
共有 121 个艺人
Ethan's Bucket Ethan's Bucket

I often get asked where the "bucket" comes from? and many a theory has been produced! but in reality it was just a name my sister used to call me as a child.. no secret meaning behind it..


0吉他谱 1粉丝
Ethereal 77 Ethereal 77(Ulrich Schnauss)

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Electrypnose Electrypnose(Vincent Rybicki)

Electrypnose, the electric hypnosis, is Vince Le Barde's multi-flavored musical project.

0吉他谱 1粉丝
El Pele El Pele(Manuel Moreno Maya)


0吉他谱 1粉丝
Electro Sun Electro Sun(Nadav Elkayam)

Psy-Trance DJ from Beer Sheva, South of Israel

0吉他谱 1粉丝
E-Mantra E-Mantra(Emmanuel Carpus)

Emmanuel , born and living in Romania, started making music since 1999 under the name Mystic Mantra, making techno, acid, and trance. In 2000 he began the project E-Mantra and started making goa tu ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Eric Harper Eric Harper(Eric Lee Harper)

0吉他谱 1粉丝
恩田直幸 恩田直幸

恩田直幸(Naoyuki Onda)是和平之月(Pacific Moon)唱片公司旗下双巨头之一,尺八、筝、二胡和合成器、西洋乐器相混合,绝不会将各种声音的“色调”牵强地混杂在一起,一支曲子里只使用一种乐器,确定一种音色,通 ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Exoplanet Exoplanet(Oscar Thomas van der Knaap)

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Ethereal Pilgrim Ethereal Pilgrim(Roman Pavlov)

“ETHEREAL PILGRIM”是俄罗斯音乐人Roman Pavlov继之前的“Rhythm of Mankind & Nature”音乐项目后,于2010年新启动的一个音乐项目。童年的Roman在钢琴课上就显示出作曲的才能,音乐学院毕业时就已创作了20个音 ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝