The Cranberries
吉他谱: 111 粉丝: 42



        Dolores Mary Eileen O"Riordan
家乡在爱尔兰( Ireland)的Ballybricken.
体形娇小, 但拥有天使一般的歌声o已和Duran Duran的巡回经纪人Don Burtom结婚, 扶养Don前妻的女儿。
最喜欢作的事: 逛街
愿望: 希望成为有名的人
创作灵感来自于: John Lennon ,Elvis Presley ,Amadeus和Pasty Cline.。
影响她的有: The Smith, The Sundays,U2, R.E.M.和Sinead O"Conner有人拿她和Sinead O"Connor相比,因为两人无论音色,籍贯都差不多
Mike Hogan:
Bass Guiters
生日: 1973年4月29日
Feargal Lawler:
Drums & Percussion
生日: 1971年3月14日
在Noel和Mike之後, 加入小红莓合唱团, 刚开始时Noel, Mike和他都聚集他家练习o Dolores加入後, 现在在团中担任鼓手和打击乐手,但是他想当一个音乐家, 而不只是一个鼓手而已。
Noel Hogan:
Electic & Acoustic Guiters, Background Vocals


卡百利乐队是一个来自爱尔兰(爱尔兰是以英语为主要语言的欧洲音乐重镇)的知名摇滚乐队,与U2、Sinead O’Connor、Enya等一样, 都是带领爱尔兰音乐走向世界的重要力量.
在卡百利乐队成立以前, 三个主要成员Noel, Mike和Fergal都是在一个名叫”The Cranberry Saw Us”的乐队中干了大约半年. 后来, 这个乐队的主唱Nial因为个人的原因, 决定退出, 为了不影响乐队的正常发展, 他把他的一个好朋友推荐给了乐队, 这个人后来成了卡百利乐队最重要的人物, 她就是Dolores(德洛丽丝), 全名为Dolores Mary Eileen O’Riordan(德洛丽丝·玛丽·艾琳·奥里奥丹), 在嫁给巡回演出经纪人Don Burton后, 改名为Dolores Mary O’Riordan Burton(德洛丽丝·玛丽·奥里奥丹·伯顿).Noel完成了几段音乐,他正想把它编成歌曲,Mike和我也作着自己的工作,但是一段时间以后,他们觉得乐队没有抒情歌曲和适合唱这些歌曲的人很单调。五月的一个晚上,他们正在排练歌曲,这时Doloers夹着一个键琴走了进来。他们向她问了一声好,便觉得有点尴尬。因为当时有五六个朋友在场,说实话,他们很怕她出丑。可是当她拿起键琴演奏音乐的时候,他们全都惊呆了。他们把Noel的歌曲演奏给她听,她很喜欢这种风格,于是我们给了她一卷带子,约了她下周一起排练。
The Cranberries受到人们喜爱与女主音Dolores是分不开的. 她出身于一个天主教家庭,三岁起就开始唱歌, 因此练就了一副天使般的嗓子, 尤其是她独特的咽音发声, 更是受到后来的一些女歌手相继的模仿(比如王菲). 十几岁的时候, 她已开始弹钢琴并且自己作曲, 另外也有了组建乐队的一些想法.



来自Limerick的Noel和Mike两兄弟,连同鼓手Fergal在1990年最早组成了乐团的雏形,当时乐团的名称被定为The Cranberry Saw Us,主唱Niall Quinn是上述三人的朋友,他的唱法很玩闹,乐队走轻松的喜剧化音乐路线,比如有些歌被命名为“我外婆溺死在Lourdes的喷泉(My Grandma drowned in a fountain in Lourdes)”,“I was always all ways”,“Throw Me Down A Big Stairs”等。后来,Niall因为个人的原因离开了乐团,为了不影响乐团的发展,他推荐了他女友的一位朋友多丽丝(Dolores Mary Eileen O'Riordan Burton)。多丽丝成功的赢得了乐团主唱的位置,并开始为之后的著名单曲《Linger》写歌词。她高亢有力的嗓音及其独特的爱尔兰花腔可以说是乐队的招牌。
他们偶然录制的小样在当地被一抢而空,随后录制的样带也受到了罕见的一致好评。经过几家著名唱片公司的一场竞标大战,The Cranberris最终与爱尔兰唱片(Island Records)签约。在首支单曲反映并不理想之后他们更换了经纪人。他们的第二支单曲《Linger》在美国成功地成为1993年热门歌曲,这也使得乐队在英国取得巨大成功。首张专辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?》在英国,美国及之后全球热卖(自1993年发行至今,全球销量已超过700万张,在中国也有双白金销量),其中的单曲《Dreams》亦大热并登上美国告示牌,更曾被王菲翻唱为《梦中人》。


在多丽丝即将离开乐队的传闻中,The Cranberries发行了《To the Faithful Departed》,专辑销量很好(也尚未超过上一张专辑)但评论并不佳。在接下来的几年中,乐队取消了一次大型的巡回演唱会,关于即将解散的传闻也四处传播。 1997年,多丽丝为丈夫Don生下了小宝宝Taylor。 1999年发行了回顾专辑《Bury the Hatchet》。 2001年The Cranberries发行《Wake Up and Smell the Coffee》,这张专辑在当年美国告示牌上排名46位。接下来的一年中他们推出了一张大合辑《Stars - The Best of 1992 - 2002》,同时发行的还有DVD及音乐录像带。


然而在2004年,The Cranberries宣布他们暂停乐队事务以从事他们各自的事业。该年的早些时候,多丽丝为梅尔·吉布森导演的《耶稣受难记(The Passion of the Christ)》演唱了主题曲《Ave Maria》,她还和Malcolm McDowell一起为《罗斯托夫的野兽(Evilenko)》写了一首歌。多丽丝计划在2006年底的时候推出她的个人专辑。而Noel Hogan前往the Mono Band继续音乐事业。多丽丝在2006年出演了亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler)执导的电影《Click》,片中她扮演一位婚礼歌手,并演唱了《Linger》。
这些年来The Cranberries专辑全球销量超过3800万张,在世界各地拥有亿万歌迷。

Combining the melodic jangle of post-Smiths indie guitar pop with the lilting, trance-inducing sonic textures of late-'80s dream pop and adding a slight Celtic tint, the Cranberries became one of the more successful groups to emerge from the pre-Britpop U.K. indie scene of the early '90s. Led by vocalist Dolores O'Riordan, whose keening, powerful voice is the most distinctive element of the group's sound, the group initially made little impact in the United Kingdom. It wasn't until the lush ballad "Linger" became an American hit in 1993 that the band also achieved mass success in the U.K. Following the success of "Linger," the Cranberries quickly became international stars, as both their 1993 debut album, Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?, and its 1994 follow-up, No Need to Argue, sold millions of copies and produced a string of hit singles. By the time of their third album, 1996's To the Faithful Departed, the group had added distorted guitars to its sonic palette and attempted to make more socially significant music, which resulted in a downturn in the band's commercial fortunes.

Originally, the Cranberries were a band called the Cranberry Saw Us. Brothers Noel and Mike Hogan (guitar and bass, respectively) formed the band in Limerick, Ireland, with drummer Fergal Lawler in 1990. Following the departure of the group's original singer, Niall, the trio placed an advertisement for a female singer. Dolores O'Riordan responded to the advertisement and auditioned by writing lyrics and melodies to some of the band's existing demos. When she returned with a rough version of "Linger," the group hired her on the spot. Shortly after she joined, the band recorded a demo tape that they sold in record stores throughout Ireland. After the original run of 300 copies sold out, the group truncated their name to the Cranberries and sent another demo tape, which featured early versions of both "Linger" and "Dreams," to record companies throughout the U.K. The tape was made at Xeric Studios, which was run by Pearse Gilmore, who would later become their manager. At the time the tape was made, all of the members were still in their late teens.

The demo tape earned the attention of both the U.K. press and record industry, and there soon was a bidding war between major British record labels. Eventually, the group signed with Island Records. The Cranberries headed into the studio with Gilmore as their producer to record their first single, "Uncertain." The title proved to be prophetic, as the band did indeed sound ill at ease on the single, leading to poor reviews in the press, in addition to tensions between the group and Gilmore. Before they were scheduled to record their debut in 1992, the Cranberries discovered that Gilmore had signed a secret deal with Island to improve his studios. The tensions within the band became so great they nearly broke up. Instead, the band severed all relations with Gilmore, hired Geoff Travis of Rough Trade as their new manager, and hired Stephen Street, who had previously worked with the Smiths, as their new producer.

The Cranberries' debut album, Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?, was released in the spring of 1993, followed by a single of "Dreams." Neither the album or the single gained much attention, nor did a second single, "Linger." In the summer and fall of 1993, the band toured the United States, opening for The The and Suede, respectively; frequently, the Cranberries were given a friendlier reception than either of the headliners. The strong live shows led to MTV putting "Linger" into heavy rotation. By the end of the year, the single was on its way to becoming a crossover hit. Eventually, the single reached number eight on the U.S. charts, while the album went double platinum. Everybody Else and "Linger" began to take off in Britain in early 1994; the album eventually peaked at number one during the summer.

O'Riordan married the band's tour manager, Don Burton, in a much-publicized ceremony in July 1994. The marriage, as well as the group's videos, emphasized the singer as the focal point of the band. O'Riordan's position in the group continued to rise with the fall release of the group's second album, No Need to Argue. Boasting a slightly harder, more streamlined sound, yet still produced by Stephen Street, the record debuted at number six on the U.S. charts and eventually outsold its predecessor; within a year it went triple platinum, spawning the number one modern rock hit "Zombie" and the number 11 "Ode to My Family."

During the tour for No Need to Argue, rumors began to circulate that O'Riordan was going to leave the band to pursue a solo career, all of which the band vehemently denied. Nevertheless, the rumors persisted until the band began recording their third album with producer Bruce Fairbairn, who had previously worked with Aerosmith. The resulting album, To the Faithful Departed, was a tougher, more rock-oriented album. Upon its spring 1996 release, the album entered the charts at number six, but its first single, "Salvation," failed to become a hit on par with "Zombie," "Linger," or "Ode to My Family." Consequently, the album slipped down the charts relatively quickly and only went platinum, which was slightly disappointing in light of its two predecessors' multi-platinum status.

During the fall of 1996, the group canceled their Australian and European tour, sparking another round of rumors of whether O'Riordan was about to launch a solo career. In 1999, the group released Bury the Hatchet, and in 2003, shortly after the release of a greatest-hits compilation, Stars: The Best of 1992-2002, the Cranberries officially declared that they were taking a break. This finally gave O'Riordan the time she needed to work on her long-talked-about solo album, and Are You Listening hit shelves in 2007.

The Cranberries的吉他谱

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Waltzing Back
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War Child
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Where Youre
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GTP谱 总谱 民谣吉他 电吉他 贝司 钢琴 鼓
Yeats Grave
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You And Me
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GTP谱 总谱 电吉他 鼓 贝司