Sunday Munich的吉他谱
由 Menton J. Matthews、Avis 和 Sarah Hubbard 几位核心成员搭档组成的 Sunday Munich,在音乐上综合了歌特的妖娆和Trip-Hop的深邃暗黑特点,男女双声部的唱腔凄美幽怨,节拍编排上也异常沉重缓慢。虽然乐队名字里有“慕尼黑”,但他们确实是来自美国,而不是德国。
Avis 在谈到自己的音乐作品时,说道:“是音乐救赎了我们的灵魂,但我们不想依靠这个成为富裕的摇滚明星,也不想用自己的音乐去改变社会,我们只是想通过音乐这个渠道来表达自己的想法,并可以让更多的人有机会听到,仅此而已。”这段话让人深思,以他们出色的音乐才华和富有感染力的表现,完全有能力可以签约一家大唱片公司,但他们并没有这么做。并且他们也不想通过音乐改变什么,在 Sunday Munich 的作品中,强加在音乐之上的东西都土崩瓦解,音乐对于他们来说就纯粹是音乐而已。
“Lo-Fi风格的缓拍跟随着孤独的钢琴声步伐慢慢走来,Sarah模糊不清的声音游走在气势宏大的Trip-Hop阴暗节拍中,时而自闭地呢喃、时而幽怨地吟唱。这首开场曲名为《Prozac》,它无情地掀开了纱布,腐烂苍白的气息已经开始漂浮在空气里。Matthews暧昧的小提琴、凄美的Sarah人声、沉重的节拍混合交织在一起,苦涩的《Smallest Tragedy》重重地将我击倒在地。”
“作为一个身处快节奏生活大城市里的乐队,Sunday Munich 却依然保留了一个独立乐队的优秀品质和冷静细致对待音乐的态度。他们不是一个简单的歌特乐队,更不是一个被狭窄类型所束缚的概念化团体,他们用自己的音乐说话,当你想选择一种自溺的方式,Sunday Munich 会是你最好的选择。”
Sunday Munich is band formed by Sarah Hubbard-vocals and lyrics, and Avis-cello, piano, guitar, loops and programming. Sunday Munich is the most original and darkly beautiful project we ever heard. Their music is and amalgamation of many different kinds of music. Its ethereal but not so gossamer that it floats away. It is grounded and raw with pain and emotion. Scratchily old record loops, heart wrenching vocals, creeping fear is part of Sunday Munich's music. The first album they did was called "PNEUMA" which is a representation of situations in your life when you take all the hatred and despair the world has dumped on you, all the puts-down and lies, the violated childhood memories and demolished hopes of a loving-couple happy ending, and then to take it all in your hands and tear it apart into ugly red blots and jagged shards into their ugly smug faces, twisted and dark with your righteous anger, but turned beautiful now, too, by your own art?? Sarah sings, Avis constructs an alternately hypnotic and fiercely chaotic musical setting around her, starting with cello, keyboard, and then jumping from gentle guitar to powering dub beats from throbbing bass to buzzing static. Heavy on the electronics, but also on human emotion.. Sunday Munich is a goth pop group for melancholy triphop listeners. Their album "PNEUMA", merges gothic female vocals, at times like the cranes, and other times deeper and more articulated, with Portishead instrumentation, like the heavenly grooves samplers. Their second release "VINCULUM" is a more light album. Drum loops and sampling meets ethereal vocals. A mixture between trip hop and cocteau twins. Vinculum is a hypnotic collage of pulses, beats, and hunting female depressive voices. Sunday Munich, mixture between trip hop, classical, and drum n bass, and noise genres with a reflective female vocalist Portishead resemblances are obvious. Sunday Munich is certainly not a goth band, instead they are two piece, vocally strong act, not afraid to use both time to master instrumentation and cutting edge technology.