吉他谱: 0 粉丝: 1


Stormfågel spread its wings for the first time in the autumn of 2004. This after its father and creator Andreas Neidhardt had been away from music for a couple of years but now felt that something had to happen. After participating in several (less successful) Neofolk and Gothic bands since the early 90s he now rolled up his sleeves and went to work.

In February of 2005 Stormfågel released a 3-track demo named "Kinder der Vergangenheiten, Helden aus den grauen Zeiten" and was immediately signed by Swedish record label Cold Meat Industry. During the making of their debut album vocalist Éva Mag joined Stormfågel.

In the autumn of 2005 "Den nalkande stormen" (cmi 149) saw the light of day. The reception of the album were overall positive and Andreas and Éva started immediately working on some new material. During this time an old friend to both Éva and Andreas joined Stormfågel; Mikael Bergström.

In the spring of 2007 Stormfågel released their second album: "Ett berg av fasa" (cmi 171). This followed by two live performances. In Budapest and at that years WGT in Leipzig. At the Cold Meat Industry festival in Augsburg (17/11 2007) Stormfågel released a 4-track record called "Svenska visor" (Kultur & Politik 003). In december 2007 Éva Mag decided to leave Stormfågel.

During the fall of 2009 Stormfågel decided to leave CMI and joined the Austrian label Steinklang. Stormfågels third album "Eldvakt" (Sk51) were released in April 2010. "Eldvakt" contains the last 2 songs Éva Mag recorded for Stormfågel. Participating on "Eldvakt" are, among others, Angelica Segerbäck from LinaLaukaR, Fabian Vega from The Cogwheel and Rose, Flamisol, Magnus Mehlmann from "Blåfot" and of course Mikael "Berkan" Bergström.

Stormfågel is and has always been about the love of nature, our history, the absence of God and the decline of mankind.

"Ja må vara en wavelmakare men int en happkråka..."

