
共有 240 个艺人
B. Fleischmann B. Fleischmann(Bernhard Fleischmann)

B. Fleischmann是1975年出生的奥地利人,擅长使用简单的设备,通常是一台笔记型电脑,以回荡着空间感的电子节奏和些微的电脑合成噪音,制造出充满德国风味的极微简约科技电子音乐(German minimal techno),重要的 ...

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Blank & Jones Blank & Jones(Blank and Jones)

Blank & Jones的艺人档案

在Trance音乐界当中,鲜少有人能像Blank & Jones一样,在出道至今近十年的创作生涯中,接连不断地构思出一首又一首的舞池国歌。名列全球百大DJ之林的 ...

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Buffalo 77 Buffalo 77

Even the very best bands must first emerge from the most humble of beginnings. Here is a snapshot of a couple of years past: it is a cold winter's night, and Jay Leighton and Pete Ainge are driving ...

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Big Brother & the Holding Company Big Brother & the Holding Company

Big Brother & the Holding Company的艺人档案

在《Cheap Thrills》之前,Big Brother & the Holding Company这只乐队根本就属于一只二流的稍微有点名气的地方乐队,只在旧金山地区有着响亮名声 ...

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Bow Wow(2) Bow Wow(2)(Shad Gregory Moss)

Lil' Bow Wow在1987年出生于美国俄亥俄州的首府Columbus,刚学会说话的时候,人们就发现他说话总是很押韵和有节奏感。在只有六岁的时候,他就开始了自己的说唱生涯。他的说唱风格在为听众表演的时候,得到了Snoop ...

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Balance Problems Balance Problems(Brack Cantrell)


Balance Problems是Brack Cantrell的艺名,来自美国德州。专辑的封面来自德州的美丽日出,Brack ...

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Ben's Brother Ben's Brother

A United Kingdom based band named after the founder and leader's older brother, Ben's Brother formed in 2006. Led by Jamie Hartman, who is the band's principal songwriter, the band ...

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Bob Evans Bob Evans(Kevin Mitchell)

Not to be confused with the U.S. sausage magnate -- or American country star Jimmy Dean, for that matter -- Bob Evans was in fact the solo alias of Kevin Mitchell, ...

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BT BT(Brian Transeau)

Brian Transeau-发展历史 很难 ...

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Brett Anderson Brett Anderson(Brett Lewis Anderson)

suede的主唱、词曲创作者以及首领。本名Brett Lewis Anderson,1967年September 29th出生于Haywards Heath—一个介于London 及Brighton.间的小镇,Brett曾经形容它是:一个暗藏着暴力的可怕地方。—他 ...

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