
共有 411 个艺人
J.Burney J.Burney


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Jean-Frederic Neuburger Jean-Frederic Neuburger(Jean-Frédéric Neuburger;让-弗雷德里克·奈布热)

让-弗雷德里克·奈布热1986年生于巴黎,如今被认为是他这一代人中最重要的钢琴家之一。他八岁便开始学习钢琴,在艾米尔·纳姆夫的鼓励下,很快便对作曲产生了浓厚兴趣。2002年,他进入了巴黎国家高等音乐学院,开 ...

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Jean-Claude Pennetier Jean-Claude Pennetier

Il commence à étudier le piano dès l'age de trois ans et entre plus tard au Conservatoire de Paris en classes de piano et de musique de chambre. Après ...

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John Two-Hawks John Two-Hawks

John Two-Hawks is an Oglala Lakota Native American musician who has been performing professionally in live concerts since the early 1990s. He sings and plays many instruments, but is best known as ...

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J. Valentine J. Valentine

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Jerome Holloway(2) Jerome Holloway(2)

Jerome Holloway is an American musician. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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J. Dash J. Dash


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Jassa Jassa(Jassa Ahluwalia)

Jassa (born 12th September 1990) is an actor, singer-songwriter and presenter. He currently presents Art Attack on Disney Junior and is writing his first album, with producer Richard Darbyshire, wh ...

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Jimilian Jimilian(Jimilian Ismaili)

Jimilian Ismaili (f?dt 22. august 1994), bedre kendt som JIMILIAN er en dansk sanger af albansk afstamning. Jimilian er signeret af Flexmusic og har udgiv ...

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Jonathan Visger Jonathan Visger(absofacto)

Band Mason Proper's vocals, guitar and keyboard who also create experimental pop music as absofacto.

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