Napalm Death
吉他谱: 93 粉丝: 8
被凝固汽油弹烧死(Napalm Death)可以说是最恶劣的死亡方式了。熊熊燃烧的浸透了汽油的胶状物侵入你的皮肤将你活活烤焦,你的肉沸腾着从你的骨头上脱落,你的眼球将融化,你的大脑也会爆炸。汽油弹出击,死亡呈现!尖叫拯救不了你,没有人会在痛苦的渎神的爆炸中听到你的呼喊。Napalm Death名副其实。关于他们的一切将超出你的想象。传奇故事中用到的夸大的词汇对于许多乐队来说是不相配的,那些词只能用在一些具有突破性的、一些改变常规的、一些能影响其他人离开正常轨道的家伙身上。Napalm Death是极端音乐界真正的伟人--几乎没有人敢声称取得了他们那样的成就并仍在每张新专辑中不停探索。

80年代初成立于英国伯明翰时的最初阵容--也就是1986 年首张专辑Scum(人渣)第一面的阵容(鼓手Mick Harris,吉他手Justin Broadrick,贝司手兼主唱Nick Bullen),已经改变了很多。其中Scum第二面的阵容已改变,Broadrick离开到了Head of David,后来又组建Godflesh,他的位置被Bill Steer取代,Jim Whitely 取代了Bullen,Lee Dorrian加入当了主唱。

最终于1987年发行的Scum是一张残忍的完全反商业的专辑,乐队也开始了他们的第一次可以是任意长度的巡演。乐队也经历了更多的人员变化,直到1989年8月Shane Embury 取代Whitely当了贝司手,他们以此固定的阵容去录制一系列不妥协的作品(包括两首John Peel Radio作品,收录在合辑North Atlantic Noise Attack和Pathological中的作品,还有一个声名狼籍的Napalm/SOB split flexi)之前,他们一直处在动荡之中;但不管怎样,他们还是为自己树立了最初的Grindcore 形象。但是,没有人预料到他们的下一张撕碎你思维的LP From Enslavement to Obliteration(从强权到毁灭),是由令人惊愕的54首歌组成,它们通常持续的时间只有用秒来计算,它们完全将乐理书扣在了你的头上。这台Napalm Death压路机聚集能量,又发表了6首歌的12寸唱片Mentally Murdered(精神谋杀),它为乐队赢得了更多的喝彩,当然也包括更多的恶名。

接着,他们频繁地在电视节目中露面,包括只有顶级乐队才能出席的BBC2台的“;重金属特别竞技场”;;Napalm也开始离开欧洲到更远的地方去冒险。89年7月,他们的日本巡演取得了巨大的成功,但与日俱增的赞誉阻止不了他们返回后的又一次分裂,Dorrian和Steer觉得他们已得到够多了。日后他们的新乐队Cathedral和Carcass都分别取得了成功。他们的空缺马上被填补,Mark 'Barney' Greenway(来自Benediction)加入当了主唱,吉他手则是从grind明星组合Terrorizer来的Jesse Pintado。

一阵活动后,他们与Bolt THRower、Carcass和morbid angel一起在英国及欧洲其他地方举行了名为Grindcrusher的巡演;后又单独到纽约举行了他们的第一次美国演出。进入90年代,他们所有的努力都指向要录制的新专辑;这时来自Righteous Pigs的Mitch Harris作为第二把吉他加入。他们在佛罗里达的Morrisound录制了Harmony Corruption(腐朽和声)。又一张12寸唱片Suffer the Children显示了乐队的风格变得更强调Death Metal。虽然这张专辑被证明是乐队迄今为止最成功的专辑,但他们自己认为它的制作有点太不偏不倚。在繁多的巡演中,他们到伯明翰的一个小录音室为他们的EP Mass Appeal Madness录制了4首新歌,这张EP充斥着生硬的厚墙般的魔力,四周包裹着最重的音响。

Napalm Death于92年中期举行了全世界巡演;巡演的压力加上生活习惯的不同,导致了Mick Harris和其他成员的裂痕。离开后,Harriss在Scorn中取得了成功。他的位置由Danny Herrara取代,Danny于3000名乐迷前在德国进行了第一次演出。接下来是与Sepultura、Sacred Reich和Sick of it all举行的广泛的美国巡演;他们还做了一次短暂的俄国旅行,在两场演出中共接见了14000名歌迷。

回到录音室后,他们录制了第四张完整长度的专辑Utopia Banished(流放乌托邦)——一张充满新创意的专辑。又一张12寸唱片也出版了,这次是只有3首歌的The World Keeps Turning。作为“;音乐毁灭战役”;巡演的一份子,他们与Obituary和Dismenmber一起在欧洲举行了艰苦的巡演。紧接着又与Carcass、Cathedral和Brutal Truth在美国巡演。在1993年到南非去之前,另一个值得注意的演出是在荷兰,他们当时为Faith No More暖场。接着,一张精选--Death By Manipulation(被操纵的死亡)发行了,它收集了Napalm Death迄今为止的最佳歌曲。

从南非充满能量的巡演回来后,Napalm Death录制了一首翻唱歌曲,Dead Kennedy的Nazi Punks Fuck Off,作为7寸单曲发行,它的所有收入将捐给反纳粹组织。到现在为止,它共卖出了10000张。在又回到录音室之前,他们去加拿大举行了巡演。

新专辑本来打算叫作Under Rule,后改叫Fear Emptiness Despair(恐惧 空虚 绝望),这是一个与该专辑非常符合的名字。歌迷和评论家都一致认为这是Napalm的鼎盛时期。接下来与Entombed、obituary和Machine head的巡演,给饥饿的歌迷带来了无穷的力量。又一张新专辑Diatribes(诽谤)于96年1月发行,Napalm Death接受了来自九十年代新的金属风格的挑战。贝司手Shane Embury当时的讲话代表了他们对新专辑热切的期望:“;我们受到来自各方面的影响,我们将用它来制作更成熟的音乐。”;他说道:“; 在俱乐部演出时,看到人们到处乱跳是很有趣的;我们发现使他们动起来的歌要有很好的结构,要有一些能使他们跳舞的东西——但我们不准备写流行歌曲。我们准备搞一些象Smashing pumpkins和jane's addiction他们那样的东西,只不过我们更重一些。

Diatribes的确保留了典型的Napalm Death式的力量,也达到了他们预想的目的。最重要的是,专辑证明了今天的Napalm Death一如既往。冗长的欧洲、美国、澳大利亚和日本巡演,使得乐队的压力好象越来越大。这些担忧在96年11月成为现实,乐队用来自Extreme Noise Terror的Phil Vane取代了长期的主唱Barney。一张于1997年1月发行的EP似乎标志着Barney在Napalm Death事业的结束;但Vane在乐队只呆了一会儿,在录制Inside the Torn Apart时Barney又回来了。

重新激发后,乐队以新的活力投入到新专辑的录音工作,他们以双倍的速度完成了16首决定性的歌曲。专辑取了一个适当的讽刺性的标题Inside the Torn Apart。外出时碰到的骚乱,更使乐队的每个成员坚定了让音乐说话的信念。以Breed to Breathe和Birth In Regress开头,到忧郁扭曲的结束曲The Lifeless Alarm,这张专辑使我们看到了Napalm Death对未来充满信心。

在极端金属界奋斗十多年后,Napalm Death拥有了一切,也没有需要他们去证明的。他们的唱片在全世界销量过百万,巡演的足迹遍布地球,他们已成了评判极端的标准,他们似乎可以进行舒适的狂欢了。然而Napalm death是不会满足的,他们总有新的道路去探险、新的目标去实现、更好的音乐要创造。2000年3月Words From the Exit Wound问世,它在某些地方有小小的改进,最显著的是主唱Barney除了他标志性的吼叫外还用了清嗓。专辑没有幻想世界的胡话,更多的是涉及我们自身的厌烦的世界。实际上他们一直在制作上乘的专辑,告诉我们我们想知道的事物。他们仍将继续。

The fathers of grindcore, Napalm Death pushed the envelope of metal to new extremes of ear-splitting intensity, rejecting all notions of melody, subtlety, and good taste to forge a brand of sonic assault almost frightening in its merciless brutality. Formed in Ipswich, England, in 1982, the group trafficked in the usual heavy metal fare for the first few years of its existence, but by the middle of the decade they began to expand their horizons by incorporating elements of hardcore and thrash into the mix; ultimately, Napalm Deaths sonic experiments evolved into a blistering mutation of metal which they dubbed grindcore, a kind of extremist noise attack characterized by incredibly brief song lengths, demonic vocals, and eye-opening sociopolitical lyrical commentary.

Building their reputation on a series of incendiary radio sessions and live dates, Napalm Death set about recording their debut LP, Scum, issued in 1987 on their own Earache label. A series of lineup changes during production resulted in the records two sides each containing almost completely different rosters: while the first half featured guitarist Justin Broadrick and vocalist/bassist Nick Bullen, the flip side presented new vocalist Lee Dorrian, guitarist Bill Steer, and bassist Jim Whitely; only drummer Mick Harris played on every track. While largely ignored by the mainstream media, Scum proved hugely influential throughout the global metal community; among Napalm Deaths most public supporters was BBC Radio One DJ John Peel, who repeatedly played the track You Suffer before inviting the group to record a legendary September 1987 Peel Session introducing new bassist Shane Embury.

With 1988s From Enslavement to Obliteration, the band grew even more extreme, issuing some 54 total tracks, many of them clocking in at just a few seconds in length. (The compilation Grind Crusher offered perhaps the ultimate distillation of the aesthetic by including a bonus split single from Napalm Death and the Electro Hippies with each side lasting just one second; the shortest single ever.) More roster shifts followed, as Dorrian exited to form Cathedral and Steer jumped ship to found Carcass; with vocalist Mark Barney Greenway (formerly of Benediction) and guitarists Jesse Pintado (ex-Terrorizer) and Mitch Harris (ex-Righteous Pigs), Napalm Death resurfaced with 1990s Harmony Corruption, a nod toward more conventional song structures and a less punishing sound. Apparently unhappy with the results, the group followed later that year with the Mass-Appeal Madness EP, a return to all-out grindcore fury.

Mick Harris, the only remaining member from the units earliest lineups, exited Napalm Death in 1992 to mount an acclaimed ambient dub project named Scorn; he was replaced by drummer Danny Herrera for Utopia Banished, followed by a single covering the Dead Kennedys Nazi Punks Fuck Off. With 1994s Fear, Emptiness, Despair, Napalm Death earned some of the best critical notices of their career, and to the shock of many even found themselves in the Top Ten of the U.S. pop albums chart by virtue of their appearance on the soundtrack to the motion picture Mortal Kombat. The Greed Killing mini-album appeared in 1995 as a teaser for the following years relatively accessible full-length Diatribes. Greenway was subsequently fired in November 1996 and replaced by Phil Vane of Extreme Noise Terror; however, after recording a split EP with Coalesce, the band reconsidered, and Greenway re-joined in time for the 1997 album Inside the Torn Apart. Next was 1998s live release Bootlegged in Japan, trailed early the next year by the well-received Words From the Exit Wound, which proved to be their final album for Earache. 2000 saw the release of the covers EP Leaders Not Followers in mid-summer. Napalm Death returned to its early grindcore roots to a degree with its next full-length, Enemy of the Music Business, which was issued in early 2001.

Napalm Death的吉他谱

huamanlou 1010 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Backlash Just Because
huamanlou 909 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Cause And Effect
huamanlou 1212 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Fuck The Factoid
huamanlou 1010 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司
Mentally Murdered
huamanlou 1313 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
No Mental Effort
huamanlou 1313 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Rise Above
huamanlou 1414 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
The Missing Link
huamanlou 909 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Walls Of Confinement
huamanlou 1414 0 1
GTP谱 电吉他
Its A Mans World
nuoai 2626 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
nuoai 1919 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Plague Rages
nuoai 1515 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Twist The Knife Slowly
nuoai 1313 0 4
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Sink Fast Let Go
罔常 1667 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
oio123 1697 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 鼓
Mind Snare
第二世 1540 0 2
GTP谱 电吉他
The Chains That Bind Us
第二世 1663 0 5
GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Necessary Evil
YiningDu 1181 0 4
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
Taste The Poison
YiningDu 1157 0 3
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓
一米d阳光86 1376 0 5
GTP谱 电吉他 贝司 鼓