
共有 87 个艺人
Never Shout Never Never Shout Never

Never Shout Never是美国一位年轻Acoustic Pop歌手开始创作音乐时的艺名。他的真名是Christofer Drew Ingle。出生于1991年2月11日。Ingle不仅会唱歌,还会写歌、弹吉他。 在2007年9月,Ingle通过互联网第一次曝光。 ...

18吉他谱 1粉丝
Nikolay Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov Nikolay Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov(尼古拉·安德烈耶维奇·里姆斯基-柯萨科夫)

Born in 1844, Rimsky-Korsakov studied the piano as a child but chose a naval career, entering the College of Naval Cadets in St. Petersburg in 1856. However, he continued with piano lessons; in fact, ...

13吉他谱 1粉丝
Ne-Yo Ne-Yo(Shaffer C. Smith)


Ne-Yo(原名Shaffer C. Smith)出生于美国Arkansas州一个音乐世家,自幼生活在一个单亲家庭,被母亲 ...

11吉他谱 3粉丝
Nuno Nuno(Nuno Bettencourt)

Nuno Bettencourt生于北大西洋赛尔特拉岛上的一个音乐世家,这个家族在岛上因其音乐修养甚有声望。Nuno是十个孩子中最小的一个,他满四岁时与家人移民到了美国。家庭中至少从祖父一代开始就几乎是职业音乐家了, ...

10吉他谱 4粉丝
Nick Johnston Nick Johnston

Nick Johnston的艺人档案

                                        & ...

8吉他谱 13粉丝
N.E.R.D. N.E.R.D.

自从1997年之后,The Neptunes就先后为Babyface,Janet Jackson,Britney Spears,Toni Braxton,Mary J. Blige,Des ...

6吉他谱 1粉丝
Nick Urata Nick Urata(DeVotchKa)

The grandchild of an arranged marriage between a Sicilian and a Gypsy, Nick Urata is known to the world as the soulful singer and front man for the band DeVotchKa. Based in Denver, Colorado, Urata ...

5吉他谱 1粉丝
Norman Blake Norman Blake(诺曼-布莱克)

by Kurt Wolff
Although he is proficient with a variety of stringed instruments, Norman Blake is famous for his acoustic guitar skills — he was one of the major bluegrass guitarists of the 70s. ...

3吉他谱 1粉丝
Naudo Naudo

西班牙指弹吉他大师NAUDO生于巴西,虽然身处音乐世家,但却没有在音乐学院里学过一天吉他。NAUDO的指弹吉他以改编见长。经过他的改编与演奏,把很多经典的外文歌曲变成了悦耳随意的吉他曲,给听众带来轻松写意听 ...

3吉他谱 9粉丝
nothing, nowhere nothing, nowhere(Joe Mulherin)

Joseph Edward Mulherin (born June 4, 1992), better known by his stage name Nothing,Nowhere (stylized as nothing,nowhere.), is an American singer, rapper, and songwriter.
While the music composed ...

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