Música Profana
吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1

 The project “Musica Profana” comes from a little town in the north of Portugal and was founded by Daniel Moreira in early 2008. This musical project mixes Metal with elements from the traditional and folk music, such as akordeon, bagpipes, flute and percussion. The heaviness of downtuned metal is cut by the female voice of Catarina Lima and by the folk melodies every now and then. 

The lyrics are also based in traditional Myths and Legends from Portugal and sung in portuguese. “Pieira dos Lobos” (Wolves Keeper [female]) is about a lengend of a sheperdess of wolves and the love of a King by her, “Mostrengo” (something like Monster) talks about the mythologic figure “Adamastor” that haunted the south Africa sea and was feared by the portuguese discoveres. “Mensageiro da Nevoa” (The Messenger of the Mist) is a song about the portuguese King “D. Sebastiao” that disapeared in a battle in Africa and his return in a foggy morning to save the kingdom is until today hoped. This is why we are always hoping for a miracle to solve our problems! “Canto do Poeta” (Chant of the Poet) is just a tribut to poetry.

We are just finishing the prodution of the album, more news very soon...


Daniel M.

Música Profana的吉他谱
