by Jason Ankeny
A long-lived British hardcore band cited as a key influence by artists including Metallica and Anthrax, Discharge was formed in 1977 by singer Terry "Tezz" Roberts, his ...
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我们该如何看待上面的这一段宣言呢?一张恐怖份子的宣战通告? 一番精神病患者的痴话呓语?一次法西斯主义的借尸还魂?对我来说, 这只不过是DEVO这帮幽默感超常的科学家给上级机关的一份工作报告。 DEVO的成员,由 ...
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Dagoba(舍利塔)2000年9月成军于法国,由主唱Shawter、鼓手Franky、吉他手Izikar和贝司手Werther四个年轻人组建。03年的首张专辑就在法国圈子里引起了不小的轰动。今年签约著名极端金属厂牌Seasons of Mist推出了更 ...
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自1998年年底出道以来,Doves似乎一直摆脱不了和the Verve、Radiohead等团相提并论的命运,这一点可能跟他们都是九0年代窜起的摇滚乐团,以及他们作品都带著点忧郁的气质有关。从另外一个角度来看,这样的比较也相 ...
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DAMAGE PLAN是原潘多拉吉他手DIMMEBAG DARRELL(已故)、鼓手带领另外两位金属乐手新组的乐队。可惜DIME英 ...
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Diamond Head(钻石头)
by Ed Rivadavia
Diamond Heads history is certainly among the most peculiar in all of rock. One of the most remarkable talents to arise out of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, the bands caree ...
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Destroy the Runner
by Corey Apar
Melodic Christian metalcore outfit Destroy the Runner, based out of San Diego, CA, became an official part of the Solid State family in June 2006. Appearing the next mon ...
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Germany's Deadlock first came into existence in 1998 but underwent numerous alterations to both their sound and personnel before arriving at a complex fusion of death and gothic metal, topped with the ...
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Danilo Montero
Danilo Montero was born on November 1, 1962 in San Jose, Costa Rica. He runs a ministry called "Sígueme Internacional", where he is the principal director of Praise. He has recorded about 1 ...
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来自乌克兰著名的fast primitive black metal乐团Hate Forest的两名成员组成了这支乐团。
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