吉他谱: 1 粉丝: 7

龙神道的组建缘自六个心地单纯技艺清湛的音乐人,不约而同地喜欢雷鬼音乐所带来的奔放,自由,轻松和没有边界的爱。主创团体均有过一张以上的专辑唱片录制经验,他们也是在上世纪九十年代就活跃在中国摇滚乐坛的音乐中坚力量,在经历过多种音乐形式后,他们认为在当下形态各异的价值观和精神世界中,也许雷鬼乐是他们最好的表达内心的方式。主唱认为他们并不是信奉拉斯达法里教的人(拉斯达法里教,牙买加和加勒比海岸一带黑人信仰的宗教),但是雷鬼音乐象温暖的风,更容易和世界上任何一个地方的人沟通,在他们的作品里,歌词中饱含了对爱与心灵自由的理解,并且带有东方的道学色彩,而音乐元素是以雷鬼为圆心,与 ROCK、DUB、HIP-HOP、WORLD、SKA、电子乐等大量音乐元素相溶合。幷加入古筝等中国古典乐器,但这并不为强调这是中国特色的雷鬼音乐,而是乐队认为,古筝和吉他一样,无论发明在哪个国家,它都应是全世界共享的音乐文化。

特邀萨克斯:天晓 (沙子乐队前萨克斯手)

Members of the band:
Lead singer/bass: Guo Jian
MC/guitar: Niu Mu
Guitar: Gao Xu
Keyboards: Fei Fei
Drums: Gao Fei
Zither (by special appearance): Zhang Wei
Sax(by special appearance):Tianxiao


主唱认为他们并不是信奉拉斯达法里教的人(拉斯达法里教,牙买加和加勒比海岸一带黑人信仰的宗教),但是雷鬼音乐象温暖的风,更容易和世界上任何一个地方的人沟通,在他们的作品里,歌词中饱含了对爱与心灵自由的理解,并且带有东方的道学色彩,而音乐元素是以雷鬼为圆心,与 ROCK,DUB,HIP-HOP,WORLD,SKA,电子乐等大量音乐元素相溶合。幷加入古筝等中国古典乐器,但这并不为强调这是中国特色的雷鬼音乐,而是乐队认为,古筝和吉他一样,无论发明在哪个国家,它都应是全世界共享的音乐文化。


The dragon is the symbol of China. The gods are the source of their resolution, existence and power. The Tao ("the way") comes from the Taoist philosophy of Laozi and points out a certain road or way of thinking. The Way of the Dragon God, (literally: dragon, gods, "the way") is the synthesis of six uncomplicated, artistic, unaffected young people who happen to like the unfettered, free, lighthearted and borderless spirit of reggae music.
  Each member of the band has participated in the recording of at least one album, and for some members this has been several albums. In the 1990s, members of the group each made a name for himself within the rock music community. After experimenting with many types of music, each member of the group discovered that reggae, given the current environment with many different definitions of value and many different spiritual approaches, is the best form of expression for him.
  The lead signer feels that while the group are not Rastafarians, reggae music, like a warm breeze, is accessible to people no matter where in the world they come from. In the group's music, lyrics contain references to the understanding of love and spiritual freedom and include aspects of Taoism. Musically, while the core source is reggae, the group's music draws on rock, dub, hip-hop, world music, ska, electronic and many other forms of music for inspiration and includes parts for traditional Chinese instruments such as the "guzheng" (zither). This is not to say that the music is "reggae with Chinese characteristics" but rather that our band feels that the guzheng is in no way different from the guitar. The emphasis is not on where an instrument comes from, but that it belongs to a globally shared culture.

"How much violence does the world need to go through to change? Is there a limit to the desires of the heart?
This world has been through centuries of change, but has it really progressed?"
Earth does not need to be conquered, all will change through love.
The Way of the Dragon God believes that the heart, more than anything else, points the way forward.


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