINMENT公司发行了他们的处女作《Yesterday Was Dramatic,Today Is OK》。这张专辑就像风暴一样席卷冰岛,Múm也因此在当年获得了Icelandic Music Awards的"Best Newcomer" award(最佳新人奖);与此同时专辑也受到了国际媒体和乐迷们强烈欢迎。MUZIK Magazine将专辑选为当月最佳专辑,单曲《The Ballad of the Broken Birdie Records》也成为了冰岛权威音乐杂志UNDIRTONAR的年度最佳单曲。
诸如WIRE、NME、MELODY MAKER、GROOVE MAGAZINE、DJ-MAGAZINE的众多知名杂志也对Múm刊登了积极的评论。“这张专辑是关于四个孩子在海边村庄度过暑假的故事。他们泡图书馆、游泳、骑车远游……这好像不是一张专辑而是一本故事书。”
之后,Múm与近年来稳步成长的独立厂牌FatCat签约,后者则已经将冰岛另一个超级乐团SIGUR RóS招致麾下。TMT ENTERTAINMENT公司则将Múm的歌曲重新混音出版了一张名为《Múm Remixed》的专辑。专辑因诸多制作高手的加盟而较之原曲更加光彩夺目。Múm的四个孩子在专辑中使用的大量的乐器,如手风琴、口风琴(一种小型管乐器,类似口琴, 但有钢琴一样的键盘)、钟琴、电子合成器和一些儿童玩具乐器。
Múm:Go Go Smear The Poison Ivy
2001年十月,Múm在Morr records公司出版了一张包含两个曲目的多首混音专辑《Please Smile my Noise Bleed》。2002年五月, Múm在FatCat公司的专辑终于面世了。专辑《Finally we are no one》分为两个版本,其中一个只在冰岛发行。这一次Múm带来的是更为温和精致的奇异冰岛之旅……
这篇介绍可能有些老了,因为到目前位置,MUM已经发行了summer makes good
〈yesterday is dramatic, today is ok〉(2000)
〈please smile my noise bleed〉(2001) 实在忍不住要推荐
〈finally we are no one〉(2002) 也是要推荐的!!!!
〈summer makes good〉(2004)
〈finally we are no one 〉
〈summer makes good〉

Iceland pop experimentalists Múm were formed by Gunnar Örn Tynes, Örvar Þóreyjarson Smárason, and classically trained twin sisters Gyða and Kristín Anna Valtýsdóttir. Formed in 1997, the group met while working on a childrens play. Smárason found his perception of music changed through hearing Aphex Twin and decided that he would abandon the guitar-based concepts of his prior bands. This was fine and dandy with his bandmates. Following a number of singles and remixes, the full-length Yesterday Was Dramatic — Today Is OK was released in 2000 through TMT/Thule in Iceland and Tugboat in the U.K. Each of the bands four members was in their late teens when the record was released, hailed for its playful and imaginative use of all things musical and not so musical. 2001 saw the release of Please Smile My Noise Bleed on Morr Music, a compilation of remixes from the likes of isan and Arovane. A second full-length, Finally We Are No One, was released the following year on Fat Cat. Gyða left the band to focus on her studies before Múms third album, Summer Make Good, arrived in spring 2004; the band rounded out the year with the Dusk Log EP. The next two years found Múm on the road. In 2005, the group collaborated with the National Dutch Chamber Orchestra at Amsterdams Holland Festival on a piece inspired by the works of composer Iannis Xenakis. Múm returned to the studio the following year, and in the interim released a live album, The Peel Session, which was originally recorded in 2002 by the BBC. For 2007s Go Go Smear the Poison Ivy, the band was down to founding members Tynes and Smárason, who enlisted the help of guitarist/vocalist/violinist Ólöf Arnalds, trumpet/keyboard player Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson, vocalist/cellist Hildur Guðnadóttir, percussionist Samuli Kosminen, and multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Mr. Silla.


Green Grass Of Tunnel
stefan煜晟 2031 0 1
GTP谱 古典吉他
Please Sing My Spring Reverb
stefan煜晟 1663 0 6
GTP谱 钢琴 鼓
We Have A Map Of The Piano
stefan煜晟 1857 0 8
GTP谱 贝司 鼓 钢琴
Green Grass of Tunnel
Sunsetless 4113 1 1
GTP谱 指弹 民谣吉他