Za Frûmi的吉他谱
2000年,两个叫 Simon 的瑞典人在一起以 Za Frumi 的名称发行了他们的第一张专辑,剧场式的对白和宏大的编排让人们耳目为之一新,自此 Za Frumi 踏上了他们自己的舞台。
Za frumi 的音乐中注入许多新的元素,音乐的创作非常的出色,用中古世纪、教堂音乐以及哥特、巴洛克式的音乐风格个向人们传递着昏暗阴沉的情绪,壮丽、显赫的赞美诗以及悲哀、痛苦的感情。阴暗,幽静。Za frumi 创建了宏大的管弦乐章,轻柔的弦乐,钢琴,双簧管以及悦耳的竖笛在键盘背后悠然升起.宏伟而壮丽的打击乐器,男女声唱诗班等与音乐完美的融合在一起,形成了独特的音乐形式。
专辑讲述了半兽人的领导者 Uglakh 及其族人史诗般的冒险历程,随着音乐的铺展,一个个场景生动的展开在眼前,由丛林中的祈祷,族人的探险,到发现擅长音乐的矮人族,再到与吸血鬼领袖 Ismael 的战争。从专辑取名 Saga(英雄传说) 就可以看出来,这里的半兽人不再象欧美大片里凶狠野蛮,而是一个个有血有肉有组织重感情的英雄形象。Saga 系列没有传达晦涩的理念,只是简简单单的小说式的情节。音乐未取艰涩与华丽,节奏简约,但没有一处重复,安静,却一点也不枯燥。笛子和鼓营造出了一种古老而宏大的场面,遥远天地的回响一层层荡开去。虽然没有排山倒海的听觉轰炸,但是在不知不觉中已经悄悄被吸引,这种音乐,毒药一般,一旦喜欢上,就再也拔不出来了。
相信所有的奇幻迷和黑暗氛围音乐迷都会喜爱上Za Frumi的首张专辑Za shum ushatar Uglakh.歌曲讲述了一个北欧大森林里兽人部落的传说:一些年轻的兽人勇士奋力反抗欺压统治他们部落的吸血鬼,历经磨难,遇到了萨满教士,侏儒,狼人,人类,吸血鬼.发生了许多故事.最终它战胜了敌人....
Za Frûmi is melodic mood music from a dark fantasy setting with two branches (series). One (the Za Frûmi saga) centered around a wayward group of orcs, and their adventures in deep forests and mysterious castles. Deep flutes, rythmic drums and atmospheric ambience combine to grant enthusiasts everywhere a unique experience. The other (Za Frûmi Legends) which are very film-like instrumental dark fantasy music.
Influenced by the Uruk-Hai and their language, the artists started the project now known as Za Frûmi. 'Za shum ushatar Uglakh' was the first album from Za Frûmi (2000) and was quite different from the normal fantasy inspired albums out there. Using theatrical dialogue and spoken entirely in orcish (Black speech), the album tells the tale of a clan of orcs caught in their struggle against a mighty vampire lord. A translation of the dialogue is included in the booklet, so those who do not know orcish (and most people don't) still know what is happening and what the orcs are saying as the storyline progresses. One year later (2001) Za Frûmi released chapter two of their Saga titled 'Tach - chapter 2' and the story continued about the clan, this album was recieved with open arms by the fantasy, black metal and ambient scenes. That was also the year were Waerloga Records was born and Za Frûmi were the first band released there. 2007 the third chapter in the series was released titled 'Shrak ishi za migul' (Gathering in the mist) and Za Frûmi go all the way.
After the 'Tach - chapter 2' album Za Frûmi released an instrumental album called 'Legends act 1' (2002/2003), a musical journey through the legends and myth of Za Frûmi. True dark gothic instrumental fantasy music! Another branch was born and a year later the second instrumental CD was released under the name: 'Legends act 2 - Vampires' (2004/2005). Inspired by two vampires.
4th of july 2008 was the release day of two new Za Frûmi albums in the Legends series. The albums are both digipacks and has been worked on since the summer of 2007. Both albums have been given OUTSTANDING good reviews. The two albums are:
Like a suprise act Tom Bombadil’s Collectors Will release book CD album with the title "Barrow Wights". The album, which comes with a 24 page book have songs from Za shum ushatar uglakh, Tach, Legends act 1, Legends act 2 and two exclusive tracks written for this release only. Released MAY 2008 Limited to 1000 copies only!
On Februari the 1st 2009 the grand release of the monumental Za Frûmi box simply called "The Box" was released by Waerloga Records in only 100 copies! This concist of 6 hours and 23 minutes of music (all Za regular Za Frûmi albums and a "Special" CD with unreleased material and alternative versions), the old booklets, a new booklet with 20 pages and a Poster. The box is hand numbered and signed by Za Frûmi. Picture of the box cover can be seen HERE
Simon Kölle and Simon Heath of Za Frûmi also have the band Abnocto together. They are seperatly involved in these projects: Atrium Carceri, Musterion, Apocalypsis Cum Figuris, Morteneck, Krusseldorf, The Children Are Watching, Dorf Unit, Knaprika, Sojobo, Alvskugga and Volstoj