The Knife
吉他谱: 4 粉丝: 1

“刀”乐队(the Knife)是由来自瑞典的兄妹俩Olof Dreijer和Karin Dreijer Andersson共同组建,在目前为止所发行的3张作品中,每张作品都较之前作有质的提升。2004年的专辑《深切》(Deep Cuts)中着名的单曲《心跳》(Heartbeats)后来还被独立音乐界的新新艺人乔斯·冈萨雷斯(JoséGonzalez)予以去电后的翻唱演绎,而“刀”乐队的原作品则是裹杂着混乱而撕裂般的鼓击采样、欢快的硬核节拍以及无伤大雅的合成器流行乐风的即兴演奏。

虽然同样来自瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm)的双人电子音乐单位多不胜数,但能够像The Knife这样有条理地制作音乐、拍摄短片自然并不多见。发表过两张专辑以及帮Stina Nordenstam、Jenny Wilson等艺人担任歌曲混音,并以一首Heartbeats掳获Jose Gonzalez的青睐;多次拿下瑞典最佳音乐组合与音乐录像带等等奖项,今年更受邀为英国BBC Radio 6担任两小时的演出嘉宾,The Knife在今日的瑞典音乐圈中可说是锋芒毕露。第三张专辑"Silent Shout"已于本月15日于瑞典当地先行面世,而欧洲及其它地区则得等到三月20日。取自新专辑的首支同名单曲Silent Shout获得先前为Heartbeats操刀的导演Andreas Nilsson制作音乐录像带。为配合新专辑的发行,兄妹俩不但换上音乐录像带里头的乌鸦装扮相,并更新了官方网站的相片。根据Olof的说法,新专辑"Silent Shout"将是一张探讨黑暗与超现实主义的音乐作品;他们甚至还将录音室搬迁至一所中世纪建筑的旧教堂地下室。过往The Knife的音乐题材经常便围绕在黑色病、女性或两性主义,甚至是动物与生态学等议题上头,数度远离城镇至乡间的废弃工厂取得音乐素材,并对制作音乐抱以高度的坚持与不妥协态度。作为一个synth pop或electronic音乐组合, The Knife的音乐经常令人联想起Royksopp、Chicks On Speed甚至Siouxsie Sioux、Mutsumi Kanamori(MU)等人的名字。带点gothic与techno ballad的阴暗曲风仅管听来诡异却处处叫人吃惊。除了制作音乐,The Knife并成立自己的音乐品牌Rabid。新专辑"Silent Shout"如上述提到,是一张探讨黑暗与超现实主义的音乐作品。歌曲Silent Shout的出色synths键琴与electro节拍、Neverland的阴暗低回、亦或We Share Our Mother's Health的Chicks On Speed式electro groove,皆能透露出The Knife受80电子音乐的熏染。女主唱Karin的声线有时逼近冰岛天后Bjork的诡谲凄迷也教人听的喜出望外。专辑中长达六分多钟的The Captain仿效德国早期电子音乐的简约作风,并搭配上兄妹双人的扭曲歌唱听来虽不出奇,却有着gothic式的阴冷气氛。Na Na Na的浩瀚Synths音色,对于不爱跳舞音乐的乐迷可说是一部静态欣赏的电子诗歌。喜爱创作音乐短片,The Knife的影像作品风格亦十分强烈而突出,2003年的"Hannah med H Soundtrack"专辑便是在这样的前题下所完成的一张唱片。

by Heather Phares
A brother and sister duo hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, the Knife takes inspiration from vintage synth pop and forward-thinking electronic music, crafting a sound that is equally unsettling, playful, and beautiful. Olof and Karin Dreijer formed the Knife in 1999 and worked on their music in their home studios, releasing their first single, Afraid of You, in 2000 and their 2001 self-titled debut album on their own Rabid Records label. In 2003, the Knife was nominated for two Grammis, one for Best Pop Group of the Year and one for Best Pop Album for their second album, Deep Cuts. However, the Dreijers boycotted the ceremony, sending two people in gorilla costumes to protest the dominance of male acts in the music industry. They also released the Hanna Med H Soundtrack later that year. In 2004, the Knife began work on their third album in unusual locations, including a former carbon dioxide factory and the vaults of Stockholm's Grand Church, before finishing their sessions in a more conventional studio. The following year, José González's cover of the Deep Cuts single "Heartbeats" (which was from his 2003 album Veneer) appeared in a commercial for Sony's Bravia and became a hit, earning more acclaim for the Dreijers outside of Sweden. Early in 2005, the Knife performed their first-ever live show at London's ICA, appearing with Rex the Dog (who also did a remix of González's version of "Heartbeats") and playing in front of video created for the event by artist Andreas Nilsson. His work also appeared on How I Found the Knife, a DVD/CD set that included all of the band's videos, short films, and remixes, which was released that summer. The Knife and Nilsson teamed up again for the video for the title track of the group's third album, Silent Shout, which was released in early in 2006 in Sweden and that summer in the U.S. (by Mute) and U.K. (by Brille). The Knife's darkest, most ambitious work to date, the album featured singles such as We Share Our Mother's Health, which included a mix by Trentemøller. The duo played a handful of European, Scandinavian, and North American dates in 2006, accompanied by more of Nilsson's visuals. That fall, Mute reissued The Knife and Deep Cuts.

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