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San Holo(Sander van Dijck)
荷兰知名DJ、音乐制作人San Holo原名Sander van Dijck。2015年他Remix了Dr. Dre的《The Next Episode》,并在YouTube上获得了1.75亿的超高播放量,也因此跻身一线DJ。San Holo曾通过Spinnin' Records、OWSLA、Barong ...
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Simone Iannarelli
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Sean Harkness
Sean is a musical Artist and guitarist living in the New York City suburb of Jersey City Heights. He composes music for solo guitar and for small ensembles, and accompanies many singers, mu ...
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Steve Baughman
这位说得一口流利汉语并自称为“包夫子”的指弹演奏家,是美国凯尔特风格吉他的著名代表人物之一;也是将Clawhammer这一班卓琴的古老技法应用于六琴吉他之上的领头人物。他早期曾在台湾的酒吧里以弹奏吉他和班卓琴为 ...
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Sam Pacetti
Sam Pacetti is one who brings it all together. A fingerstyle guitar wizard. A deft songwriter, capable of haunting depth and wry humor in the space of one song. A impassioned and ecstatic vocalist, as ...
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Steve Tibbetts(斯蒂芬·泰伯特)
Minneapolis-based contemporary guitarist whose urban-landscape fusion is looked upon as a totally original approach to sound. After a somewhat steady period in the 70s and 80s, Tibbetts started releas ...
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Sandy Bull
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Stevie Hoang
英籍华裔Stevie Hoang现居英国伦敦东部,身兼作曲/歌手/制作人三职。他11岁即跟从父母学习钢琴,自幼就展露出众的音乐天赋。他在大学一直主修音乐,为以后的音乐之路打上坚实基础。之后一直为英国的一线歌手写歌,才 ...
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S O H N的艺人档案
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