Sorg Uten Tårer的吉他谱
Sorg Uten Tarer,土耳其单人计划,名字翻译过来很文艺,悲伤没有泪水。清一色出音乐小样,主页上有全部音乐的下载,宽厚善良的很,向这位大方无私的无产阶级者致敬
On a cold foggy morning of 2006's last days, Retribution came up with the idea of making songs until he made one worth listening to on a melancholic and ghastly beautiful morning like that, should he pass away.
He had no experience with recording, making songs with all the metal music instruments, no experience with singing, or with bands, save short terms of guitar playing in 1,5 bands back 10 years ago. However he had all the inspiration in the world, the talent and the feelings and the knowledge of music to express them. He came up with a name that alone spoke for his emotions; Sorrow Without Tears. Or, "Sorg Uten Tårer".
And so he began gathering the equipment needed for his one man metal band, and knowledge in his self-taught recording techniques. Finally, by August 2007, his debut was recorded and named "Bladesong". Black Panther Metal, Kaisa, and Moonsilver followed with 1 month intervals, investing his spare time from university in unmatched creativity.
As he began paying closer attention to his studies he released 2 more chapters. Grave Songs in February and Est Sularus Oth Mithas in July.
After a summer break where he was busy with his studies and summer practice, necessary obligations of rotten mortal life, Retribution comes up with a concept album inspired by one of his most favorite books, by "today's Poe", Richard Matheson; "What Dreams May Come".
Shadow Symphony, the 7th release of Sorg Uten Tårer, 14 months after its debut , is a 40 minute long song, pulling oblivious listeners to the depths of despair and melancholy in a dark hell, as once described by the original author of the inspired book.
And the Dark Bard continues his journey to create "that song", offering the melodies he summoned from Deneir's heart, the rhythms he borrowed from Thor's thunder, with words from a mute poet's dreams; to those who would sit round his camp fire and listen. And when that day comes to pass, he may not cease to exist, but be remembered, forever, in his songs.