"Predella Avant literally means: Predella - The step, or raised secondary part of an altar, Avant - The front of an army. The reason for choosing this name was that it reflects both the ritualistic and martial elements of P.A.'s music and sets a very mysterious and abstract stage to work on."
Predella Avant,"祭坛台前"的意思...荷兰音乐人Hague的个人Project...还记得第一次他们的作品,就被这样的军事新古典氛围声响深深的吸引...Predella Avant的音乐压迫感很强,十分的画面感,在史诗化交响的氛围编排上也是可圈可点...悲壮的人声叫嚣与军鼓击奏更是这张专集中的亮点...封面也是典型的荷兰风格,我很喜欢的油画作品...其实在每次听到这样的作品,我都感到都有一种强烈的历史沉重感迎面扑来....早先更是看到"黑店先觉"将这张专集评论为"一出压抑的戏剧",简短却相当有分量。