
共有 17 个艺人
Ulli Bögershausen Ulli Bögershausen(Ulli Bogershausen尤利·柏格斯豪森)

Ulli B?gershausen的艺人档案

                                      &nbs ...

57吉他谱 71粉丝
Us3 Us3

Full Biography :
Us3 is the brainchild of London-based producer Geoff Wilkinson. Formed in 1992, alongside production partner Mel Simpson, Us3 rose from the ashes of 2 previous incarnations. ...

1吉他谱 1粉丝
Ulisses Rocha Ulisses Rocha

Ulisses Rocha,一位感性敏锐的吉他高手,同时也是一位才华洋溢的创作者,更是拉丁美洲第一间流行音乐学院-UNICAMP的首席讲师;醉心於吉他演奏的Ulisses Rocha,曾在无数国际知名音乐节演出中大放异彩,足迹因此由巴 ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
U-Recken U-Recken(Yaniv Ben-Ari)

Psy-Trance project by Yaniv from Haifa, Zychron, Israel.

0吉他谱 1粉丝
U-Nam U-Nam

U-Nam, the guitarist with a memorable name and an acrobatic, soulful and sweet melodic touch, with “Back From the 80’s” has crafted music firmly rooted in funky smooth jazz but cr ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Unique(2) Unique(2)(Unique Zayas)

Everyone has a story. A journey they’ve embarked on whether they knew to call it that along the way or not. Unique Zayas’ story would start out something like this: Perseverance, determination, ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Uwe Kröger Uwe Kröger

Uwe Kr?ger的艺人档案

Uwe Kröger [?u?v? ?k?ø?ɡ?]1964年12月4日出生于德国威斯特法伦州的小镇汉姆,他自幼喜爱音乐与演唱,早在学生时代便加入了学校福音合唱团。1979年,他 ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Ulf Söderberg Ulf Söderberg

瑞典祭祀黑氛团Ulf Söderberg乃是CMI旗下Sephiroth的分支,至今出了三张专集。Ulf Söderberg对神话、宗教仪式、庙宇遗迹等考古文化有着浓厚的兴趣。 ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Ulrich P. Lask Ulrich P. Lask

0吉他谱 1粉丝
Uminski Uminski(Philippe Uminski)

Philippe Uminski grew up in Nérac, in the south west of France. During the 90’s he went to Paris and founded Montecarl, releasing Quatuor Sonique. As a solo artist, he released his his ...

0吉他谱 1粉丝